THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 t PffP~1-P~f~fPPf~f~f ffNff ~ff~f~PPiffff~fff~fff~fffP~ff~f P~fP~f~fff~fff~ff+4+$ H E TIO* HILDEBRAND, H E~TIO~ 44+4+4+4+4+4+*P*.e.4~+,4+ *+++f~P++*+*++*+*+4PP+4+*+4+*+.+4*4+PPfP~fPPPfP~fP+++4PfP+++++ MIGHlIGRN GFoils "TeNaaaFlsRoute." CENTRAL STAND)ARD) TIME Taking Ettect Aug. 14, 1898. GOING EAST. ?Nia nd Express . ........3 47 P. 1. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 58 Fast Eastern ............9 43" Atlantic Exprecs..........7 45 A. X. Detroit Night Express..........555 1 Grand Riapids Expressa.........X110 Mail & Exprecs...............50 A. h1. Bso.NY.&Cia........InFast SWesternt ExplesS.........1 38'. DI. G.lR. & Ital. Eooes ....... 54' Chicago Night Exnpress ........943 PacifTicEreTs............1220 A. St. 0. 5W. lRUGGLES, 51. IV. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ac't. Chitcago. Ac't Ann Arbor Its Time to begnnThe Corner Candy Store, * ~North of Quarryns Drog'Store. B icycle Question. Tetnders a ktind invitatiotn to nll wishing fresh goodn at rennonable prices. l.unches Youtill Fini alte19Les- ait all hours. Hot Eoffee and sndwichen at Colutnbias, Ratmtblers, W. S. PARKERS, 315 S. STATE, Stearns, W%-enle3,s, Sterlinigs, ALARMT CLOCKS, $+1.00. sol ollets otT. OF M. PINS, 50 Cetnts. PineoWatchlRseairing aSpecsialty, Dr,, J. L. CHAPMAN, Browl' Ttr. 0 otih Mai treeict. i Ii CALENDAR. President Angell hias beentiniet ''VI'"? 5 Wediiesday,11May 10-- Varsity vs. to adldressi the SeconidiiIntetrniationll --- - Illhnoisit a t eets Field. Counicil of Conlgregationallists 11 in sts-i 's t'! !Ef09 C 1 1111199 Mal' 19-Fintais in lliu toil tiext Septeimbeir. TIME TABLE ICcaito, tas secuired vIr AsAto l elellaS A Lsborstori Accident lhi oi t 1iiion of getieral ill rti1 ltr sit 0111 leaveyA trArbreby tntralurntd-'l"Ii artc;itoiillliiiiit ft ii il e1 1011rk tin in te h mca te U o Cntrai 0101 10110 ,l 'Ti'e~lephn Co. NOtil RlTHtsli i 0 111 tl ed iiw l t ith liiidivcrtyi. lleao t . , . s 1A'tl Petict t , 9( 1111 1 d his ha.dDo h0,ii, I). 1) . OETPOIT, YP iILAN i '.1ANN bA r ned by .)niaD i denltfa911 exptltiosio o itiephultaiiiiie. 11ilooe f'tr l~oa, 4:56 LWt'" itMr F ict iel lcaed lserinte lrcit the lte i at ly st t'uri o I~Ie z n Arbofr oit ontitt ( ill oti]didodcotfatrn1111 liaii trill cc tdtl totiWt every lioifdtiow egi n nig li tis .I ,e~ii ist the l ivttesiii(r dotlllirl.i fla onlyi. ii .o It w eot iy -~illlatt of 01h 1111ci neni. ll oth Ietrt, snedv ~erygtpt Lr Thoaer.I T1 33 . D C~al. . Dt.t S.iigr Eics U f9 . ro Uc i lOeirAnca t. ioFakset iiga1011iti s.1 io .;ns T. ig ,.prooA. c Sllllis .colirynk In il ,0c , andt'iofb h111111 solen Alr\tSudeinicA(o, Aror DoIliTPo ri ved cSIA dlivered. A - 06-i9t-tiie it)AIc Ysotfs llthe wniver t i s 2 mthebir. Illhlloctorl aslightl stret, An rbr, llGrtwod tretth Suay. llt'kMr. uiisl ocaed ucrtiveii aticsite inta cityi. itstis 5 go Cateavl ueechete AnAbrfripiat ll anidtfor '99hean il. e -al eroit, ever1nit afters As'heatesr. Detroit Luef rpm tuc lc ile ieocok n uhvle nm nois En t PlontoOaM6o ne 0obet it_ (.Wa as st Trais sn eit ossi ble F ORrA N n1 er iSt l and ologlileot servicest- 7 beta 0011Dii t 111111nrot. 1111M(ill . All Irleave Aunn111gArb ome25a.iin I Ar- rielit 1uso-bette , r riveletous Coticanet C.0 ps.CE O.m. .anas Ty . a. m o s-I astLeto. Cnroldh s Pas:1 . i. -4 GoiEoo C ietrl ilieS - AL STYL S $ 3 5 7 betweev DeritganWit,.lss i ,tt a, , N77 Cotia-rbtals, Buifa lo, e ort, and " CluTrbis. Yrn iuelakeohoe non aa wo iE tin s ton-bttun arte toed o e AnnlAror StoeW11b0EasttHronnSt Dai RnS ear fr Nom DetroitP FACTORY: asetONLMaSS. r.NearrolookbyHouse andL Toledo. MUTN00 eneenal Pasnes1 3 5 THE 500 GRAPHAP~HONE 0ThA icsl nus TIALKS, SINGS awli PLAYS The samtec as thehightet-priced II lines tnd USES 11110 A5I. ittRECORD~S. HE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 1 14 W. Libety St. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a pecilty. N. 201) S. 4th Are. Amibulnnce night and day. iRes 3011nc0 '02FitAvAe o 131l111Clocks Win. A !rnold, Ledig The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates In the City. Just Received by rTJ~r'rI~B4 138 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE... PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St StateItPhoe1, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New:r Y,e - (Chivago. ATHLETIC GOODS. tOfficial iotitirs, 01 lii te ladintg oleges Thes Stnsltissg IBiycle, riddenlcth ie lsliireotl,'iiitl A. A. A. . Chatpisti.and al co ltl}tl.ilge riders. iEvery tReqi site tile 1.astBail, FotBltal, G ioli, Teni, Atlicls, Gy lm~ittn 1. Spsading's Official League Ball is thelicia Batlel1o11fithe Ntital Leagae Frece to1lany tiiddrss. Spalditlg' Offlitial Base 11kd1 Guie r19, Ilaret 30. 10Cetis. A. . SPALDING & BROS., No rk, Chcot The Hocking Valley Ry. Onsly tLine Hainisg Unsin1)epotin Bosth ledo andsitoluminbus. NO TIIANSI'EBS TO ANY POINT. _Htr Tr'aims Betweent 3 Above Cites. 3. Raten alwnys the lowest and acom- modations the best. For particulars call on local agents, or address L. W. L.ANSDMAN, Genl Trav. Agt., 617 Wosdward ave., Detroit, .9ich WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.