2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MI[CHIGAN DAILY v Sy 4 * OBERLIN WINS. f J Q I p a~ttuA13. Cntined fromfis t page. Published Daily (Sndays eepted) dring the JUDGES. Clege year, at- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. . DELIVERY %rriE: The Inland Pree, Henning Blck.n Bth Phones 17. Ei o MANAGING EDITOR. ,:0 . NOLESSUME HIT F. EnELAns, '01tL. ARGBE' SMES IRTS BUSINESS MANAGER. C _ ATGEST STYLES 0. I.HAIs, '00 L. , as) n.xs T OWEP'.ST [PICJS. EDITORS. t a. >O{ W RCS Athletic Editor, P. W. JOES, '90, J __ - -- OL T. R. Wonnos, '011L. A. H. HeDoen ALL, 'at E OberlineMOTBE G.D. HoNaro. 'al E. J. B. Woo, TO Long ...,,,.......85 3 91 2 100 1 REA. . L. NIL , '0, C. D. CeOOL, '09, -______- --- - - _ It you wat a Shirt, came where L. J. MoToMr sos'o 0, W . HcKes, 'tO M, WisconsinthSirsa. A. . Bow, '02 Denu........... 78 5 88.9 (i 8 5 CLUBHIR The eubscitio price of tie DILY ces.5 foe IetaFORI-AD TMTC te clege yeya, wth areglar delivery eore " 7 78.17 0, noncc~ a.'Ntcscmuictosad Ega.......70!8.177_ Nobles Star Clothing House othermateintendedforepalclicallon musthbe -- - - - handed in at the DAILY ofie befoa S p. m, o Chicago mailed to the editor hefore 3p.sis, of he day peviosstothalon hich they are pectedlto Iestor.......0293.2 1 85 4 npar. - - - --- -- subsrepti~one macy bh eft 1athe DAIsYOffice,Mfichigen Meyer, orSoflet's ostlad, oe wih Bueines amd 569.83 95 2 Managr. Sshcrierwillofr afavoby Car ..od... . ..7('O 3 rprigprmptly t this ofiee ay faile of ---____ -- - -- - carriers to deliver paper. li9C tG All hages in advetieing" aier masst feeinMinete toffie by 4pasi. on te ay previoseto that Beah .......... 95 1 89.2 4 75 6 onwichv are toeseeer. --=-_- -- - - ___________________________________Nrthwesten Gilbert. 89.... 04 89 5 9 3 d~~mbs- ~SmcofRank....13 122 142 t 12121211 IF5inal Te' Ptaok. e .....1 417 tifle S R .3. S O & C. I. IILES.'RECORD OP MICIGANS ORATOR=S IN It 055Aa AsOCLC5O " THE LEAGUE.__ Wisconsin Records.. .- Michigan's record in the ninelecon- (III6MICAL ande PHI SlCAI APrARtATUS.'' Becaeuse of the comting dual tmeet tests is shiowne bytlie following' 1891, MVICOSCOPIC FINDINGS. 'Headqearters for all Labora- will, Wiscoitsinte iefollowing'recordsoihia, frt; Northwesetern, se- 112. alyS cS.unnprsiees Illds atudaytli~ poveiteeret.ond; 1892 Nothwesterni first; Michi. ___________________________ ________ ing: gal, third; 1893,94 ad-95, Michi- Eiiehthnuldredanhl eihty-yard rn ga-. firt; Wisonsiti, secotd; .8186, IfterOflOiatO Bureau o1fiGadomiG otum. -Stevetns, first; Burick, secotd. Michigan, first; Nortlwester, sec GOTRELL He LEONARD. rimie, 2:122. ed; 1897, Michigan, first; Wiscon- ABAY N. Y. Mile walk-Bredsteen,ftrst; Younei sit, second; 1898, Michigat, first; . Caps, Gowns, atd Hoods made to ordet and rented. Also Class secon~d. Tinie, 2:42?" Northwvestern, second; 1899, Oerlit, Can, Class Hats and Caps, Clas College Pics. Address Mile rue-McFarlandi, first; Cas- first, Micligan, sixth. W. C. KERN Wruterna lngr., Michgr hassecred eve firtHakeli Hssann, lant. oeChcsag, sels, second. Time, 4:50 1:5. Mcia a eue ee iss Two hllndred and twenty-yard a third, and a sixth; Wiscotsin, five -__.- dash-Cole, first; Nash, second; Pick, seconds; Northtwestern, one first, third. Tine, 0:24 1.5. thrtee seconds; Oberlin, a firt, and For a 6U.AfA131? CRUISE tak, the (:Four hundred acd fortyyarddaah Chiago a econd COA ST LINE to M (AC KINA -Beehee, first; Tomlilnson, second; Stra'BsellGm. CO T Watsonl, third. Titmi, 0:56. ' atra'sBelGms. NEW STEEL he Greatest Perectin Discos throw-Stange, firt-dis- i',Beloit, 4; Northwestern, 3, PASSENGER _yTatasdi ntC- tanet, 111 feet 3 intches. Pennsylvania, ; Cornell, 4. SED STEAMER S. srcin: Lxuris .. Hamttmer throe--Stangel, first- Yale, 1; Dartmouth, 6. COMFORT .y'~ nihin, Doeratin and distanlce, 110 feet 4 inchtes. 'Princeton, 8; Bown, 2. ac SAFETY. Eficent Sric. 811o1put-Ed. Cochetns, first- Harvard, 13; Coluniia, 5. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago distanece 37 feet 2 ittchees. Grinnlell, 21; Iowa State, 3. xO tke LIvactT- l'vruo,_uoftu aocl cl ,,ar,.,e derct. igh ljumlp-M\asonl, first; Meyer FuaTris er eetetaerteea 5asl tchi a,,,t, erer secai; Hglestlirdlelgll,~ anttoLean horhad. Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Err ^ ^' DETROIT AND CEV[LAND feet 7 inchles. Certain tiemabler of the '00 last ESOKE, 11H R5n,, AugETTnEosF-trtana50 EB nh Irreia Broaid jetep-'Dea first: retns class ase gttenll ia l etition ad. sw RoA TESiat..et,,;qsn.r ,ePtt a rlicare dsfc ei,a ,tr, Oc second; Cochieis, third-distance, 21 dresseid to the regetts askillg that neaetaie.teti,, . , u5sAll,rt.,. and Toledo. i iawleO.ottvrctstoit fallP j ee.instrnctioti e givenl text year ill rs T 01. p5 oq.re,52.1 tofeet.te bechr. drso tefll WilPole vault-Legge, first; Hymanlsorthiatid.It i15nlesthloght that aSed zc.AforIllstatved,upr. A res, e.Difi airt Nud on~ ! fvii uBllIY second; Coswle, thire-hieight, 9 feet the effort sill amoulnt to anything as 7, inches. the sentiaent atoseg the students- Thlee Womlan's League, at tieir seens to be agaitst the idea. T1anderiisĀ¢ Crescent Comiinltion (fo n n iiieetite, Saurday~, elected the folosw- d~ et) laneitsisfot ret by the hour ing offices totht~e ensuing year: For Pent. Presideent-Anna 1Daley, '09.- L Ii 01'(lay'. Ilates esetable ViePeiet-Loie eesn 1It M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. Rtecording S0ecrtary-Nancy iBent,J LIPihanes Na. S._ 11') West Wi litafl'taStret. rrsodlgSeetary- IFloreneo IATHE.N$ --------_ __- __ __ Trweasre, Jaie'tton1'1 Tresurr-esse ortn,'01 ,j G A. ER S HOOLb OF DANCING. Independent Literary Commttee- ZjIFA.TRE Helen lBender p redertka Gllette, $5.00) ltrtTasatanoat12WXeeks'. ap, Lena lrost, o, Charlotte Fsorbes,~ PROGRAMMIE PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. SooiyComnittee-Elizabeth Rtow . Private Leonse by Appoitme t. ell Phec 24. land, '02, Jessie Hlorton, '0, Edith 1i1 __ __ _______ Wheeler, 01,EdthlbCamopbel, q), Isabel l ____ -- Hatter, 02 il m. nie backorIa Independent Medical Committee- y olwn t1CCI~CL0,fr Elvelyn Scott. '01 h.,fYurB cce1eds S hhl 5}e i hts t$.0,$3.50, si 4.00 Notice, REP elLad $).00, 5cal11 td seeti. Candidates fr '99laeball tearll TORE ED, lG l We guarantee satisfctosn in every soll report at Fair Griounds thils of- Go" to BIERMAN 8 3 respect. Jeno t33. W. BAMNON, CaptXW. 1 aslinngrtoa. RPIL'8StIOF STORE, ZannAbn St 3