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May 05, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-05

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m tethed. With another year the
4 a nt; achintery for tmaking the oppor-
tiontnett cant b) perfected so titat an
Pttblished Daily (Sunatataexeptted dtrig the almost perfect list record of ticket
callege year. at buyers cant be presented at the end
Oeetes: The tnlad Press, Hteaing Blolck.
Botth Phonst14t7, Thte Inlader will issue a special
z. ENatLt ttcca, '01 L. L. D. Verier, prescidet of the AROES STOCKi,
BUSINESS MNAGEAR'. setior cha, has ap pointed the fol- ATEST STYLES,
o. I. IINS, 00 . l OraESTPRICES.
0.S.tas 5 , lowing costmtittee o collect the base- TI 7 r
EbTR.Iall tax assessedl at the last mteeting. t.Ar
Athletic Editor, P. w.loNos,'99, P. 1B. Moody, C. M. Busht and C. L. 00l;,
T. t. WODROWt, 00 L. A. t. M fvco t.L, 'St E Nies. AIO T B E
G. D IvDNcce. '0t E. J. B. Woe, 'C,HEP
C. 1L. Not.E.,'99, C. . Coot, '99,If ouw n aShrcm w ee
L.,J. 91tTCeOctMEt,', W.5, .HICEYs, '0 M, Fcultl Concert. the Shirts are.
A.G.BowAtth acly onet hs ve-CLB TISir. Alfred Hofmnntt, Cellist, ASCOT I
from DIetroit sill take part. Tihe NbestrCltig -os
followitg program xwiii be given.Nol'StrCthnHus
'he ubt-nittioniest oth te DAILY ce 19.v0 lee 1Two Movements from cSonata for
the colege yeat, ithi a regcularieleicveyIetrec Piano andl Celti. D maor. Cp.
noonieach cy. Notices, cnecteccetinec, tnd 53...... ..........Mendelsoho
cotettattee inetilte fotr cccillitisi tes st e ce Adagio(notet )
ehand ediattice DIO ffeitccce te etcep. olo.Aegoc
mailed tocthttt'editoefoIelce 8pr. o tey olo ll 5r evvace.
pceviccasto ta tnwhiceethey are expcteed cto e.cca eo =0JON,tS. A.tLtEDO itoretAt.
Snbctlreileic tic)ic- e left at teIce offccte, 2 ('aprice. Hfosgros for Cello....
,ittyce'-, eefSlF tiete teweltccl.eorcwith Blsttc ss.. .....;.Deet~ll
lttccscile. Sct'e-ilceee will Cnetee facvoe bcc . . . . .....Don.ler
repiccelicronteccily aSt tlc-is ccsc nyficice Alurt of I ltcc'c ~rti .s
All eh ccccu ou'adicc ce l ined' cater 1,11 tt n31 1Vol ieesapete. .. ......MSoart
the Ofceebiy 451 c. IIetsthe diccy leonice t thact 2 Songs 8froctc Shakepeare.
on whilh thevtrto e Ic ccccoc"T'he earliest knocwnlsittings.
-() A PocelSol sct Siieg.(thellc.l 21-..C\ 0zI ; & 0 I -
SN CaARGE, t. tODAYc Ic.-VI, P. 1. Iectrmre. ( 1O.it67
L.. .1MINrOIIAPEY. ibl t eas t L oer ,cocLsc i ss ,ae. As lee'ccc''er ADls Aec 'CceIt. s OF o
'h'ssct ~~ 1 ~1tcct't Yots Icie It) 'Theo s ]orley Sl IYI'X.APRTS
Tilt: anual recot rthe Stllccelt's ireI 16C05.CLatiP1YIA AIAZATS
Lecturie Asscationllltl eiottc lace. ISi tieo ts citli.eo liealie. .f tico MICIOS(OPl('FINDIINGS. lcadsjntrtels olnl Lora-
ofi boticieghtthlitredlol'c iltee for 4Sprieg So _. . . Ste.Mcenzie 3's u11 . es leetccrte Rc
the' teuce+01r11111'.BAILEY.Lit'e t.ettiti .5 let LAnn.Alblt.lAtl9.
the ulerce of lihe Assolistionllarc tic-1 e Sont i Iici l it iinorte--
le'cll'tlllec ittiti ttc i. Allegro Sciezo. IntereoIle~liatG Bureau olfictadoeiG otume.
cird tliey havttrimlle. A let cl r s tj F nera laScl, et s.
Colecrcof ilceetc r,tC 'ell givetn, ielct .eoe..st. GOrRELL & LEO ARD. ,-Y
veysu -lclctlltpoicucleared, b- ic Leertrauc. Lt-Hier-ItAlsoiCtail
titles 1110 ticket-hlderst hve. gott enliali O ) Il ocletsqte.. .. c. .SterttfajI,(enctd1-col iattoereriicrtle. Aso 'as
g ttire for tie rice lpaidt fcrc 00 E111)1 ctrN. Ciee, (tss Hcats ac LapCste, ClasC'llege tis. Addres
AN. C. sOL tN. Westertn ltLn,r,
the core, did have ) tie esa ltisfacton lH,t~ett ilsecr,n,, t,l. st irtcgt
of kiintowig lct their mostiy hast Baseball Scores. en____Ilnis1,_hcaoJ
Someiiccriticiesm tast hcttnimadte on IYae 9, La fayette i.
by the retirinigioasec. It apptears Princetocn 9 West Virginial 2. GET YOUR ..sccc~X
fronitisceir recport tat qutite aiIlarge Harard tel9,Botedoici 2.
numbtier cof tickcets sold havetNnot Iben Gr iel24 Monmthtltt4.
credited to aniy separtmient. ''Tis________________________ __ ~ I__
base givetn rise tIce Ile scpait that ---*
1101 aprionetwsnt aeul IGlO n qally niacte. Whileiitis tetchat
a cemplletereccordi by lepartmetsloof
all tiehkets sel cas not kepit, it is ___.'
ceran othat the capphortinmnsttilt
yeas is more equitable than it has
bcet for a sumbeoh'f years. Unler
tite former arrangemtci allthtie tick - L. L i.L ' .
ets scre tknlipistt~ at the cnd cof thie' "
coi t'se, andic ~credttc ited ote depar~it- Fll 4
centtrninlg them llin. tFtlthis et-s llDes hit
Site setfcurg tictots ee101icveo d te -readyii to'ie ptutIiilcithjct (u I on) ils
tn ootecilathrgetnumbltec tofticts TO -the betol. rlncvnug(-hit rlnnctls 15for setlthvthelhoatr
froniltiihe tdets eanod citizenic itdh -the ftie. I w ce spossible ~Is a ae ~hclh i
sitariktheir depatmitsent cclthetm. 0peac
cili a tichehat'mlentt ta' s editel - 9 M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
slid twitih the numbi~te of tickets At Ysur Frnishecr or Chatier ,, hn' o .11)~et~ssii~i tet
bhgt, butithitlthe sinuimler ceiclt -llsN.s.19Ws sliyo tet
tucy cucoll'tecttater liihecore CtUETT PtAnODY t Co. °
wc a'give(scesrtocatco&co) WCIhiyer the ofcehrt's te pta rored Meers WW iGRANGER'S S H O FDANCING.
depar~teneOts fthose buin~~lg season PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING.
tickets. Atouhsomte for itucnt
sired tickets sold tre snoti cosste.h icc Private Leosoby Apointmnt. elt 'Themne 246.,
ally deparltmt'th ie recrd so farts
kept, is of actuatlhbuyers,andechtie S h o e i ~ If youtivt atill1eCC 011Ck r (1 til
tick ets sot accounsted for sre i i1h iyceNesl atlcellStc o ~h.Oi3,O 4(i
probablity pretty evetly d Irhlcch f Your Bc3cl Nedind &5.O1 Sho1, atd 5X3. .0'40
aitibtd grweater ths bthe fceortssa BEndAI x±5.00,all anditee us
Ba grehiter hotsbefthockatsorst TO R RPA RED, a c sWeglaanesatifaction isoevery
counsted its thissapportiiomentthonGO to B ] ' ,fCet
at anyprevious one. And great credit ptL' ftESOEsdeteofcr esfrbgnigti .. ER MIs3l- cnrtrc'rf 119 Washingtont S
_,s dnh fiesfrbgmil hi . nltgol lR[~OV )I~ Ans Aor

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