4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. iiirLRminn r#° o6 S. MAIN ST., and JOS. W. KOLLAUFs WATER AN'SWe Ws WETIIYI Ef9 342 S. STATE St.,. Cor. William St., CARRIES w}T-iuoIs R IDEA UN IVERSIrY J EXIT BO'OKS, Second-hand and New, Hs eeei ied f Ia n ew a FC~INI AINNote Books and Students' Supplies, of al kinds, TROUSEBINGI I NMO V1 Ur R--.1E1 Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books Best if Wokmuanship. PEN AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES, 114 asit Washiigton St., nieai' 5tiiAve. ' WA aon, 0f5we pros SO Svs =T'T= ITC- =a=7-OT . , ) ic is STAT J A . 11 V. BIIN . Wi. 2d lclai eS VINGS) All arou1nd the wet id. L haveiaded "ii't.tto uccl o inewhoses acin id a gs, a 1iL L11, '. whidichlo,,1w L BANK L V ITransacts a general H H OLE IEYH IBanking Business. ................s- i-i vt+A . 0 1Te.'leon106, 511.0EASiT L~iIERTY ST. C Five Yettrs. FIRST NATIONALBANK O iizd 86 lii WteniniIkeliilleattie hrie.Yae,"' th It al "I iebe natnkeit1.inp '"'ih Ierleeioi tuen We hav the ncaliedWateniaii Lap" If ou wan tin' 1(01 laiiiphtratheIsol'd.l nnCi coni' antincsonf P, which is extenisively aidverise d old Numrn:,t_____ mud hicledthunupcig 44 AIDNplin ho elieve thiat thii'xare gettinig AN N ARB'OR. MICH (.QQot. SlitintindIltitisetit t 11ew 3 ttt'i'iiaiiIdeal atthlisi' rI' ii's- Ca ita, ..x,00. Sailus., 031.010. rase n lY ll'Jre' iii i'i~i1L Entrance Phgsics. 11. .11.1 l iiirt '~e IO l iii orliii'hli 11nOhi IiI'ii C ive pIllihuyercs iianei' a1few ll' onets A 'i F ii riociti o'ti Htn il giilg at.t li lt lio1 1biiii' swiidle that i ini'ig lpe'crp irated tiiliie 'Oliidli1 ()ci, f17t 1 i ll ). no I It ilelo,' tlc '.iC'ri '()Iltlipli I cii ( I I aSit Ot sili''1C011 I' 1" f"' ' IUT1 [Li I fial ab ratry. 111. r 'i.111siie or1 is te0 ,a iii utrthe i sl t IBining, I ties NittlfN 1# IUniversity Boo)Ikellers, Slutioneirs, acid Enigravers, 320 S. State St., Aim iArbor, MIich. Students' Lecture Association.) { 'Tickcets for thue entire course0 are loIC onile10at Wildier's, 00 State St., anil at Go~odyear',on 1 ain St., or! ty m~ay behead111frol tnlstdenlt solic- itorls. Th'le price 10 onily $2.00. Thinkllcof Ihearinlg RILEY For 20 ctsa BOU RKE COOKRA N For 20 cts., INNES' BAND For 20 cts., or "IAN MACLAREN" For 20 cta. Jam~es 'WhlitcomblhRiley xwill 11110 K. 1E. QUTIE. Lossr-O.peii-face gotlditchtliwith F1.. C. Finder pliease lave'.at11)(03 1E. Liherty 1111d1receivensuitale l'rewa'1rfd. _____________ 18 Notice. 'There wi11lIPbea mleetilng iof111alla- didlates ffir the 1900)fototball teaii, thin alfternloonl lt tile GymI, t 4:15 o'clock. A ca~ptalinfor tissanel is1 to he electcil. Vla for the comilg Iclatseletion~. tionled for presideniltia'e1). '..11on's, C. E. Bartliell andlol Ill. Oppeliheiml. LosT.-A hlule lmacOkitoshi dupe. Leave at Stewa~rds odfice or 5ll Hill $1. 18 Jaiies L. Grimles, lot Moline, Ill., Mlligllu gamun 11Chicaigo ontil a111 the aclISOll, It (Granliers Acadeiiy, Saltulrdaly lve.,(Oet. 14. Yo' ire cttridially tnviled. 17 A 1ba111d10isteinlg orguanized at the UnDiversity of Chicaigo. Pres. Halrpler 111s givenl his hea~rty app~lroval tol the planl, andCI Prtif. Ilohils if the Depaurt- mienlt of Physics is actvely en~ga~ged in1 its orlganlizationl, adlilld pr 1ohably bind 1110leader. ButreanuCot Lawit, Washinigton~, .A5 C. lIformaiton per'taiinlg to tlue Lawn of the Unlitedl States, itt the severall states and territories of thle Uniited States, of Fo'treigui Countries fulrnishled 111on1 appllicationu. esJul eo t he rin cpal itieso eUie FSt. antscysedupGroriefcerson s'eI kept oeoret. 1111yk~ti rotlussice re ry lull E. io ahier Cul 3185rtzAssstatae ST STUDENTSPELANDERY ASSOCIT IN. first-classGcrT-ndBar. CallOX hillas been apitii~ed to taike Mr. Illg lellenlher the pla1c where you1 1HE GRAND LAU NDRY, I1place till the enlgine~erinlg fieclily.dull 01110 1110110' 011 sluoe l'epairnlg. OF 05E lrt3I Mr. Grinmes 1s it graduatl~e of 1110 U'Ii- Shloes fixedto ityour 10w11saltisfacetionl. T et ighllpgrade ndytispisthe OSan. 'fhe ~'riy o hlulShites tapp~ed, 50c. aid 60e. lobberonulymacuneomsicuseein IueisIin eWent. Geeajgllyfr ' t_ el G 111Sc rigytrIloteofinishialso given, All workolstly) Genra Aenc fr Ditroit, Phi-i'. 40. ' d ' c B inyorniatly adcareofully dust. w'otNet ok rokToeo aer Nvhi0u y11 ouloett the 1P. O(, liitI Iiftiewl tr t .LvU o .810011,"The Excelsior Ludy C, Ill 121Ni'tll MiniSi.., Operas- littlI el. al t v.,' o .So, hp 217 NN ept FK LAundryO Co -esDjlI t Collars .......... ...............1 Cent 'Pry' the Portlanid Cafe for hoard, Deserve seals for'tile S. L. A.Cso................ first-class, and only $5.00 per week. cou~rse will be 011 sale Oct. 20, 9 a. Shr... .... . . ........8 M1011ls11a(ndIlnches at 1111 hours. (Opell in., at Wilder's 011 State St. anld tu'.itial finls. Silsscinllguaranoteed. Give day an101night. Goodtyear's on Ma~in St. Price 50 cts. Offioe 1025S. Stste s1. Residence 510 Lawrense et. ________________________________________________________New Slate Phone. 441. wlsonbe mlade pulblic. Watchlt hie -en Bulletin Boards.Waemn outn14i ii 'STATESTST.,Tt S LI Ah