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Michigan Takes the Second Game!
of the Series.
Thanks to Guy Miller, Michigan
won from Illinois yesterday by a
score of 2 to 1. Miller's magnificent
pitching held the visitors down to
three hits and in the tenth inning his
three bagger brought in the winning
run. But in the main he was well
supported especially after the fourth
inning when the team took a decided
brace. The game was remarkably
well played considering the wet field,
a drizzling rain falling during most
of the game. Seven errors are re-
corded for Michigan, but with the
exception of the two made in the
first innintthey were not disastrous.
Illinois played a splendid fielding
game making but a single error.
A good sized crowd was in attend-
ance in spite of the threatening
weather and more enthusiasm was
shown than has been seen at a base-
ball game for years. At the close of
the game the crowd rushed upon the
field and bore Miller off on their
shoulders in spite of his protestations.
Illinois scored its only run in the
first, Johnson, the first man up, hit
a long fly to Davies who tripped and
fell just as he was about to catch the
ball. Lotz hit a grounder to Sulli-
van who fumbled and Johnson crossed
the plate. Ilitnois had men on bases
almost every succeeding inning, but
Miller always rose to tie occasion and
not a man reached home. In the tenth
the visitors came perilously near to
scoring. Lotz, the first man up
struck out. A dsit made a clean
single over second which McGinnis
failed to stop, Adsit going to third.
He attempted to score on Fulton's
fly to McGinnis, but the latter re-
trieved his previous misplay by a
magnificent throw home cutting off
Adsit ten feet from the plate.
Michigan made its first run in the
fifth. Davies, the second man up,
made a clean two-bagger and Flesher
not to be outdone, followed lils ex-
ample, Davies scoring an earned run.
Flesher could get no further than
second however, the next two men
beistg easy outs.
Tige climax came in the tenth.
Flesher flew out to Wilder. Matte-
son was sent in to bat for Rogers and
drew a base. Miller sent the ball
far out between center and right and
Matteson trotted home with the win-
ning run. The second game for the
Western Championship had gone to
Michigan. The score:
A.B. 5I. R. P.O. A. E.
Johnsonc.......5 0 1 4 1 0
Lotz, ss..........5 0 0 3 2 0 It wcill be a Surprise in Manj
Adsit, lb.......4 2 0 10 0 0 Resects.
Fulton,2b..........4 0 0 3 3 0
Hall, r f..........4 1 0 1 0 0 Though there has not been very
Fleager, 3b....... 2 0 0 2 3 1 much talk about the 'Varsity meet
Wilder, ef........4 0 0 2 0 which will be held Friday afternoon,
MCollump...3 0 0 0 2 0
Weinham,1f .4 0 0 3 0 0 it will probably be one of the most
.- - - --.- interesting meets which has ever been
35 3 1 *28 11 1 held here. The track team this
*1 out when winning run made. spring, like the football team last
Innings......1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-R. fall, will contain many new men.
Illinois..........1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 These men will make their first ap-
Michigan. .0.0.0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2 pearance in competition at the 'Var-
Earned runs-Michigan 1. Two base sit meet.sThat they will do well is
hits-Flesher, Davies. Three base hit-styset.T
Miller. Bases on balls-By Miller 4, by a foregone conclusion to those who
McCollum 4. Hit by pitched ball- saw the team which Fitzpatrick de-
Sullivan. Struck out--By Miller 9, by veloped last fall. He hasgiven much
McCollum 4. Time of game-2 hours, time and care to the track candidates
10 mnutes.- Umpire--Watkins.
NOE minutes. U i- An. this year, and we will undoubtedly
NOTE5 00 THE GAME. shave a good team.
Huff, the Illinois coach said last Several records will probably be
night: "Michigan won the game broken at this meet. It is certain
fairly and squarely. Her errors were that all the old men will excel any
not disastrous and her hits were of their former efforts. The new
bunched at the critical times. Miller's men of course are a sort of untried
splendid pitching kept our hits down quantity. The DAILY predicts that
to almost none. I regard him as the the local records will be bettered in
equal of any college piteter." the jumps, hurdles, quarter and half
mile runs, and in all of the weight
Ex-Coach Watkins umpired an events.
excellent game and gave general The events will commence at 4:15
satisfaction in spite of the fact that o'clock, which will give those who
he had many delicate decisions to attend the Choral Union Concert am-
make, ple time to reach the field between
. ithe time the concert closes and the
The effective rooting did much to athletic events commence. Though
wi the game. The yell-masters did the athletic meet will be held late in
yeomen service and there was a con- the day, everything will be run off
tinuous stream of yelling during the promptly and the last event will be
most of the game. At the begining concluded before six o'clock.
of the tenth the crowd streamed out The admission has been reduced to
to the sidelines it spite of the rain 25 cents for everybody. Formerly
and went wild when Miller banged the admission has been -higher, but
out his three bagger. ladies were admitted free. This
year, on account of the increasing
In spite of his being obliged to use interest in athletics which the co-eds
a new and unused glove, Lunn are showing, it is thought thiat it
caught his usual errorless game. would not affect the gross receipts to
Snow made a beautiful catch of a fly reduce the prce of admission, but
far back of first in the third inning; make everybody pay. Whether this
w.hile the whole outfield put up a experiment is practical will be shown
nice fieldisg gme. by the attendance Friday afternoon.
Ts l Theevents and entries follow:
.This afternoon the colored cam- One-fourth mile run-Teetzel. New-
pion team, the Columbian Giants, berry, Thompson, Beebe.
meets the 'Varsity. This team plays One-half mile run-Hayes, Anderson,
a very fast and snappy game and Pride, Blain.
hits the ball hard. Lehr will prob- Mile run-Hatch, Ferris, dle, Conger,
ably pitch and the rest of the team Keeshan.
will be the same as usual. The game Mile walk-Odle, Norton, Dow, Brook.
will begin at 4:10 and an excellent Pole vault-Runnels, Adams, Keena,
article of ball may be expected. Houghton.
_____________High jump-Hloughton, Flournoy,
Ex-President Cleveland Gets a Pro- Armstrong, Tryon, Wren, Adams.
Broad jump-Houghton, McLean,
fessorship. Runnels, Russell, Adams.
Princetsn has received an aeos. ammer throw-Avery, Cooper, Caley,
y- Juttner.
mous gift of $100,000 to endow a Shot put-Avery, Cooper, Caley.
professorship of general politics. Diszus throw-Avery, Jones, Cooper,
There has been a move ever since ex- Caley.
President Cleveland left the White 100 and 220-yard dashes-Thompson,
House to permanently attach him to Westphal.
the Faculty. This seems to be the High and low hurdles-McLean,
chance that the friends and alumni Ayers, Fishleigh, Bjork, Fedderson.
have boon waiting for, and it is said The officials who will run off the
a formal offer has been made to the meet are as follows:
ex-.President, and that he will accept. Clerk of course-Junius B. Wood.
Assistants-L. M. Turner, Joe Burs-
A ne ceent alkis binglaidley C ARiegelman.
SA new cement walk is being d Staters- Keene Fitzpatrick, Dr.
from the law building to State street, Rabethge.
and to North University Ave. Timer-Sid Millard, "Abe" Groes-
beck, Dr. Rabethge.
Columbian Giants, best ama Scorer-W. G. Cotterill.
tour team in the world. Athletic Judges-y R. Effinger, Dr. McMur-
ter tay rick,arnnrouncerafts,-H. B. Potter.
Field today, 4:10 p. m.Anoce-.BPter
A.B. B1. R. P.O.
McGinnis,ac f..3 0 0 2
Sullivan, s s.......4 0 0 1
Blencoe, r f. 4 0 0 2
Lunn, c...........3 0 0 10
Snowib. ...3 '0 0 85
Davies, i f.........4 1 1 3
Flesher, 3b.......4 1 0 0
ers, 2b........3 0 0 '4
Miler, p.......4 1 0 0
*Matteson........0 0 1 0
32 3 2 30
*Batted for Rogers in the tenth.
A. E.
1 2
1 1
1 0
2 0
0 1
0 1
1 0
1 2
4 0
0 0
11 7
Up row.
stateo St.
Down Town
Opp. Coors t1Hos
Min s.