4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY i SpdC al Offer! The New Werner Edition -OF THE- Encvc oadia ALPINE HAT SALE. Afl Shades for 1899 Now In. Call and see thiem! $3 Hats for $2. _ D. A. TINKiER & SO.T Britannica. LAMPS OR STUDENTS. We call attention to our complete line of (enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, The Best Reference Library for the ranging in price frons 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are ot the latest and i -) i F V JO.W. KOILAUF, Foreigns and Fine Domsestie Woolenss. 214 East Washington St., near Sib Ave ANN ARBOR. W. J. BOOTH, PRS. W. ARNOLDn, It ioi'ees T T J.nnOS.ooc A l2d 1eaiseo SAVINGS, BAINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K Organ Ache, Capital, si00,00e. Surplus and Profits, 80,00 'rcansctsagenecal baonking bsieiss. Foreign cochorge boghi and sold. Fucnish neesof cdit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARISON SOULE, V ice-Pres- 5. W. CLARKSOuN, Csahier, Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet uif printed msatter. (achi voluime is 11itniii.og; gfill. wide; about 2 isnehes thick, anid weighs about S51pouiids.) Can it all go into your head? Not likely! Better have the work itself to refer tox wheni in(douibt. The entire set of Thirty Superb O)ctavo Voluiies delivered upons pay- ment of $1.00. SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, AGENTS, 320O Sosotis Stlste Street. Shirt Waists! miost umproved patteris an asuonn ci ng " .tle iew iocetri '' Yale," " The Royal," "The Blerlin Studeint Lamp,'" "The Perfection Studer Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Leasft]fonsey come and seeu Old Number: 445N0. MAIN ST. DE-Iff AN ARBOR. MICH D A .C Lectures 0n Insurance. I Twesty of the foity-two circis Prof Al.11.Bigeowof te Ijudges elected in the recesit electic Harvrdf.NI. .cBiglo, o teare alumuni of the Unilversity. TI Harvud axeScholgiave the circuits represented, the men an first of the series of lectures oin their University rec3ords are as fol insurance to tthe senior lawe class luys: 2. Orville W. Coolidge, '6f yesteruday. 'These lectures are 3. George S. Hosmer, '75; Williai those schseduled to he givesi by, a L. Carpenter, '78 L.; Robert E nionuresident lecturer. 'The series. Frazer, '59, 16t L.; Morse Rohineri consist of 15 lectures and are re- '83: 5. Cleiment Smsiths, '65-66 IL. qunired work. 6. George IV. Smith, '75 IL.;7 Charles H. Wisner, '71 L.; 11 Notice.E Joseph H. Steere, '76; 13. Frederiel 'T'here wiiilie an electioii of officers WV. Maynse, '81 L.; 17. Willis TB of the Woman's League, for the next Perkins, "83; 19. James B. Me year, at the 'WYomain's Gyinasiusim, asosi, '75; 21. Peter F. Dodds Saturday iiornisg, May 6, at 1C '74-75 IL.; 22. Edward D. Kinne occlock. All illcnabers are urged to '64; 23. Maine J. Coniiie, '78 71 be pireseinl. ILEisA M. CIDEu, L.; 26. Fraiik inerick, '66-68 Presidenit. '73.'74 ILawv; 31. Samuel W. Vance '78 IL.; 32. Noriman W. Haire, '80, Dr. nd Irs V.C. Vughn lave'85IL.; 35. Steairins F, Smith, '7P' tdyfr. ns Mrs. V. . .liil v L.; 36. John IL. Carr, '70 IL. ant is it d 1. t t, .; 7. . k 3. , ,, 9 , ,, i, 3 I Wemaea pcsiali aoflaiiodri i tiiemiiSia iat ldesseiiisal. Iie '1le folloxwiiig eta Psi's left last iiiiio iiiicii.1) iiiiis-a iiii iiinier say have the salvle by calliii" night for Bay City, to attendi the fLu. Student's Laundry fssncintio a t 214 South JIngallsc street, rovuinbnrlo F .Bon: m'on lt , fsoi andi Lauadry, ixilroit. propertiy', anid h lug fiii' this ad.r stock, TI. M. Seiliick, Al. C. 'I'ir'ier', 202 . 5tte t. Nw 'ixoie, 4 _____________ . 1. J. Bradnier, Ji.IL. Pierce, S. S. 202___.___ateSt. __NewPhone,_44_ Oldls, WI. S. Penfieldi, D. M. Scotteii, Palrtiesohainilg iroiis to rent and B .13 tii, .S oisn A- TRIAL ORDER. tabile boarid for visitors aet the May ~ Witiai .~ lbnou Festival will please leaive their ad-. Facultil Concert Postponement. Tliat is 1011 1 ask lesr dress at thle School of Musoic.OxigtMrJoa abecen miy Laimdsery Agency.Own toM.Jasbecei p/ Milwvaukee fix fill a professional en- P. C. MEYER, 'lhs Ann:ArbacrxR. a. will sell excurina gageuxemit the Faculty Conucert oxf Tcl. No. 179. 607 E. Willfam St. ifar i'hi ronha trip, atiiia ~caethis iveek iwill be postpionedl fromn university af MichiganiMsical FePali, AmnnFia t 'lc.I _______________________Aroria. sT'icetosloale aSy i0, i1, ia2IThursdlay toFrdya8o'lc.I and 13. RtunlimitoiMSay 15. Frieze Memorial Hall. BO S !. j Internatioal Convemtion Y Si. C. A. aflNrti S O .,Amierica, erand lRipidis, Micix.'Tickax, on salse __________ AT THE Siay2ad25.Rtnltiit altS:y 29.'1 xsblprcievryiya Annal Canvenon a elers ProtactiveiiAsa- 01bsbllpatceee' lya sllx t mcaiLiisilK. acuioa n.,at Iair Grounds. ~~ sle May15anid16. iRetur~n liit Miaya21.F Annuoal ieMtnog rani:iiBapulisis, Roauinoke, FOR A OAE OF Poo. ORti':. Tickes o n sale Sisy is. is, Osoand 21. R.eotce damn 5. aneofF. mm S.B MekltingJOyid.Oe Germn Bistslc.Unian the interclass chiaiipioiishipsei, bridge, ldi'riDces ale May is, is. 20 and mutst have their entries in to Iii by N DA L L .'aieturnulithuJune ad. b For thie Anniual Meetin~g General Assembly Monday, M1 ay e tdp n. j19NAL , Presbyterianux'ech initeiiid StateMinne-8,at6 x apocli,Minn, tone lace fir ike roond tip*pusF. H.ILANCASHIRtE, Stote Phone 144. s4,o.n0 Say 15, i6 and i7, swith reeulim i it] ii Ao. asial usr 3,1c89a.AstBaealng. t Coc. Msin andtHunccntieete. Caitli,150,000. Sucplcus, $30,000. Tcasact, a. ' generasibaningbsiniessc. tRE xpr, Pres. CEREN S, Vie-Pes. FREsitH BMER,ashiec, TIolo u M ofr rsavinas Bank Capicol Stock. n50,00i0. Surplusc, S5a,55- ilce. 11,i1i0,000l. Oreganized underccthe' General Bnkxing Los, cf thu isiae. aieceivsadepesles, buxys :and cells Iexchainge on the prinipiaileiciiete ited States. Dcafis eachediiupon,:rleseideniicacion Saiety deposie bioxee tarent. OictnoChcieianxMakh.Pres.; W.. Hari man, Vie-.Pres.; Ciiae. E. Hisecom., Cashier; SM J. Fcitz AssiistCashie. LAMB &SPENCER, t THE. Fancy Grocers We keep everything asumally kept in a first-class Grocery and Blakery. Calt and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Teubamet focraPimpsin.Black- lhcads, JEtc., ia Siealty. U. nf M. BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. J. R. TROANcOWSI, Prop. 322 5.OSae Si. PATRONIfZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS. BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER S isO as NN& ELY'S BAR ER HOP If you desire first-clss work and courteous treatment, try George and harry st 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, Fneal ector55 Coils attended nay or Night. No. 181 E. Libeciy Street. Residene 133 S Fcourih Ave, Phone 129. 'OF '99 STATE STr Sprleg and Summer Mc Sake an 1 StCyles sore in. Early -Selection. ® WONDERFUL VALUES ~2 et . ®, UINDIR IEIAR1 A Garmnt. Rei l aeFs oos $1.00. U i WAGNER & 03 123 5. MAIN ST. i i i s 9 I{ S