THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. "4 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Offer! The New Werner Edition -OF THE- ~iEncyclopoed a' Jos.eW.KOLLAUF, Foreigns and Fine Domestic Woolenes. FRN ' N *"32F~2t ALPINE HAT SALE. TROYAll Shades for 1899 Now In. Call and see them'$3 Hats for $2. D. A. TiINIKER & SON. 214 Eat Washington St., near 5th Ax. ANN ARBOR. W. J. BOOTH, PRES. WE. ARNOLDt, fst Vice-pros J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pro JaOH. WALTt, Asst.i.aier britannica. LAMPSFER STUDENTS, We call attention to sur complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, The Best Reference Library for the ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest amd most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New llochester,""11The Home, the Office, the Library. Yale," "The Royal, ""The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the hest Lamp for the Leasf Moitey come and see us Old Number: N p. 3, 8TRTE 811VINOS BRINK Nearly six feet of printed isatter. (Each volumte is 11 is. lontg; 9 in, wide; about 21 inichtes thick, aitd weighs shoot 5 pounds.) Can it all go intto yoxur head? Not likely!l Better htave the wcork itself t(o refer to whens it dloubt. The entire set of Thirty Superb O~ctavo Volumes edelivered upon pay- ment of $100., j SHEEHAN & COl. University Booksellers, AGENTS, 320O Soutli Staste Street. Shirt Waists ! Wemk secalty of landiaa. them Sit" Student's Laundry Assocition, li ANN.ABORMICH L "I' - Notice. Gnn Club Notice ! There wiii he as electioni of officers 'there xwiii be a mneeltig of the Gun of the Woman's League, for the isext Club, at the Grounds on South Statt year, at the Womaan'o Gyimnasiuimt, street, toimorrow at 9 o'clock. All Saturday miorninig, May d, 5a t 1 students interested are urged to he o'clock. All imembero are sirged 10 out whiethier they have been out before be piresent. LEIA 51. CHIDS, I or not. Presideint.' Dr. Getirge Rebec will address the The . P S.C. . oftheConre-Bible classes at the Unitarians church '1'e Y P 5.C. . f te Cxigre iext Sunday nsoon, on "Tihe Book of gational church wvi lhold a Flower Job."' It goes without saying thai Social, Friday evening, May 5, inlie will make this subject very the clucrebparlors. A iierry timte i5 neesig Not onymciero assuredl everybodlyxwho wxiii comiie. the Bible classes, bitt all others whlo The heised Schedule. maiy care tox cone icxii be xelconme. May 6, Ohio State at Ass Arhor. At Noble's Star Clothing Hosise i10, Illinois atthyaectighepceoTp 1.4, Banmilton Cluh at Ann Arhor. thy ae tii te1xrc xfTp 616, Alhion at Ann Arboxr. Coats, right xweathei, right p~rice, 18, Illinois at Chamispaign. hont you rinoaut. 519 20, Bamiltotn Club at JChicago. "27, northwestern at Ann Arhor. Altaisxitixctxc xeei 30, 'Wisconsin at Detroit. Altaswsin ocmeei June 1. Beloit at Ann Arhor. the iterclass clxamionaixiship series, <<8, Cornell at Ithaca. muxst have their eitries in to tie Iby 445, Lafaytts at Easton. Moniday, May 8i, at 63 p. in. 6, Penesylvania it Philadelphia. _________ 410, Notrs Damixsat Ann Arhor. 10, Cornell xt Ann Arhor. Professor R. Huxdsoix is out of toxvn i17, Cornell at Grtand Rapids,. inspectinsg schools. Algt, . for Urancl f °nndry ettoit. 202 S. State St. Neat'Phaae, 4Sf Psarties havinig rotomas to ren tand A TRIAL ORDER. table boardl for visitoxrs at the May Festival xiii please leave their ad. That s sel I tek ftt dress at the Schiooxl of Mutsic. mny Latandery Ag-esecy. P. C. M E YER, Th e AnntAebort.St. will-slexuio sys. eura:.Wtiiimm ~. ticextsxthedo wingmetetinags tlatie fate Tel. Na. 0 ist-ssity of Michig,'a Museal Festval, Ann __________________________Aibo, chT c 'ickesIton talcMy 0i~i, 11, 12 ad ft.Returntaimitt tay 15 BOYS ! STO P ' ItrainlCovnin ..C A fNrhsl AT THE Stayl24ad 25aRturntxlimitttMay 29. AnnaaaCoaxvtntioa TravelesPrtectivxeAssa. ^ ~taaof Amiat,strntttlle, Icy. T ieattica n KIND RGA TM alte Mtyfla atdit.fReturnlimitMay 21. AnniaatMeetiag Gertman atitsf,Roaaaokae. 'a itketsefonaale Mayt6,19, 2ttind hi. ide- tata littlJane 24. FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS NatienltatpittAnnitversaie, San Franeisco, Huo t astfF. and M. Bank. Oat. Tickets ea tale Mtfy 14, 15tintd ft.Iteftrn Hmm.-n t.EastlimtiJuly it. M~eetittg 05d Order GermaaaBapttsx, tUnioa Brtidget, 1d. Ticetsot asile May It, 19, 2t and i ax. RSttrn aixi JunaeaX2. AFarthaxe Attatl Meteing Oeneral Astemably A N DA LL, PresbyferiatachtutchittUtitied Stathes, Maae- apolis, 3Mi,,a., a at te farefrthiacettouad tip, tlas State Phonre 144.I S4, oeta ty 15, it anat 17, xwixtharetrnttatit Jaae Thtose Toxp Coats at Noble's Star Clothiing Hotise, are the latest styles in nmake and materials. Special Itrices this week. 59 '01 baseball Ipractice every dlay at 4 p. to., at Fair Grounxds. Souvenir fans will be sold at the May Festival for 25 cets a piece. President Atigell wiill rpeak at the S. C. A. Sunaday .Horn, at 9:15. All candidates for '99 basebxall testis will report at Fair Grounds Saturday mxorning at 10:30. J. WV. BANON, Captain Candidates for '00 1 baseball teatm will ptractice at Fair Grounds, Saturi- day, at 10 a. in. C. F. CtOTHERS, Mngr. d Transacts a general e IBanking Business. FIRST NATIONAL RANK tanti Arb g Caitat, $100,t00. Sturplus and Profits, 40,00t Trantsacfs a general tankitig butsinete. Fereign exchangcetboagtand seld. Ftrnshlefftesi credit. E. D. KINE, Pres. HARRISON SOUtLE, Vice-Pres. 8 5. W. CLARSON, Cashier. Car. Matn and Staten Sftet. 1Capital,1550,00. Snrplus, $at,00. 'trasactsa genealtbankinebusiness SiR, Knxtm', Ptee. 0.E. GREENEs, Vice-Pres. t FRED. St It ise nCathier ETio fl11anflor Savings BanN > Capital hStc. $50,t00. Sarpluts, $5C~,0tt. Rtesources, $1,1x0,Wt. Orsganized aader IheG0eal IBaaking Law, ef skitsf Staeseeivesepsts, fbhys ittd stlts iaexceon thepticiipalcetliessoetnitead States. Draftscaskeditpotitte r identhifictsaion > afety depeofsitassxe sta et. FicEeenCrisltianacakIPres.;tW.D.tIxarri pman, Vice-Pesn.;tCtas. E. ilissesa, Caskie; M J.Fritz Assitanhiaskier. LAMB &SPENCER,. TH E. Fancy Grocers, We keep everything usually kept in ai first-class Grocery and Blakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Treatnment farSPiplest,iBlack- headx, Etc., a specialty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP aid OATH ROOMS. J. St. TtOJoaNOwsat. Ptop. 322 5. State S51 PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LIRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER HOP 15sDosN & ELY'S BAR ER HOP If you desire first-clans work and courteous treatuten t try George and Barry at 332 S. State St. fITD Emxbalms nd ENOCH UIE LCLL1 l~reto Calls atfendad nay or Night. Na. it1 E. LibetfyStreetn. Residence Sat3Ic FaartfhAce, Phone 125. MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST Sprlig and Sunnsm Make an S Styles are ina Early Selection. WONDERFUL VALUES 1125 cents ®.A~ INtN 71IE.RXWIIAX A Garnment. N EGICGEJE$HIRT$ Reliable Makes, Fast Colors, S1100 WAGNER & 0.- 123 S. MAIN ST. A