THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 S T RAWCRUSHERS. LITE UNDERWEAR. I HATS.1619 S0. MAIN ST. MIGHlIGRN 6[NTUIL CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express ........ 4 . N. Y. & Boston Special....... 4 58" Flast Eastern ..............9 43" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. M. Detroit Nig ht Express........ 5 55 Grand Rapids Express .......11 t0 Mall & Express............8 40 A. M1. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago....... 9 1v Pa~st Western Express........ 1 38 P. 11. G. it. & Ital. Esoress... 3 .......545" Chicago Night Express.........043" Pacific Express.............12 20 A,.51. O. W. RUGGLES, 11. W. HAYES, 0. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. A't Ate Artor Y' LbO'A' TIME TABLE Taking Eiffesct, Nov. 20, 1898. Traans leave Ants Arbor by Central bland. ,ard flee. NOl~RTH SOUtTHi 8:41 A. 1. -'1:25 A. IM S 12:40 P. Iss. 11:25 A. 51. 3:56 P. ,1.5:40 P. i. 5tiae tbtneco AnnArbcor and Toledo oliv All tains daily ececpt Snday. N. S. GLiIORE, Agcnt. Wt.ii. BENNhTTI. G. 11. A. CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING. We operate the finest tailoring trade ill the city, and equal any i the State. We respectfully solicit your valtued patroinage. All grarilelits miade by us ikept pressed andlini repairl for one year. 106 E. tHuron1. New State Lhone 43. NO NEED To send tn the manufacturers olsen you caDnobtain a gesnuine WWW Mandolin or Washburn Guitar itUight hie ii Asi Arbor, At the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Liberty' St. 0, M, MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a epecialty. No. 20ll S. 4th sve. Amibulance night isnd day.lies- idence 302 Fifth Ave. CALENDAR. Wednesday, Mlay 3-'Varsity vs. Indiana, at Resceits Field. Friday, May 5-Fncslty Cloncert, Fricze Memoirial Hll, 8 p. i. Satorday, Mac 6-'Varsity vs. Ohio State tIiivcrsily , Icgciils Field. Wediiesday, May i10--'Varsity vs Illiois, ait ,e-(rents Fielil Maiy 17-Fiiaolsii(C1111 Debate, A~dli l s. Jefferso. 1900. ATI-E-A waliter', tolstait table 11111111s,lit Portlanil (afc. Lostr-A. llaSir fgoldl eve-glasses, Ilas rec r tl ~ni o 406 Packaird srcet Al um111 IOrVI adrcieew d..Py Psical Exam. ~ 'J~iIl1i lii llnIII b h .si1 l ainaiiltiiins ti1e loresshiig iveiiat the Gyiiina. - n r[,aA eading o'lcek. All ni liNishlito take thlie ee vs iii plc-nse regiter oii the hiansmhe Only Full Line of outside(1 ofithe Diiecto'sllits eet Th 9t1 KiEEsN - llE t i, Diiectorsi Lownev's Chocolates DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- Aultllibseal mi iici et at FlilBictjcle Men. BO0R RAILWAY. Gounllds sevely day- at 4 nsrc Carst lelaveAlnn Arber foe Ypsilanti WANTEtD -A ticket fir the les 3 tiiins dolily 11as trininlgfromii Direc- anid Detroit etery halt hour begilnningFesativalcsioiI.orlrs u al itzpoatric tellithIlletic IFieltd. at 7:15 a. nm. U. of TH. ear leavs City 11 eeiic J. F. MNCLEAN. - Halt, Detroit, every night atter Theater. N aeD~Y Special U. of M. cars for all extra occn- 1)1 yllI knowl that the Aiii Arbor sions. Baggage, expreas and Studentfi' LosT-A $2)) bill. Findelr pleaseAMosic Co. mallke a specially o1Sfine supsplien received and delivered. Wait- returni to J. IR. Fresw, 106 North strinigs for all insetrumllents. ItfVyou in -oos ore f A.ti andManState St~ andl cive rea. wantittegosingsask for thiemitlhere. streets, Anii Arbor, 11i Grisssold street, _________________________________________ Wabash Fast Trains l10entschler, the I"bbotographer. Matte it possible for you to like Diiiier iii St. Lis i lI __________________ Litnlieoi i 1itFist-ClassoDi-1)114r zxzr, zzrizzn P0 lzsz tttlttltzzH u ti zzllut-t ing Car ens route. z 111,f en nnmta nnonnnHe tllt~~lDtL Yoo 'eate Ano Arbor 7:5 a.inm;Ar - rite.5t. Lsuis, 0125 p. ini.; Arriive (Chicago 3;tO p. in.; Kansas Caity 7:15 a. i.; Oma- lhl~ fat Time taoe Omha--Oge One Night Oat. M7* fll A suplerb fost trainTionlcitsi t,- betiteon Detroit an~d .St. LeauisChicago, S tigara, Fills, Buflflo, News 5.ork and -N Boston. Free Eteclininlg ChirllCa110011n All Tralins. You will go hlome forlaa sic lion soon- batter trite tol us folr1anews" folder of [tabash traitis. " F. APALIERA. G P. A Chicago.~ C. t isst,14.P.& 1 A, c. ovi M - prinig anld Suxnier Stock Comnplete. Nest Shades of Tanisand R. S. GREENWOOD, A1 P. ARUnsset Leather. Conitrolledl by ts. ", Chicago and Ain Arbor. - OhoCentral ins LLSYLSN3H THE DIRECT LINE TOH Bsowli n, Greed, Mlurfietf 1, Fitsdlay, Athel.SN ClllslestollW ,,V. T md a o Columibus trains use Lake Shore UolonoV r Station at aoledo. Throtugh trains writh Sleeping and Ann Arbor Store 1 10 East Huron St.r Drawing Room tars from Detrolt N FACTORY: BROCKTON, MASS. Near Cook House andl Toledo.s S1IOULTON HOCK, Goneral Passenge A-I. lzizzzton zzziz In the City. Just Received by :138 So. Mate Street. OUR PHOTOS . .O RE .. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State ]Phone n19, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York - ctticago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official outitilters511 all tilealding colleges scho 1111 and athletic clubs 11f tile coun~try. Thtt Sptaltdiingticyrtr, riddenll iy the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. Cilllleionls, antd Ill thle adiingle111 criders. Every iRcqui- siteo r Ba tlse 1B111, 12101 1Bal1, 12,:lf, Tentis, .Spalding's Official League Ball 5 Il, Ow Oficial lBsaillllteNattional League 11;1 Ida lteedi ng llcllge s sciat1ions. lllllli-ll,,le Catasllogue1ofAtltic S~ostf Fet, to an ~y a(d 0res.. SlmldliltsOfficial IBase.1111Ba~liuie tor1899. iaell 30, ax Cenls. A. (G. SPALD9ING & BROS., Noew York, Chictago rhe Hocking Valley Ry. NO1 TItINSt2ElS TO A1NT POINT. 3 Hour Transiueetveen 3 Rales always the lowest and accom- amodations tine best. For particulars call on local agents, or address L. W. LANDMAN, Gen'l Trav. Agt., 67 Woodward ave., Detroit, Micht WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.