THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PU THETHE L $3.50 TANS LOOK-WELL SHES. zir 95. MAIN ST. MIGHlIG1N6GENTUIfL CENTRAL STANDARDI TIME. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express .......... 47 P. M. N. Y. & Boston Special .........458" Fast Eastern ....0......943" Atlantic Espres.......... 45 A. 01. Detroit Night Express..........50 Grand Rapids Express . i...i.1S1 Mall & Express ....5..... 18 A. 5M. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago....... 8 13" Fast Western Express........ 1 38 P. sM. G. R. & Eat. Esoress..........5 450 Chicago Night Espress..........943 Pacific Expres............12 30 A. M1. CORRECT ANDSTLH TAILORING. S YIHWe operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and equal any in the State. We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. All garments made by us kept pressed and in repair for one year. 106 E. lirom. New State Phoone 43. 0. P. & T. A't. Chicago. At Ann Arbor CALENDAR. to ride beyond the run of a conduc- Saturday, Oct. 15.-Michigan vs. tor, or on a night train, or to a point ..aZ, Wetern Reserve, on a branch line, lie should present 1 Saurdo, Oc. 22-Miciganvs.his nmileage ticket to the ticket agent, Notr Dame. who will detach the proper mileage ~>~R AD re 2.-Jo. Wiitomband issue a mileage exchange ticket, ida, ct.01 which baggage will be checked to TIME TABLE Riley on the S. L. A. Course. asy station on the Nesw York Central TaigEffect, May 7, atsas. A Netw York Central Innovation. or ganiyth of its branchiy f lineo, dthustavoied- TaingingtheAnecessity of beingadisturbe Tra ins eaeAnAbrbCel5ad. George H. Dasiels, of the New after retiring, or of rechecking bag. NORH SUTH York Central & Hudoon River Rail. gage. -.Froom the Pittsburg Poot, 8:43 A. 01. 730 A M. road, has node an anlnouncement Aiiguot 21, 1898. *112:401P.. s. 11:25 A. 0M. which is of a rather startling nature, 4:56 P r840P.M 00:05 A. M1. +8 :05lot bt it io one which ought to please T[le inter Oceain, leadinig Chicago *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. the patronls of that great system, and daily, is handled by F. Stotilet, twees edaionndawel.only and ran be-pr ths wotavl n tweTedotain o elsdAllohrtrispricularly toewotrvlolOpera IHouse Newcs Depot. 'rrial daily encept Snday. umileage books. The circular reads subscription, daily only, delivered at E. Sv ENTT .N . OtLXoOtE, Agent. ao follows: noon, $1.50 for 3 mos., aal in .W.BNETG.P. A. Mileage hooks, gootd for 500 nilles aipvance. and 1,000 mileo travel, arc now on sale at all statioiis On the New York Recruis Wanted. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR-= eirl(ivsosa bace)a There are a large numnber of vacaii. the rate of $10 aiid $20 respectively.deinteU ofM Rfls Ay BOR RAILWAY. These tickets are good until used, Ge nteU fM ils n - and are available for passage on the me desirinig to joinl be at the meet. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter main hune of the New York Ceiitral, itgiof the company, Friday evenling after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. and of all its branches and divisioiis,at7:00, Room 9, University Hall. mn. and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti iiicltidiiig the Harlem, Putnam, Rome, STANsELI.. First Sergt. at a quarter befiire the hour iup to 12:45 Watertowni & Ogdensburg, Carthasge a. m. cars leave corner Williani and & Adiriiidack, Geneva & Lyiins andr Very desirable Roomis for ladies at Main Sts. Tickets on sale at llrown'h the Adiroiidack (Utica to Montreal) 53n1ITholmpson St. Moderni improve. D~rng Store. divisionms. meit, all lady roommers. Price low. Mileage books wci11 be isooed iln .17 the name of the head if a fuaiily or tirii, and will be~available for the Notice!1 THE . .. tise of auy iieimber of such family or All captaiiis111n11managers iof class KIN ER -" for oiiy travelerfor :a firm, provitded foiitball teaiis will please iiiet me in K I\DE G R'EIJ the name of ouch meumber or traveler Rooiii0, Uoiversity Hall, tt CIGAR STORE is written in the book by the ageint o'clock, next MNonday afteriiooii. Crisoer 75 leso Tooacco, 5ibrandoi selliiig it, inl the place designateid. F. W. POrTER, ('Igoes ondl 30 coandyofciCmeaccllcs. A chaonce They will lie honoilredl for tranlspolrta- Aoistaint Manmamger. 011a Fue eocnitm ncecp~lolico. tiu by ihe conudictors of all traiins, 102 E. HURON ST. includming limiteud trains, but iiily to Yio can buy aiiy 50c. piece of the enid If tie run of each conductor. music fur 25c. of the Ann Arbor U. of Mv, Shlaving Parlors and Bath Rooms If the holder of such ticket ilesires Muoic Co., on Wasiingtomi St. 16 IALL , AT LOWEST RATES. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 West Liherty Street, Ann Arbor. Only 3 doors from Main Street. 0t M, MARTIN,., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night and dny. es- idence 302 Fifth Ace. rWin. Arnold, Leadier GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ...ARE .. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio I1I12 Weat Huron St, StateaPhonne 110, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Tbe Name bOwsGurantee. SUPPLIES Oficill outfitoers ttil111the leading coliege, school anid JSpalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball L'dcilclivolylby Yale, Princetoni,lmarvard cide-(gssaidunivcersitiis. manalos ould wite fo iices111and11sainples before' otrdeing elosiwhtee. Spalding's Oticial Foot Rail Guide, tilled by Naiie Caiiip. Records, photo- craphs ofileaing lcaroo. 1808,res, 01 th:in- d1ux and explanatory notes, Joe. A. GI. SPALDING & BROS., New onrnc, Chinags MYor ~ ll~ruY Amulc At News Stand 607 E. William St. Give mea trias. First class. work and prompt nervice. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 34(0 5. State St., 5Bd Books toe 25c. and npwaeds, 11nd11 nelos Waterman Fnnntain Pens for $0.00 anuS np. All Linen Paper1 4 lbs. for 50c.. Finest Stationmey is the city nt lowest ic10. Ladios' ariti ti 1ic Drsingoupstire. Old frends call again. OWeo welcome new1on05 J. iR. TROJANOWSKI. New Qareres in the Thiompson Building. Only First-Class Barbers Employed. THE MODEL of State Street BARBE SHOP is DuNN & ELY'S BAR ER HOP If you desire finst-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at' 332 S. State St. Emern ENOCH ITIELE FueralmDiretr Calls attended Oar nr Night. No. 161 E. Liberty. Street. Residence R5,S Foarth Ace, Phone 129. 1Reutschrer, the libhotographer. IMFtOloIgqate Bureau 01 tI~ademic GosUTume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also tClnss Canes, Clnss Bats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KElRN, Wentern Mlngr., askel l Mnsenm, Unaiv. of Chicagn. RANIDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER,.KOA L. Every kind.E LR WASHNGTN. I.OG AN AROR, 119 West Washington Street WASHNGTO. BOCK. ANNARBO, Both Phones, No. 105. Ann Arbor. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG' STORE.