THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 IF you want exclusive shapes, and not the styles the rabble wear, here is where you get them. We make it a point to furnish gentlemen's hats of high quality, such as Knox and Stetson's-not imitations that can be sold at 50 cents and up-Thus insuring you exclus- ive shapes and styles that you will not meet every time you took around-Hats that are not common, and worn by every-one regardless of age, sex or previous condition of servitude. It takes quality to carry the Goodspeed label. 117 Main Street. MlGtlIGflN 6ENdTfL, "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRALI STANDSARDI)TIME Takig Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mailoxand7Express;...........3 47 P.Ai N. Y. Sl oston Spxeial ....... 4 58" Fast Eastern ..............9 43" Atlantic Expre..............7 45 A. Al. D~etrit Night Express........ 5 55 Grand Rapids Express .......11 10" Mail&S.- Eprss. ........-8 40 A. Boston. N.Y. & Chcano ........910" Fast IWestern 1Express .....1... 01.I 8 Pim G.It. & Nal. Express..........5 45 (< to Night ixpress ..........5)4 PactifiExress.............1220lA. si. (.V. lRUGtGLES, It. xW. HATES. G. 1. &T. A,'t. Cicanol. Ap't Anna Arbor CORRECTAN STYLISH TAILORING. We operate tlte finest tailoring tradle in the city, and etiual any itt the State. We respectfully solicit your vatluedl patronalge. All gtrmaents made(1( by its kept pressed and i i reptir for on1e yeitr. 1061 E. Uturon. 'NearState Phlonue 43 THE $5100 GRAPHAPH ONE TALKS, SINGS and PLAYS 11(1 same s t hi lil(r-(rIed SMachine.. and(1 USES TILE SAtIVIE EORDIS. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 1 14 AV. Liberty St. 0.I M.MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR I . ., .,, r , i T _ :_. ,.1 1_.,.1 z 4Ti(e10 sill he 11 meetintxoth(le The seniior eixglllerltg 011 ltsi Embalmng a speeialty. No. 2(091S. 4t. iii emioriail commilittee of:(lie elass of its phoog~raiphltakent yesterda~y at tlie Ate. Aobtulanc~e night intd dar. Br '99 totighdt at 7:30) ill the Treaisurer's ionual place in frot of (lie engioner- ideoce 30)2 F'))ifthAxe. R ,1L QA~3,. ' (0irce, Univerisity isl tt oeon ferewith ill(hibiling. Most of (lieomembhers a ctiiiittee appointedl hy the G. of1 lhteclassiaott fifty, also tile TIME TABLE A' otetitr thle eiiinexiig fieuiy laing loieir1t, Stay =1, 1891). A t Tri laeA nArbolr by Central 01tand- Crtn xIIt i 0 r iS 11 y 1 uhuno...l; ,i a 01r01 011101 Te.ii ChalolsentCogieit 111:0: sup.T he ork was dune I t;.1 Ii...( N.II .-..(exclusisve (If (lie D I) i . - edu 9:521. t1125511A eai t o . i. 91a ~ Il'le, htA 111(1 Inntothe, Afrxi AVAN 5 -Tw ilchetftt{r i(1, y .Arn1old'i ' 4:6 . 'N. S;101-. (9, ' '" *y- ' Jef'ele 9(1(101(01B111,S. C. 1. Bolllea, Jtti- esextitecotteet.I Add~ress M. A., U. ____ (II (1111(.11 11(21(11(1Toeledo wid I (ettowelelllgon)1Csu)n-II sxT5 h OlyFull Line of da-c. crr1:nct l ~l0( .1(Iains d tL(y e(1 ea(((undy. You iareliereixy challeungedto a Lo t (oltotf Sennxett's Matine P . rt.~i ttl , A,,ent. laoItlgne1 h leIa ll tiy tmilElgines 'ad~ 108 11.11. IameVto tpe placeSatu5daMCy a 1 Lowney's Chocolates F oTk.,ov ,YPSILANTI & ANN AR- , 1.wil9e(11 C'Eolitctago.wlI l111 (ll :111(itiIIn the City. Itist Received by 'tif 6asl iliei Ilao 4 A. J. MAC O own. 1B0R4RAILWAY. ,e i~xl ttotmeitrl ~ Cars oeaveAnn Arb~or for Ypsilanoti atnyttf the ttnismsta itcltoil 1th(le PaulhMoses, '1)13, tao retturnedI 1 338 So. State Street. indl Detroit ev ery half boar hegiooing official edilttoial 11age f the said from11 a oshort periodi of recreatioo at ____ at 7:13 atti. xi. 1. of T751. rleaes1 ity puMicaion T t leets.1 Htall, Detroit,eery nighlt tfter '(better.pxlesit.____ Speial 1. of A1,. ctro (or all extra oc001-: Unlesthis challenige is accepe~td -O R P O O dons. Baggage, express and Stutdents' fby Monday, Maty 15, 6p. in., tile 'Pie Anti AxrtttiMuitcCo.t have a OU HO O suxpplies received] anld deliserexd. Wait- D1).t~x will clalixalihe lt. $2 Vaolh1trn andinfii, alightly ... A R E.. 117g rooms0, coroter of Ann ant i mn Atdtress Spoxtriing Etditxor, used, tha~t thley toller fxtr $12. 1I1have streeto, Ann Arbor, IIll Griowold street, U. OF AT. ee.noes111c1101 altxe ill mnidtlinso. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH Dletroit. --__________________TH E CHIAG BerySntu dio tolAr", Eentucbber, the jjbotogvapher. 1 I12 West Huron St. ,tli5 j W 11CrtateiPhni , Li rig tYaiiahtiFast rain ,iisnakerit possibieiiori youiiti tiPke brakas~it in AA r,i In-~t Clars Dining Caren rouite. Yout'eaxe Ain Arbor;ox r rite St. 1,051(0, (6:25 1i.i.; .Arrive Cticago N 3;0011 . .;Kaiioao City 7:15an.Oi- Fast Timre to Orsaha-Or050One N(lobS Oat. H 'it>e CitifflifittIl luittted, At suplerbx fast traini, xmagniftcent service, hetsweenm Detroit 111111st. ois,oahicago, Nia~dgxaIt 1al11, Bu~ffallo, Nexe Yotllsand Botlon. Free Reotlliing Cha1ir Carsonxo7 All Trainso. Yxtu will go honte for vacah- tion sooxn-better write to oo for a new 7 folder of Waha~lb trainls. Fi. A. Pm1xIsi EZ, A. G1 P. A., Chicago. C. 1R. C ANNE, (G. P. S ' . t. fLouis, 3Mo. tR. S. Gan~ixuxooti), t.P.A. ticnan d Ain Airbor.l O hio C e nt ral ILi nes a THE DIRECT LINE TO I3owling Green, ANaitt, Fiktohlsy, Athems Colutnts, titileiptott, Indl " Shmrhtstoii, W.V.,t. Cotlmbus tralias use Lake Shore Union I Station at Toledo Through trains witht Sleeping anod Drawinig Room cars froin Detroitti andTl~ oleido. MOULTON 110CR CGeneral Passenger Ant. Y 1HH1THt51014H llMZXtZZtt111l1I0P .1PO1P2010001llTZXZo1 ZZ1 1111O(0 1-iPO1 T.ZZZZZT"Z ZZIOBZlllP.'t Spring ant) Sum1mer Stock Cc Runsset Loath( ALL STYLE The uric; Ann Arbor Stor FACTORY: BROCKTON, MASS. NH A. G. S PALDIING & BROS. 1=V1 I anATHLETIC GOODS. M ~ G 77 lotu.1 tfittersxlltol t. leaigcolleges FORw;scos .ensid athletoic tus of the country. 77 ITir to iaidhx iieg I r is dden by liar AND C ternxexxxxlieiA.A.A. A5. hutoxpilons, 1112 '7 Llt lliI ln.ellege rders.. very Ihexi- W A90177 sil ogriSaBa ll."I" fod bral,(11 1 ol, Texoas, ..N7 Athletics, tGymnasu1m11. 77Spalding's Official League Ball NH Is th fiettcix al l ofI xl(( Natitonal la 77 and alll thel.%incolxeI~tge assoel(Iti1Is. Handl~somxle tal(IIpgue 1fAtltillSports I' r ee Ito aley add rese ;otllhlete. New Shadeo of Tttnt and SadhI3', Otelal ilt I.1 idxlx10 er. Controlledl by 1u0. 7NA. G. SPALDINGI & EROS., Nie 'nrk, Chicaxgo _ ' AThe Hocking Valley Ry. -... /OnilyJLinre HavinglUion ]Depots in S 3 ®5 0 H BthToiledo andlumbuis. NO TIANSFElIS TO ANY POINT1. f'o . 3 ou Trains Between +Q a H Oe ' o hu Above Cities. VJ "~ Rates alwayso the lowest mid accom- ire 10 Eat Huon S. 49modationsth(le best. rea Coo 0HEatsHronSt.For particulars call on local agents, or NerCo Hue~ address L. W, LANtiDMANV, Gen'l Trav. Agt., 617 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich aGoodyear's Drug Store You can get COVER GLASSES at 55c per doz. and SLIDES at 40c per gross