2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Publiehed Daily (Sundays excepted) toeing the Colleg eoearat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'FI en: The Inland Presee, Henning Block. Both Phoneso1ta. MIANAGtING0 EDtTORt. F. aloNGELIAn, '01 L. BIUSINESS ItANdAGERa 0. Ii. DANS, '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Elditor, P. W. JONES, '99, T. It Woonn', '00 L. A. It. McDoieALL, 'at E 0.1). tIccoNUTo. '00 E. J. Bi. Woole, TO, L. J. MOcNecOa ,'00, W. it. Iloca', 'colt1, A. G. BnowNe, '02. The subcreipionepieeof1the DAILYnis E2.50 too Ihe cellege yce, withi a reguarocdelivery beefore noneachcldoy. Notices, ceomunicationcs, and other nattler ietended forepulilcatoln mustcbe handed ini ai the DaAILYoice lbeoen 8 p. m., 0r nmailed 10 ehe editee beoae 3 pI. .fatthe day 0reios i hat cionwhichc they ace ecpecicd ta Subscipiloncmay beleftlat e c'DAILY Office, Alcyrscoo, ccolll~e ewsaiende, 00rwih Businesee Mtanager. Subscriersecwill econfee 0 lfavor la lepori agilamply at this officeay flalurecof All cageiialeiiiia catter amiict leoin th~e ofice by401. i. on ti he (lay lprevieous taltha' incwiicc they ace toaiearc. GOOD BALL. GIANTS. Girant, 2b...... 5 1 Patternon, 1 f...511 Johnscn,nns.....5 2 Wilson, p......511 Burnis, c..... 4 1 Bartonmcf...4 0 Beng, 3b. ..3 B Reynolds, r f...4 1 G. Johnnon, lb.... 4 0 11. P. 1i5 350 3 5 1 0 2 5 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 8 4 0 5 1 0 0 2 0 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOBL'S SMMERSHIRTS t ).l' ST' PICES. 'a1 WELL If yea want a Shirt, come where the Shirtn are. Ill, 7 12 27 o113 ]1 Inningso.1..l2 34 5 6789-n. Michigan......0050 0 30 00-3 Giants...-.....0 0 0 20 12 2 -7 Strucka out--By Lehar 2, by Wilson 5. Boson on balls-By Wilson 6. Hit by pitcbed ball-Lebr 2, Davies. Earned runs--Giiants 2. Time of game--I1:40. CUlpire--Grogan. NOTCE.FOUR-rN-HAND ITO MATCH Grand Reception---to our Returning Noble's Star Clothin~g House Soldiers. ae _____________ Halving been appooicnted by tlhc Citiize's Commllittecetii act as mar-1 sliall I tlierefore rcqiicst that a111 civic orgiatli'tons 11111frlaternll societies,olietlher ini iinifortn or iit, withi or'without regasliao 0s lmay best 011i1 thiiselve, itha thic embhlemis or badlgcs lertiiiiing itlii'eir ordler, 00 fair asope2111r: thalt lll ianids of city, ill bicycle iorgwiiz/ations ll Ccil0_ S 0 .LCa . K.. .Z... & f K..1T studentslo aid all chiiilrenin lithe hplb.-lIMP'ORTiRS NJ) ASNa OAM0.RlllS cii lie c olis; citiacii oniifiiot aiii citi- zceis ini cariiages, antd everylboy-.x.1 'IIlaLMICAL and 1'IIYSiIV.L APPOAJIATUS. shail havec a pile'n linelo. All1 or- IVICUtOSCOPI C FINDIlNGS. l-Jeadlslarte'l's for -ill Laborkn- mc' caaacia1Ic 000 0015Sol~lies 'Varsittq Flags a Close Game Against notice of thcirintenl~ltionalitoitrniot, the Columbiani Giants. totie 10eiii, thaitlarranlgcements mally 1111 ilcol oild agregaitioniicalleil the hoe1111110for oc.igtnicnitto 1iositiion. Ciil imiiiilim nts 11 toiik iafall out11of'Also takeliotice, adivii'e aslto cdatc' liii 'a 1i110'yesterday toi the itiiie'of aniii(heelf thie par'adc oolich l iiilbeo a Tih. 1le aliwsviyroc11 give0n1 lt ls carly' ai momenit as i o,.Ih aewsvr ls p toIhe e ihth whben theGiiantosbglewnliosibleb. tosov La ehr'scl deliyanil latteil I. SOucs. ('lilef Maislial. no'al. Thle Ciants arc a pr'ofessional Class Schedule. tcam ii a veiiiileli pXagaiO11 ~insllt 01011e0 Tim followinig is the class eclieci- if tho bosttIcamis in thic countryctc 1111 1110 shoiiniig iiiacic he 11Aalr- '99 law' vs 11 dcct, Satuirday, ally' yesteridayis cciry' encouragilig. 8:30, May 13. Leiitichled the gameli 1111 for the Pliariaco xvs. lioiiicals, Satucrdlay mtitplart ketlitilie hits atll scattered.1:0Ma13 In te min le ws wll sppoted A. A. H. S. vs. '02 maedics, Wed. comlplintco'iinl~g 10er yeslt'rday's '01 lawc vs. '00 law', Thulrsdaly 4:10, showlbing. Neitheici sc oreil until Aav18 thic follrtli whein three hitse 01d1ati 'b9 lit vs '00 lit, Friday 4:10, errio gave 1110 Giaiits two runs. 111)' 10. 'Tliree Michiigani m11011rossebd the '01 lit vs. '02 lit, Satiirdlay 8:30, 111t10in the sixthi. 'Ilirc leases oti May' 20. lhalle :aiilhlitisby' Scllivain 11111111___d_______Blen-______________ couc Brought abot 111111rosclt andl Sliligain's 0111y',0scbres.a 'Teoiihits ain 111erriir in the latte r . . * 11111 of (lie sixthi gao'e the visitors Rand ivc 11'a I another trun. In the seveitn ath n 1110 coluridboy's ilid notnid thebir ictn iversal as haf lfth intih to 0w111the gamei. FO NTH G Tefeatiires of tlie gaiieO wrro e FRtOTIN 111nic1k mharpi fielcldigouth(le Giaints aiii the excell'nt 0011110of thie 'ar- By Savingl 25c turchane nhenkn at the following toren. s11)' outfielil. In the secici ininig, McGiiiiiimadeiaulon ilg ruininig rcatchl Macok t Co., GrucoritLcutz, of a fyl whichl wocld otborwuiso have Cutting, Reyer a C Co., 1t. Brown, beeia gooid for fciur heags. Tim horse Staebler & Co., Grocerico, 'Vin. Arnold, play' anal coachinig of tlio rolored EberbacbhHardware Co., J. J. Quarry, team proveldlhighlyamsing~l to (lie Seabolt Bros., Grocerieso, Anton Teufel, salll crowd presoent. lihe score: WVa. W. Wetmiore, G. H. Wild Co. E. V. Hlangsterfer, J. Laubeimgayer, ABB ; P..A C. F. Pardon, H. G. Lodholz, Mattescen, b....4 1 0i 2 0 2 300 Coup~fosEel the Allan. Sullivas s... 0 1 2 2 0 You can seeadeam:ieheobokt Qarry's LunC . ,.. c 1 0 6 1 1 Drug Stoe. Blencoe,r f.... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Snow, lb..""".""2 0 1 5 0 1 If Your Bicycle Needs McGinnis, o f..2 0 0 4 0 0 jais,1f.....2 Dviesif . 2 030...0.1.T FleslarTb. 00O 0 1 BE REPAIRED, Taylor, 3b......2 0 0 0 0 0 Lehr, p.. .". 1 1 1 0 5 0 Go to BIERMVAN-9S, 27 3 4 24 8 6 W. S'aShtflgtoji. IaterGoII6ulate Bureau o01 cademic Costume. COTRELL & LEOONA'RD, AAN vNN . Y Calis,Goliacie.11011flouds niade to order and ientod. Aloo Class Coiies, 0C(las111110 cod Calps, Clas Collage Pis. Address W0. C. 5KERN,'Wesatertngen~., ( lamt.,'ttMnseu,'a Ut-,ac . o Ciiago. NEW STEEL Tho crectest Perfectisot PASSENGER yet altained in Baat~oan- SPEED, .s ''- Equip.me00,AristictFus- COM FORT ~-- nishing,. Decoration and ADSAFETY. > -', Efficient 'ervice. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Iooecl,iacofelc ol'.aaca" .isci . 2, ~s f a l ccci lc'ascdicnteresa. Toleo, trit ad N 'uk f-u , a a cclDETROIT AND C[[VELAND 11toacSsEc, "cTE c00c"cc. 0 Ch? eselanch, beths, 5. c, C trot *.5 b,-ti c'c mi t'iriatrs'c ar ic a e a nd,.c Put- in.- Bayl l '. 'lac Tainc ra' 1 c I tsc :. atS t.- Returnc., ia,,arlui,,cocMea adBrisoca , 1cc'o"'- and Toledo. North ,V hc It ~ i ate Ctl l t ,,,.. I.,a'i 5,I. cim rcIc lamay :'frth ac, coci TanCtms 'e'.ellt CollliiaItioll (for' Lady ianid M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. 3 t :, , , , ., ., ,, ,5 Phone11s No. S. 119 Wtest 'wash t-toll Street. $5.00) 1001 Teruuo of 12 Weeks PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Privlahe Lescons by Appointment. Boll 'Phnne 246. !; oeIf y011 want a nice black or tall hoe han-swd Soe7Itt $3.007X~3.50,$4.00 We 0guaranteesaifcinnevr ILIL'S SHOEIO REOII . anWarbirtn St