4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spetial !Offer! GO TO Stabler's Art Store I WILL GIVE 20 per cent Reduction to all Students The New Werneer Edition Art Novelties and of the U. of M1. on goods purchased -OF THE- FOR Fine Frame Mouldings. at my store. Encycloped ia Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet of printed matter. (Each volume is 11 in. long; 9 in. wide; about 2 inches thick, and weighs aot 5 pounds. ) Can it all go into your head? Not likely! Better have the work itself to refer to whens in doubt. The entire set of Thirty Superh Octavo Volumes delivered upon pay- ment of $1300. SH EEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, AGENTS, 320O Southi State Street. Shirt Waists! set naloe s~ ilt o o g t~hicsat,~e i-atonc' gseood. Dit> s Iacaulor into ,f, by phone, Student's Laundry tgssocitinr, ant. tsorGndandrI sosiy itltit. 20 S. Sate St. Nw'Phote, 41 A TRIAL ORDER That is tall 1 ask fsr iIylan dry Aency. P. C. MEYER, To. \n. 179. 607 E. Willim St. BOYS! STOP! AT TE KINDIGfIKMN FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS HurnSt. East of F. and M.B[lnk. DANDALL, R State Phone 144. Peninsular Eingrat'ing Compan!J, DETROIT, MICH. 217 S. 4th Ave. Phone 173. Salisbury's Dru G ET YO U R RIGS FOR THE GAME AT LAMPS FORSTUDENTS. We call attention Lu our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75e to $2.50 each. 'These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "'The New Rlochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Berlin Student Lamp,""11The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the beet Lamp for the Least Monsep come and see us Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., DE N & C AN ARBOR. MICH. D A O i 3 t JOS. W! KOLLAUF, Foreign ande Fine Domestic Woolens. 214 EastlWashingt~o 5t., na ls iAve ANN ARBOR. W. J. BOOTH,PRES. SUITE W. AiNOso, lt Vice-pow .V HEA dst Ci S VN e JOH. . WAL005T,st.Csicer BRANK Transacts a general Banking IBusiness. FIRST NATIONAL BANK { n ro Capitol, 510000. Srpluos att Profit, 140000 'troantsageneralankcing bsiss. Fortign exchtatge bouoght and sold. Futnoish lettersofo credit. E. D. KINNE, Preso. lHARRS0N 5(5LE. Vice-Pros, S. W. CLAR5KSON, Csohie. Hugo J. Schellinger. Short funeral services weere held at Martin's oudertaking roomssyester day Inorning at eleveu over the re- maints of Hugo Schellinger '99 p. Pather Kelly, (of St. Thomas church officiating. The Pharmacy Depart. ment had heels closed for the morn- ing out of respect to the deceased and faculty and classmates asttendedl ins a btody. A large floral wreath swas sent by '99 p. class anud another tributte by the faculty. After the services by Pather Kelly, a touchitig adldress was made tby DeaonIPrescott of the pharmiacy department. 'The funeral cortege moved to the Anin Arbor depot where (lie remains were placed ofl the south bound train. 'rTho following classmates served as plli-bearers: H. C. ltewitt, Philip Kephart, P. G. Seibert, Carl Metz- ger, G. O'Brien, and Geo. Riogers. Mr. and Mrs. Schellinger accom- puanied (te remaisliotme. Hutgo Schtellitnger swas to native of MlishawtakahId., atid 21 years of age. Previotts to entering the Uti-. versity with '99.ps., itheadspetttwit years at St. Jerome College, Bierlin, Canadtsa. Mr. Schtellinger seas held in htight esteeti by itis clastmates attd seas ttt eartiest tatd ciptable stutenett. His sdeatht is a particutltarly saod otte cotting as it slots at tite very titres- itoldi of graduatiott, atti with thte tccidentalsdrowtinig of F'red Louis Brownte, '99, last Sunautty, chtronicles a daruk woeek in sentior history. Mir. anid Mis. Schiellinger wsh to thatik bothl faculty and students for the sympathy antd many kindnesses shown dsuring the sickness of their soil. Medical Association Meeting. 'Tie regtular mnthly mseetinsg of the SMedical Association will be held text Tuesdlay evening. The address still be given by Dr. Skeel of the College of Phtysician anisiSulrgeons, lcocated at Clevelandl, 0. It is tie siresd thitt ever-y tiemtber of the asso- ciationt le lpreset. 'Te subject of the lecture is as ftllotws,-"Puerpe- ral Enidotectritis, Sottvenir fans weill be sotldl at the May Pestival for 25 cettts a ptiece. LosT-A blttckwtchl fob) with catteo)chtartt. Pindler retttrtt to 702 S. University .Ave., attd receive re- tward., Gun Club XNotice ! 'tere swill be a tmeetittg of (lie Guti Cltiub, at the Giroutids ot th Siti tate street, today at 9 o'clock. All students itnterested art urged to be ottt whether they have beets iut before tie not. Dtr. Gesrge Itebec still address the Bibile chasses at the Unitarian chutrch next Sunday noott, onti'he Book of Job." It goes wtithottt sayitig that lie swill tnake this stubject vet-y itnteresting. Not otily memibers of the Bible classes, buet all oithers swho matiy care to coite still he welcomte. )on't Throw Your alasses no tnatteorwics badly they are broken. We kwav swill repair eye-glasses and ,1 spectacles while you wait, tor lend you atiother pair while yours are being fixed. Nothing but the best materials, expert work- mntnship and honest prices. Eyes Kamined free of charge. Cor. Manoand lHuoon Strtst. Clapitll.850,000. Sttopltts, $a0,000. 'roasactso goenoriltbanking business. R, KEPsPrs. CEGNE~hms, Vticos FitED . ESR. Cashtero Th6 flan M~ror Savings Bank Capital Stock. 60,0000. Suopluts, $110,000. Rescst.81,100,000. Orgtnizunderstooho Geneoul nutting Lawt of thit tet.IReceivetdepotits, tuys soddcolse exchangoeotteprincipal citisoof tht Unitod Statest.tDoaftoscashedtiupontprper soidentificaton Safety sdepoitbts tet OFIERS:ostChristianoMacktPros.lW.tD.nHarri man, Vice-Prs.; Liast. E.niscoco, Cashier. M JttFritzAssistantCasttie. LAMB &SPENCER, 8 THE. Fancy Grocers WVe keep everything usutally kept so as first-clsos Grocery and liakery. Calt and see ne. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Tteatttent f o it' , ltaui- ck1t- in-ads. Etc . aSeccialty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. J1. It. 'ltROJAO'ietst.Pron. 3125. Stote St. PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. T HE MO D EL of State Street is Bras &eires BARBER SHOP If you desire first-class work ted courteous treatment try Goorge and Barry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH IELE nlLLi eto Calts attended usayo Ngh.l No. tilt E.LibertyA Stoeet. Rtetiec t33 Fourth vAe, Phtone 129. SPRINGw OF '99 MILWAR TAILOR STATE ST Springand Snsmer- Make an Styles aro is'. Early Selectian. P , a 1 o -l