2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY national colors. The Cruiser Raleigh was the chief object of interest, and very fittingly fired the opening salute, Fublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during the just one year before she had fired College year. at the salute that meant Spain's down- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. fall. At the Essex Club banquet in Or'ieoEo The BIlandot Phoes14enning Block. Boston, Secretary of War Long was present and made a very able speech MANAGING EDITOR. in defense of the administration's F. ENoELHARD, '01 L. policy. He denounced the speeches BUSINESS MANAGER. and the press reports which one can o. H. HANS. '00 L. observe daily as being unpatriotic EDITORS. and un-American. He contended that Athletic Editor, P. W. JoNs,', every precaution had been taken to T. R.A Wetoow, 'o, LA,.A MC osoALL,'01 E prevent a conflict and that the orders G. D. HUDNUTT, '1 E. J. B. Woo, '00, which had been sent to Gen. Otis C. L. Nncs, '99, C. D. CooL, '99, were for him to act wholly upon the L. J.MONTGOMERY,'0, W. D. HIcKEY, ' 00M, A. G. Bnoow,1. deesv. H manied tt A.__ G._BR____,____. _ President McKinley had and was doing all in his power to settle the difficulty in a suitable Manner. He said the best citizens of Manila, those The subscristion price of the DALe is 52.50 for interested in the comnercial welfare the collge year, with a regular delivery before 0oon each day. Notices, communications, and of the islands, were very desirous of other matter intended for publication must be atectorate handed in at the DAILY office before s p. m, aor Aerican pro mailed to the editor before p. m. of the day previous to that on which they are expected to LABORATORY MANUAL. pubcriptions cay be left at the DAILY otfilce, Meyer's, or stofflet's newstand, or with Business Manager. Subscribers will confer a favor by Dr. Noc 8 Has Issued the Second reporting promptly at this office any failure of Edition. carriers to deliver paper. All changes in advertisin matter mast be in Dr. Frederick G. Novy has re- the office by 4 p. m. on the day previous to that on which they are to aaoear. cently published and placed on sale the secotad edition of lois book, tIN CHARGE Os ToaA's tssE "Laboratory work in Bactesology. W. 0. tItOEY. The work is much enlarged and thor-. All liberty-lovitngipepe ill ap- oughly revised, and is the most comn- Areof Presidtlet MKitley's actina plete work of the kind which is proveon idlnt iyadier offered to medical students. It con- o eappoitig Col. Futston brigadier tains such information that is essen- getnral of vob uteers. This title has tial to the proper education, and as a bravery n ot t hsar sith tceitsndr guide to the medical student. The book is offered for laboratory work, gens. He is not only a capable co- and the subject matter is treatedl in mader, butt his heroic deeds have such a way as to follow the course of startled the woie world. instruction as it is carried on in the May 17th is tedayswhich has freshman year of the medical course. beet set for tte t wtehng eot of the The first part of the work treats of 31st Michigan. As this is the the cultural, morphological, and regimeti hich Ast if te by staining properties of the various froim the Utiersity eliosted om organisms, their clinical relationship fromtheUmvrsiy elised pme ein trate infor oflectures actiont should be taken by the stu during treated ft form sf lThe dents to give Co. A. a warm recep duing the first seneterk Th e .tin uon ts etun.different cetods of swork svicl are tisti upon its returo. recommended to the student are those The sale of seats for the May which have been tested and employed Festival is larger this year than at not only in the Hygenic Laboratory any other t lle. There tas been an at this place, o t also in the leading unusual large call for seats frotu ut Bacteriological itstitutes of Etrope of town parties, which is an indica. as sell. tion that the crowd will be' larger Blatk oages are left i ttvarious this year ota at aty previots Fsti parts of the book for toe stnddtnt to val. use in sketching from his own obser- The assurance of a large crowd vation the chief characteristics of speaks well for the reputation of the each organism studied. formoer Fetivals, andoneiewvon sill The secotd part of the ok is carefslly ierte the May Festival devoted to special lines of ork as, Journal will be convinced that this room disinfection, examination of year will be no exception, and the air, soil, water, etc., the subject standardofentertaintientwillnotonly matter goes quiet in detail in re- equal, but will be higher than at any gard to this important part of Bac. previous Festival, teriology. A great many cuts, and The greatest interest naturally mode of employment of the various would center upon the Sembrich apparatus which are used in the work Concert, so great care however has from a very important part of the been employed it the selection of the wvrk. artists who will appear, and in the Dr. Yutzt Goin Abroad. arrangement of the various prograis Dr. Simon M. Yutzy, Denonstra that there is really.no choice as to tor in Anatomy in the Medical De- which will be the most entertaining partment will leave about June 1, There is every assurance of a very for the laboratories at Vienna. While large crowd being present and those in Vienna he will devote his time to who have not secured seats had better the study of Anatomy, the advan- do so at once as.there are only a few tage offered there being excellent. desirable seats remaining. He will return to resume his work C at the opening of the school year in Demetl Day Celebration. October. In nearly all the large cities last Monday were held suitable celebra-. f Your Bicycle Needs tions in honor of the first anniversary TO BE REPARED of the battle of Manila. Itt Pila. eL dephia the chief event was the naval Go to BIERIMAN"S, parade. The harboratd vicinity were elaborately decorated wtht the W a oshilgtof. Nothing Better THE Can be furnished than what we Z INLAND PRESS are now puttingforthinthe way '4 of hot Weather Drinks at ANN ARBOR our new Soda Fountain- special cooling apparatus and P everything new, clean and at- I i tractive. AND- J. J. QUARRY : BLANK-BOOK MAKERS Campas Dreg .HENNING BLOCK +N fNM IN ++ R-F~rr=9Eri-f F-Ef9858 GC- 1' COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE r r= r u =='Gow== n=s o== = i i I FRESH - Strawberry AND Pineapple Cradles rs - nterolloulate Bureau of IGa(el6 GCostume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N.Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western angr., Haskell Museui , Univ. of Chicago GET YOUR - RIGS FOR THE GAME AT I FEME'" r.IruY. Tandem s Crescent Combination (for Lady and ('ent) Tandemls for rent 1)y the hour For Pent. or day. Rates Reasonalae. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium, PL0lones No. 8. 119 West Washington' Street. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. $5.00 per Term of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. So is our famous tee Cream, but the diference is that the colder it gets the more of our cream Bou a ho ; It'sPretyENUhh, MAC WHITE, S Pret y Cold 110 S. MAIN ST. Belt Phsoae, 1c6; Stale, ass.