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May 04, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-04

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S he




Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washingtons St ,
We have just received a
fine line of High Grade
Razors and Knives, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. See our window.
0060 DaU and MIUG
During the rest of the college year we
will serve lunches at all hours. day or
night. Full line 'of Pipes, Cigars, and
R. E. JOLLY & CO..
308 So. State Street.
I esh
Soda Fountain
CRUSH 100.
Calkins' Pharmacym
YVniir Nlame

Shown by the 'Varsity in Yester-
dau's Game.
For nine innings yesterday the
baseball team from Indiana Univer.
sity tried hard to score, but failed.
Quick, sharp fielding by the 'Varsity
and the excellent box work of Miller
and Lehr, made the game an easy
one for Michigan by a score of 9 to
0. Although Indiana made eight
hits they were unable to bunch them,
and never landed a man on third
even until the ninth. Miller started
the game but was replaced in the
fourth by Lehr, who pitched a steady
game from that on.
A fair crowd for a mid-week game
was in attendance, and was liberal in
its applause for good plays, and
showed much enthusiasm. Michigan
started off well. McGinnis got a
base on balls, stole second and went to
third on Porter's fumble of Sullivan's
grounder. Both scored on Lunn's
hit, who in turn came home on Da-
vies' two ;;agger,iaking three runs to
the 'Varsity's credit.
In the third Lunn and Snow singled
and came home on Blanacoe's muff of
Willson's throw home. In the fourth
two more were added by Sullivan's
single, Willson's fumble of Flesher's
hit and an error. An earned run
was made in the sixth on Sullivan's
hit, a stolen base, and Lunn's third
single. Michigan's last score was
made in the eighth on a base on balls,
two stolen bases and a single by Sul-
Indiana looked like scoring in the
ninth, when the bases were full, but
Blencoe's led ten far off first and was
nipped by Lunn, thus ending the
game, there being two men out. The

making three hits apiece while Davies GYMNASTIC EXERCISES.
made a neat two-bagger. Snow
made the other one of Michigan's The Ladies Will Give Fancmj Drills to
eight hits. Their Friends and Facults.
"Shorty" Rogers made his debut The annual reception given by
at second yesterday and covered him- the ladies at the Barbour Gymna-
self with glory accepting six chances slum will be given Friday.afternoon
without an error. Snow had fifteen at 4 o'clock.
put-outs to his credit and no errors The Ladies have been drilling for
while Lunn was responsible for most the past two weeks in order to make
of the other put-outs. the exercises very entertaining. The
reception is strictly an invitation
The regular Indiana catcher had a affair, but for fear there has been an
split finger so Blencoe, who played unintentional omission of some mem-
right field for Michigan in the Illi- her of the faculty, in the issuing of
nois game went behind the bat for invitations, it is well to state that
the visitors. He caught a very every. meber of the faculty with
steady game besides making a pretty is wife is urged to be present.
single. The following program will be
_ rendered:
The Indiana team went to Chicago PART r.
last night and will meet Stagg's team I. Grand March and Run.
on Marshall Field this afternoon. 2. Lesson in Swedish Educational Gym-
- 3. (a) Handkerchief Drill.
Grogon, a former league umpire () Dumb Bells.
officiated in yesterday's game and 4. Athletic Gymnastics.
gave the best of satisfaction. He (a) Free Movements.
has a voice of stentorian tones and () Scarf Drill.
can be easily heard all over the1PART i.
d 1. Fancy Steps and March (by command)
grousids. 2. Pole lDrill. adMrh(ycmad
3. Combination Work. Dumb Bells and
In an interview with a DAILY rep- Wands.
resentative last evening Capt. Pitcher 4. Foil Fencing.
e sd . 5. Club Swinging. Fancy Series.
of the Indiana team said: I wish Miss Bender.
that your paper would announce that Miss MaudeDaly,
the Indiana team was greatly pleased (pupil of Miss Snyder.)
with the treatment received in Ann PART 550.
Arbor and that the captain and 1. Apparatus Work.
coach heartily thank the Michigan (a) Horse. () Brooms.
coach for the loan of Catcher Blen- () Parallel Bars. (d) Balance Boards
coe and other courtesies extended." 2. Basket Ball.
Inter-class Athletics. MEDIC GETS A FORTUNE.
One of the chief objects in view A Rich Aunt in Sweden Lasces him
for the promotion of inter-class con-
tests is the development of men for 10,000 Crowns.
the various 'Varsity teams. It is a Mr. Andrew Nelson, 1900 medic,
well known fact that the new men has just received word from a brother
will not compete for places which in Sweden, that he had fallen heir to
they think are to be filled by old- 10,000 crowns, left to him by an
time players, simply because they aunt who had recently ied.
played the previous year. This, how-
ever, is not always true, for here the S. C. A. Officers.
best qualified man for the position is At the annual election of the S. C.
always sure to be granted the priv.. A. the following officers were elected
lege of holding it, be he Freshman for th ensuing year: President, R.
or Senior. The class contests are al- L. Meledy; vice-presidents, E.
ways certain to develop new material, Gertrude Fales, E. R. .Knapp: re-
which are sure to be good 1en on the cording secretary, Mary A. Goddard;
'Varsity. How often has one seen treasurer, E. 1). Smith; editor of
the class team weakened by the with- Bulletin, H. M. Rich; manager of
drawal of one of their players to take Bulletin, C. E. Roe; department
a place on the 'Varsity team. This vice-presidents, Literary, Miss
fact should be a stimulus to make Maude Judson, Miss Lucia E.
each member of a class team work Lyons, A. E. Andrews, W. R. Mat.
the harder, for within the class teams thews; Law, R. V. Newece, F,
today are the men who will represent L. Bihllneier; Medical, Mrs. Jacob
Michigan is the intercollegiate co"- Breid, T. W. Pat""; "ngieerisg,
tests for the next three or four years. M. Chever; Dental, George W.
Only a few days remain before the Clapp; Pharmiie, L. E. Frazier;
class baseball ganes begin, and each School of Music, Frances J. Dunbar,
class captain and manager should be V. S. Gilbert, who is now president,
very active in seeing that a good re- was elected to serve pro tempore, in
resentation is out each evening for the absence of Mr. Melesdy, who is
practice. This is not only true in fellow at the Chicago Commsons.
baseball, but also in track events and
football. Those who have the ath
letics of the University at heart The next regular meeting of the
should see that every class has a Philological Society will be held on
team in each contest this spriug. Thursday evening, May 4, at 7:30,
in Room E. Prof. Hempl will read
On June 3, Yale's College crew two papers: "How Latin G Arose
will race the Naval Academy at Aim- out of Zeta," and " Hickes' Addi-
napolis. tions to the Runesong."

McGinnis, m...... 3
Sullivan, s s....-...
Flesher, 3b.......5J
Lunn, c........5
Snow, lb......I
Davies, If .... 4
Taylor, r f..........3
Rogers, 2b........4
Miller, p...--...2
Lehr, p.......2


0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
3 6 3
1. 15 1
0 0 0
0 2 ti
01 3

IS 9
A.D. R.
Castleman, r f.....4 0
Kelley, s s........4 0
Pitcher, lb... 4 0
Porter, p . 40... .
Malott,1f... 4 0
Pike, lb..........4 0
Whiteley, m......3 0
Willson, 3b......4 0
filence, c.e .. 4 0

9 27
II. 0.O.
0 2
0 0
2 0
1 1
2 1I1
0 1
1 o
1 1



A e

35 0 8 27 13
El-raved on Copper 'late,Innings .......1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-
wilo olatet style cards, for 1-50 Miehigan.......3 0 2 2 0 10 10-
Indiana............ 0 I 0 i 0 0 0-

- .

100 cards, engraved from your own plate, for
The Best Stock, .
The Latest Styles.
Ask to see our new Stationery.

Earned runs-Michigan 2. Two base
hit-Davies. Stolen bases-Mcxinnis
3, Sullivan 3. Flesher, Lunn 3, Snow 3,
Davies 3, Taylor 2. Double play. Porter
to Pitcher to Pike. Bases on balls-By
Porter 5. Hit by pitched ball-Lehr,
Whitely. Struck out-By Porter 8, by
Miller 2, by Lehr 4. Umpire-Grogoa.
Porter, the Indiana pitcher, is a
left hander and was a puzzle to most
of the Michigan batters. Lunn and
Sullivan, however, hit the ball hard

up row.

Down Town
Opp. Coor

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