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October 14, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-14

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I aI'r 4

VOL. IX, No. 17.





Y You May Have
f Forgotten'
+ -On-
The one you have may e worn out,+
and you may want to repilacet.We+
Halv thernalnl inssp-to-d atet e.*
+ Our lineafIDrarggisatsSudriesis+
+ 330 South State Street.
House. Hot and cold tuches
at all hours. Chocolates and Ice
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and
Tobacco, and lull line of Smoking Sup-
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO.
308 So. State Street.
Complete outfits even to
Knives and Scissors.
Our Price is Bottom.
Just at this time we wanteverystu-
deutttovisit our Bookstores, whether
up town or down town, we want to
get acquainted with you and invite
yea to make ours tocet yatr rendtz
voot. We are Bootiseltert to tttc
UnviasEITY,and can offer secial
low prices on second-hand boos for
every Depastsnent. We can supply
all yourneeds and at prices guar-
anteed. Alt kinds of Second-iand
books bought and sold.
Up Town Down Down
State St. Opp. Court House
Sala Street

CORRESPONDENTS. Sigismutd Sanger, of Toledo, has
the Toledo Blade and also one of the
Sketch of T ose at the Unioersitg Cleveland papers. He graduates
ofl Michigan. from the Law Department in June
and has been iterested in these
For a number of years there has papers for some time.
been n attendance at the University Besides these daily papers men-
a good sized corps of correspondentt tioned, there are several who have
representing t e leaditg dailies of representatives here to send items or
the middle west. To some it may special "write-ups'' from time to
seem that little transpires here from time. It is probably true to say
week to week of any interest to the that there is not a single paper in the
newspapers of our large cities. But middle west that does not receive
the fact is that news from the Uni- tews from the University of Michi-
versity City is much sought after tan from one of a great many sources.
and forms no iteonsiderable part of
the news of this state. This has Senior Lam Election.
been so recognized that some of the The senior law class held a rather
large daily papers of Chicago and stormy election yesterday morning.
Detroit have maintained correspond- Wires had been hot for several days,
outs here for twenty-five years back. especially with regard to the presi-
As a rule, the correspondents have dency. An interesting feature of
been students at the University. the contest was the candidacy of the
Many of them have undertaken the only woman in the class, Miss Frank
work for the remuneration to be Gray Shafer, for this office. A vigor-
gained, but more have done the work ous campaign had been conducted int
primarily for the sake of the practi. her behalf, as was shown by the
cal newspaper experience it afforded. number of votes she received on the
The present list of foreign corre- first ballot, and by the number of
spondents is a particularly able one. ballots necessary to decide the elec-
Nearly every one has had several tion.
years of newspaper experience and There were 211 votes cast on the
understands in detail the needs of first ballot, and as 106 were necessary
his paper. News is not always so to an election, no decision was reached.
easily obtained as some imagine, but On the second ballot 207 votes were
requires shrewd, diplomatic methods east again, resulting in no decision.
of trained reporters. A short sketch At the end of this ballot, Mr. Malloy
of some of the correspondents follow: withdrew, leaving the other candi-
The Detroit Free Press is repre- dates to fight the battle out. On the
setted by Frank S. Simons. He third ballot, John Edward Eagan, of
has held this correspondency for Excello, Ohio, received 112 votes,
nearly two years, resigning his posi- giving h im the election.
tion as assistant managing editor of After the presidency had been de
the DAILY to take up the work int cided, a considerable lack of interest
1897. He is now in the Law Depart- was manifested in regard to the other
msent, having graduated from the offices. Only the vice-presidencies
Literary department last June. being decided. H. B. Draa, of
The interests of the Detroit Tribune Adrian, was elected first vice-presi-
are looked after by Ira A. Campbell, dent; John M. Haverty, of Pittsburg,
1900. Mr. Campbell is also an old Pa., second vice-president; and A. J.
DAtY man and has had considerable Sawyer, Jr., of Ann Arbor, third vice.
experience on a paper in the northern president.
part of the state. He has held the The other offices will be filled at a
Tribune correspondency since last future meeting of the class not yet
May, taking it up upon the resignation definitely announced.
of Leonidas Hubbard, who accepted Oratorical Election.
a position in Detroit on the staff of Oratrical Essction
the News. The Oratorical Association held a
William Charles is correspondent meeting last evening and amended
of the Detroit Evening News. Mr. the constitution and elected a secre.
Charles is perhaps the most experi- tary vice R. W. Means, who did not
enced of all the correspondents, be- return to college this year.
ing for two years on the road for the The amendments were simply a
News and for two years holding the supplement to the constitution pro-
position of city editor on a paper in viding for the new conditions attend-
aistee. Mr. Charles expects to ting the consolidation of Oratorical
follow the newspaper business as a and Debating Societies.
profession, so is availing himself of The principal changes were in giv-
the work while in college to aid him ing each of the literary societies a
in preparing for his future work. representative on the board and in
Carl M. Green, '99, represents the mnakimg the class delegates elected by
Chicago Inter-Ocean and the Ohicago their classes separately rather than
Tribene. His sork cosists, for tht in the open meeting of the associa-
most part, in reporting athletic events tion. J. A. Openheimer was elected
for the sporting department of those secretary of the association.
papers. Mr. Green was also at one To Address the S. C. A.
time one of tie editors of tte DAILY. Mr. Herbert St. John, the travel-
R.B.,htter kmownmt as "Pat" ling secretary of the Studentst Vol.
Riley, covers the news for the Times- unteer Movement, will speak at New-.
Herald, of Chicago, and also does berry Hall, tthis evening at 7:30
special work for the Record. Mr. o'clock. Everybody is invited wheth-
Riley expects to go on one of the er a member of the S. C. A, or not.
Chicago papers when he leaves col-
lege, so finds the work most congen- The ''99 girls will hold a caucus
ial while here' His class is '99, this afternoon, a4 o'clock in Room B.


Debating Societies.
The Senate of the Literary De-
partment will meet for the first time
this semester Saturday morning, at
9 o'clock, in the south wing of Uni-
versity Hall. Most of the members
of this society have returned to col-
lege and the prospects for a success-
ful year are bright.
Although the society was organized
only last April, it has held many in-
teresting debates upon national sub-
jects. Parlimentary law was also
given considerable attention in all its
meetings to the instruction of all the
members. The debates take the
form of discussions upon bills intro-
duced by different members, each
representing a certaim state. At
most of the meetings last year, the
question as to intervention in the
affairs of Cuba was discussed and
plans for the organization of our
military forces considered. It is pro-
posed to consider present national
problems this semester.
The menbership is limited to the
number of states and territories in
the Union, but at present there are
several vacancies, which will be filled
as soon as possible. Every one wish-
ing to jolt the society is requested to
attend the meeting Saturday morn-
The Adelphi Society holds its
first preliminary in the Central De-
batimg League Saturday night, at 8
o'clock. The programme is full as
follows: Music, J. L. French; Col-
lege Men in the War, J. Evans; De-
bate, "Resolved, That the United
States should build and maintain a
navy much larger than at present."
Affirmative-Messrs. Dudley, Ring-
oldski, and Hurrey; Negative-
Messrs. Harrison, Slater, and French.
Those imtending to enter the second
preliminary are asked to be present
at the meeting Saturday night.
The Alpha Nu Society will hold a
meeting in its hall Saturday night,
at 7:30 o'clock. The programme
presented will be: Impromptu,
Emerick; Thanksgiving Prophe-
cies, V. D. Wells; Debate, 'Resolved
That the Commercial interests of the
United States demand that we should
actively support England in China.
Affirmative --Messrs. Corwin and
Reynolds; Negative-Messrs. Bar-
bier and Kitely; Speech, Ohlinger.
The Jeffersonian Society will hold
its openimg meeting of the year to-
night at 7:30 o'clock, in Room 24.
A programme of Music and Oratory
will be given.
The Webster Society will meet
Saturday night, at 8:00 o'clock, in
Room 24, University Hall. The
programme is not yet announced.
Tennis Tournament.
Results of yesterday's games:
Niles beat Jernegan, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4;
Ashcraft beat Wherry, 6-0, 6-4;
Gore beat St. John, 6-4, 8-6; Les-
ter beat Williams, 6-s, 6-3.
The matches to be played today
are: 19 a. m.-Niles and Montgom-
ery vs. Wilbur and Felker. 4 p. m.
--Ripley v. Gore; Niles vs. Mac-
Neil; Lester vs. Earl.
The first number of Wrinkle will
be out in a few days.

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