4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpeelalOffu!- Thte New Werner Edition -OF THE- Encycloped ia Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet of printed matter. (Each volume is 11 in. long; 9 in. wide; about 2± inches thick, and weighs aout 5 pounds.) Can it all go into your head? Not likely! B3etter have the work itself to refer to when in doht. The entire set of Thirty Superh, Octavo Volumes delivered upon pay. eent of $1.00. SH EEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, AGENTS, 320 South State Street. Shirt Waists! We, eak a specialty sof]eeedyisg tses-St. ifctigareaneceeteed.Dop s a card orrig us up by phe. Student's Laundry tgssociatior, 202 S. State St. New 'Pse 44 A TRIAL ORDER. Tlsnt is nit I ask for smy Laundry Agency. P. C. MEYER, Tel N. 79. 007 E. William 5t. BOYS! STOP! AT THE KINDHIOIIIThN FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS. Huron St. East of F. adM. Bank 1ANDALL, 14 Peninsular Engraving Company, DETROIT MICH. GO TO I WILL GIVE Stabler's Art Store 20 per cent Reduction to all Students Art Novelties and of the U. of Al. on goods purchased OR Fine Frame Mouldings. at my store. Salisury'sDrug 217 S. 4th Ave. Phone 173. Saibr' Store. JOS. W, KOLLAUF, Foreign an([ Fine Donmestic. Woolens. 214 East Washsington St., near 5th Ave, ANN ARBOR. W. J. SOO0TH, TIRES. W. ARNOmLD, st viceprss J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pey JON. C. WALTZ, Asst., Cashier LAM PS FORSTUDENTS,, We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75e to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rtochester," "The Yale," "1The Royal," "The Berlin Student Lamp, ""'The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Mossey come and see us Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., D A I ,.~ ANN ARBOR. MICH. DE N 0 W Ticetels for Business Men. Take Warning. The Athletic Association has issued Several students witnessed tileIli- season tickets admitting tile bearer to isois-Micitigan ball gamns last Satur- six baseball games. T1hey will I* day fromssthe Ann Arbor railroaud sold at $2.50 each. 'These tickets right of way. Satsurday afternoon! may also be purchased by students thesy paid a Justice of the Peace int whos are tnot members of the Associa. Itile city $3.45 costs. They claimed tion. '1he tickets will be placed inth iat they were uinaweare that they the hands of the meembers of the were violating a cily ordinance. Board today, and anl active canvas swill be smade amon th~tie business msen April Inlander. of tile city. Thsey may be purchased at the ticket office at thse gamse with Thse April number of thte Ieslansder Indiana tomorrowe afterneoon. was putt on sale yesterday. Thee ______________ smber contains some good prose. iFOUN-A lady's senior's calp.'T'ie Tile leading article by Prof. R. M. owner enasy have ties same by callin" Wenley use "Kipling the Rhapsodist," at 214 Soattl Ingalls street, psroving~ is both thoughtful and very property, and peayiteg for tis ad.,eelightful reading, as are all of Prof. WVenley's articles. Prof. Dem- LusT-Near players' bench, Ath- mon contributtes a paper on George letic Field, tare foeentaine petes and tell IV. Cable, whiche he prepared for ties tickets to Toledo series. Fineder re- Chicags Recsred. 'lie "Chronicle of turen tee DAIsY )11ce aned receive re- the Ananeias Club" is continued frome waard. the last neuneber. 'This is an uenusee- ally wvell written college story and LOST-A Psi U pise, withe owner's less proved quite peopular. Miss neameeeile back. Reward. Return tee Clara Turner heas ea readlable college 702 S. University Ave. rotmance entitled "1'he Callow Youthe." Tile 1"Feud in tlee Class of '80" is a Parties leavineg r1eee1S to resetseed tale of a typical class sgrap. Thecf table board for visitors at the May verse in tis issue is lieeited to teesI Festival will please leave thecir ad.-onembers, whild are ncot up to tlee best dress at tlee Scleool of Music, standard. "Poesy" by T. M. 3. __________________________seems a bit strange and aside from The Anen Arbos H. H. wee: sell ecusioee the point. "Jtn Astronosmy," is a bit ticeets foe the fllowineg meetings ee ane fare of° verse in a lighter vein whiicle is fortherou tipawce: MsceFst-t ncrather commnonplace. Aseeor, Mich. Techkesonseesle May' t0, It, 12 __________ and 13.Heteen lieitey 55.F International Convention Y. St. C. A. at Nsarthe America, Gratnd Rap~ids, Sees. Teaheteseen sale There will he a eneetiseg of the Maey 55 and 25. Reaeurn limsit may 29. AnnualeConvenction TraveeesPetective Ass- senior class in Roosee+C, Usiversity ceisat fAmerica, Lauisille, Ky. Ticekets an Hall, at 4:15 theis afternoon. cla Stay 15 and . lReturn lhailtSMey 21. Aenalt MeeinegGemaBapteats, lRoanoke, Va. Ticetes an sale May 1, 19, 20 teste21. Ite- Alcadatsfrhe'9beal easn lsitJane 24.Alcaddtsfrhe99beal Nationel Baptist Annivsersares, Sacnheeaetisco, teasm will report at the fair grounels Cal. Ticketa an sole May 54, 15 end 16. Retetrn imite July I1l." this afterneoon at 3:30.E Meaeting Oed Order Geeean Baptists, Unian Bsidge, Md.'Ticeeen etsalaeStay t6, 59, 20 andf 22. Return limit June 24.t Fee tee Annuanl Meeting Generael Anseenebly Prof. John~son, of flee law depart. Presbyterean chueech ine Uniaed States, Mine- etwscle oOi etra apalet, Mtinn., at ens fatee tee the esoend eriet,eteasmetwacledoOloysery $4, an May 15, t16 and 17, swth etarn leets2es by thse death of a relative. 5, 1899. Don't Throw Your - Glasses no matter how badlyN thee are broken. We Away wili repair eye-glasses and j . alspectacles while you wait, or .y ~ /lend you another pair while yours are being fixed. Nothing but the best materials, expert work- m sanship and honest prices. Eyes examined free of charge. STRTm SR1VINGS BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL DANK Osn 8. Capital, ti00,w. Suerpltes and Profts, , 40,000 ransncts a general banhing btesiness. Foeeign. exchange boughe and said. Farnish letersnf E. DS. KINNE, Pes. HARRISON SOULE. S.W. CLAROKSON, Cashier. Csr. Main nnd Huroan Strets. Capital, 850,000. Suerplas, $30,000. Teanscs a geneeae hanhing easiness. R, Kcan', Pes. C. E. OnEEnE, Vice-Pes.. FanD. HIt SaER. Cashere. The Ifln Mior SaViHUS Bank Capital Stock. 850,0e0. Surplues, 5150,000. Resoutecss. 1,100,000., Oreganized tiner the Gienereel Bankting Laws at thea State. IReceives deposits,blesandetlse exhneecnthe )icselcitileso eeleUnIited States..Dratefs casteed poespeeperidentificatean Saefety deepositboesstasrtat. OFFCESt: ChristiaetMahPres. ;W.OD.tHarri mac, Vice-Pres.; Chat. SE. tisasea, Cashier; NM J. FritzAsitatCasheier. LAMB & SPENCER, THE .. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a. first-clan4 Grocery and Bakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE TrenleatfenfoPimples, Biacka- heas,Site., a 5Secialty. U, at M.Bare-S op aeid Bath SRaocs. J. R. TRJNOWSaowIi, Proe. 322 5. State S'. PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBE SHOP is DUNK & ELY'S BAR ER HOP If you desire finst-clans work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, Fuea mamrDrco Catllsattended Day or Eight. N~o. 5151SE. Liherty Street. Renidenre 533 S Foarth Ave, Fhone 529 F SRING MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST Spr'ing and 5Summner Make an Styles ace In. Early .Selection.