2 Published Daily (Saadays excepted) daring the Cotlege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ')FesvI: The tnland Presse, Henaiag Block. Both Phoaes 147. MANAG9INGA EDITOR. F. NEIAen, 'Ot L.. BUSINESS DIANAGER. 0. Ii. lMANS. '00 L. EDITORtS. Athletic Editoe, P. W. JOESx, 19, T. Ri WeeaasW, '151L. A. 0. McDoUGALL, 'at E G. D. HDecerec.'e1 E.. B. "Wexe, 'Co, iC. L. NIsLxo, '99, C. D. FOOLe, '99, L. J. MONTOBEa'a, '09, 0W. ii. RICKEY, 't0 M, A. ti.iBRaWN, 102. The sabsceipionepiceeeof the DAnI iota.0lee the cellege year, with a regular delivery befere aoxn each day. Netixes, coemeunicatione,ad ethee mattiercintended tor publicationcmset he THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 1 Overture ho "Die Meistersinger,". .......................................... Wagner 2 Hymn to St. Cecilia .......Gounod 3 Aria, "Farewell Ye Hills," from "Jean ef Arc".....Techaikowaki MISS ANDERSON. 4 Aria, "Vision Fugitive," frem 'Herodiade,............... Massenet StG. CAMIPANARt. 5 Requiem ...................... Brahms (a,) Peno Andante. (b1) Moderato, in modo di Marcia THE COROAL ONION. 6) Two Movetuents from the Suite d'Orcheatre ..........Moszkowski (a) Theme and Variations. (h) Perpetual Motion. 7Prologue to "Pagliacci,". . Leoneav ailo SIG. OAMPANARI. 8 Motett, "Gallia," .............Gounod DA1'S AND)ERS'ON, anE CHORAL. cNION, On- CHSTRA AND ORGAN. SPECIAL EDITION. Nothing Better THE Can be foreished than what we : INLAND PRESS are now puttng forthoi hoc way of Hot Weather Drinks at ANN ARBOR Spiecial cooling applaratusand oralr eerythineg new, clenoand)at- i o tis rcie J. J QUA RY Z BLANK-BOOK MAKERS Campus Drag Store. Iccls O~ COLLEGE T NT mailed to the editor beforeO3 p,. no f the day' The Inlander Issues a Special Feeti- COLUNTRdY, prevcios to thnt os which the) ae expected t 10P pparcal Number.L OVER Subscriptions eay lie left st the DAIooRofticede'SMK Moye's, or Stoilletesiewstandi, or witheliness he siecial editionofteIlnrSMK Manages. Subscriiers will ciinfereaavrby 9 ' o c l rieportinglicroiptly at 19this fce any failare of tise o r thle say Fesietvalill be All chanties in sin.oniienmsattermst ie in paedo' al 2ay' h nme che office biy 4Sp. m. on itie day prceioiis to that contaicisiiuiiiy intercestiiig articles if ,vlitri~ Oii GPP owhich thintaee to aUecar. reaidinig tatter', ani ciiiilie a very I ar pretty souivetiir of.thiis year's Festi- ___________ eMV~Vvol. There is ta very interesting arti -___________________________________________ _____ cle on '"IHowcthe AIav IFestivai conic to lie." Thec article tarts with the FRESH-- - '9CHARE of 111110Isasietihenthe Choral U' l iii ndthe Strawberry"t,1 lx Ds.s Ia ~~lc'ii~. .Sociality tiere tlie tiriirepresentattive Siaie stiiudents halve a persistetit a very vivid aiccounct iif the chalnges Pineapple ~ jj habit ofmiakig a ni'wpaerou the wchliohtaUuteorgn iatiourisn N camps. ndoutedy 2Ishot cu isof the Maiv Festival. the iquickest cratt o'each alecture 4" ThelucFtitre of AMosic ill Am) rooiii, hut it disitracts great deal Arbir" is tolil in a clever anid conciseItO oleaeBH aU 1 aem6 otu . friiiii the bieauty' of Ithic etallpu. Ifimaitter, and tth' bihtest hlies ttrecne~lclt ueu TRa I ~~ue the B~oardl of IReget houiiild bituil 0 entrttiieifcr tile (hurthier advtiucc. IGOTRELL 0& LEONARD. 111h i tkti icevr 'rn sttietInep oif mcii. While thtis isshte isAcoN.Y inane ah afolii'thteic' own'ttcotvt int a senise hattmtsical ttitmibirs it cion-Catis, Gowns, and Moods made to order and rented. Alsoos eiehice it wodriilcequiire iinly a shtort tahinsOtmaicy other ittecesticgcantdcchn- Carea, Class ants actd Capa, Class ('ollege Piln. Addrens trinel to lutive a ('cilenttavetutcot'.- N1. C. KEENt. 'Waeen age'., l T terlaulitgtiecles. lHaskellMlise ssni, n'. adf(Clikago ericig the thleic Ctihls. We liol e thait tiethait iwill hetalbandconledl hy' Class Schedule.- te studentsi. The following is thte class seltecid-rn Ua'~S? IUSPJk. ic Thue ittiitil cotteert of the May '9lc s 0lete:tthly, O S I F o A A Festival will ihe given totuighinu 0 a a s I if ' 1 1 U~niversity Hall.iTe lprevious s-h :3, a 13. S ~l atra EWSELThe GrealtPest rectise tivtui' Iave heeti praitictally abo artitacsEvs.Rluoccuyehtataainrilay Boat STEE aloe10:30, May 13. STtEAMEdRSe.at se adiverse criticisti, atid frotth ie tinert- AA STAsES tructian : Luxurious . Airo toko lt rit h i~l . . . .NS. . 02iehlics, Wed- SPEED,.qimnAritcEr turoswr o h ritswowl esday 4:10, May 17. COMFORT W . ishingt Decoration aed ap~ipeai atthtis year's c hthert, there ',lavvs 0, l ' Ir.ihs AN10 DecSAFETY. Effcient tervice. y't hOltl itit1t ht hsla ay 18. '' To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago ttill he far lire entertaining thtan '99 lit t , 00 lit, Friilayvr4:10,Igoothie Lieoferanoramaiof.. 16 mil~oe~s of eqal oairiet adinterest. Alt May 16. sc ep . Everyies naytie c ands t ee _______-'01 lit vs. '1)2 lit, Satureday 8:30, Toledo, Detroitaed Mackinac 1is lle [TROI D T AND 7) CIo ie,.., . LAND 1 'The report tual there tilil he a eiti. Moy. rn ETnaSer, "Tees coo." IiihtIET ethSe ld s$1.50,'Is;a o ad cutotudi iarkeil out t iluc Athletic _____LO____________________R c, ATESto5.. etnrsg ies k~I.5isscsanO Put- in - aay Erl7is ins.,,.c f~o . 'l pins IEs, Sout Field cmee tt'witlh tte apt rolht of tll Amae ss,los fronCeelandss Zi5s.At e!..i.rnom ol o thcease, f ,.i,.i io 1 ittetet i ut tlletics. 'I w is hats e- a -e-ss.sTole,.a e16..15;froi.Dtit i.ss13-..oi.~iibrp laudnO~~ouy er n}yt ieut tueededl for a lolhg titme, clto 111'Rad L Send oe. hocrIlustratedh Poaiihlet. Addrss5..tsi St.'ct ' for thue cliss tettus,bhttatlso it trill liRan iid. . ataec.e.s 'enence tuuu j bl llhllIek!() ( ~i({ aid a grobot deal it thue 'Varsity brocae- _ IA Tonights Concert. Tite flst a'ioh'c'rt if the ci xlthai.I- uuil flauy Festivtulcwiii ue giveit to- uieslutini v iuersity Hall .l'ihis ciin- cert will coinsist of suolccwork liv Miss Sarta Anudersitt,5shopranto, atn1 Sigtnoi' Gitnseppe Camtt ari , b~c aritotne; Miss Andersoon tas a gretat faviorite at festivals last year because of thus freshntess tutiulcharti of her v'oice, atud thue sitmpleniess of her mrantnet'. Al- thiohughsite etntercd the ranks ohi thee festival artists butltus yeiar atid cwith- out prestige, site i-senowc one of the favoritea of tite crotwds cwho ananually attenid these great tmuttical evenuts. Of Sigetor Catapatuari it eteed bitt he said that he is otte of thueInost popu. ltr artists ever etugaged leere anad is 'etucti here is eagerly awaited wilS 'ach sucneedintg Festival. Tonight's rogratm followo: vlIvuI bcu FOR NOTHING (Gent) '1anemns for teittbJy thel( 1011 By avngDFproas Rheoka at e~t.' Rate';). a cr5ab5' the folowing stores. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. Mack A to., Grunsr S& Lute, Phioncs No. 8. 119 West 'Wasiigtoit Streect. Cutting, tReyer e& Co., H. Birown, ______________________________________ Staehler &e Co., Gosceries, Won. Arnold, Eherhach Hdardware Co., J. J. quairry, SCHO L. O DAN ING Seaholt Bros., Groceries, Anton Teufet, GRA N ER'S[T1V W. WT. Wetmuore, G. H. Wild Co, 55.00Itern Torus of 12 Weeks. E. V. Hangstsrfer, J. Laubengayer, PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. C. 1'. Pardon, B. G. Lodholz, BOO Coupons get the Atlas. I Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell '.Phone 246. Youscan.see and oxam ithe bohateuarry's DliagShores. If Your Bicycle Needs I I Manufacturer of ICE-CREAM. I Ito Special attention given to Sadists, TO BE REPAIRED11 31 Societies and Picnics, on Short Notice. G toBIERMAN S, Both IVY Quality and Prices Guaranteed. W. Wasshtugtol. Bt Phones. 110 Soutl Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich.