THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HI D BAND TE NEW TAILOR, HILDI2BRAND10 E. Washington St. +**+*+*+****+*+s4o++**++*4 4 +++.++4++N*+**++*4**4 M'"16"ORN 6NTIIIL CORRECT AND ST) CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Tking Efet Aug. 14, 1898. GOING EAST. We operate the finest ta Mail an Epress ...........1 47 P.sA. - N. Y. & Boston Special .a..... 58 equal any in tie State. ast Easters .................943" Atlatic Express_ ..........7 4 A. M. We respectfully solicit yo Detoit :Night Express....... 5 55" Grandl Rapids Es press......11 1 " All gasments miade Is) its Mil &lExpress...........8 4 AN, one yer. Boston, N. Y.&Chicao.e....s .o 9 11 ast Westers Express......... 138. si G. It. & EIl. eress..... 55" Chicago NightsExpess .......94 Pacific Express ............12 2 A .Is 10 .1E. Hurn. . W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, . P. & T. Ag't. Chicago. Ag's AE Arbor _ CALENDAR. Wednesday, May 3-WYarsity VS. Indianalli, at RegetsField. 12'- I R Friiay, My 5-Faculy Cnert, Frieze Memorial Hall, 8 p. i. Taiking Elret, TN. 20, 1898. Saturday, May 6'-Varsity vs. Trais leave An Arbor by Cetral Stansi dl 1iii:Sate Uniiversity, Regets ard Tice. Field. NORITH SOUTH11 ~42 . 05 570 11 wediiesdai, May 10--'Varsiy vs. " 12:40 P.s. 11:25 A. M. Illinoisl, at Regeiis Field. :6 P.sN. 8:40 P. N. May 17-Fiiials i illsup1Deate, 'lisisbetssec o asoArocsndcoilicedo oly Ad(elhilvs. Jeffes2o All tans daiy ecept Sudaiy.I E. S. GLOtlR11E, Aget.- W. iH. BENNEiTT. (+."lP. A. 1900. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- All baseball imei eet lat ail BOR RAILWAY. Grunilds every uday at 4 p. i. Cars leave An Arbor for Ypsilnti W'iANTD-A ticket for the last 3 aind Detroit every blf hour beginning Festival coicerts. Adress or call at 7:1a. m. . of M. car leaves (City on(ile(veniinogs) N. cre DIi.. lissl, Detroit, every nightlfter Teater. Special U. of Al. ears for all exra occa- sions. Baggage, xpress and Students' LOST-A $20 bill. Finder please supplies received and delivered. Wait- r'etrl to J. R. P;res, 306 North jog rsoms, corner of Ann and Mlain State S~, ansi receive reard. streets, Ann Arbor, IllI Griswold street, -____________________ Detroit.w Wabash Fast Trains VIentcble, tbe Mfake it posible for you to take Breakfast in Ainn Arbor, Dinri t.LtsadLuceonin a aFirst-Class 1Din- sn oossjrnca ig Car eii route. r us You lears Ann Arbor 7 2 a m ;Ar rive St. Louis, :23p. m.5.Arrise Ci cago d 3;0p m.; Kasao City 715 c.111on Omos The02ContUinenltl Lidtel, PIR hA N A supecrb fast trail, mangificent service, biron Detrit andIoSt. tois,cicac, Nigara afalls, B'ulaic New Yorkol and Bston. Free tiecliolog Chair Caro on A f All Trains. You will go home fr vaca- tions oo-better owrite ti01s for a newv folder of Wabash traiins. F. A. PArsoc, A. G3 P. A, Chiago. - Sring and Sumer Stock Coim C. R. cI5ANE, . tP. & T. A., St. Loi, Ao. FOP 1. S. GRENWOO, A. P. A., Roosset Leather. Chicago cd Ansn Arbor. Ohio Central Lifl8s AL1TYE THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowvling Gtreen, Marietta, Finstlty, Atiens, " (7olutans, Midsttleort, and T R e P urita Charleston, W. Va. Colusmbs trains use Lake Shore Union Station at 'Toledo.AnAroSte Tbroughs trainsswithl Sleepilg andAnAroSte Drawing Room cars fromi Detroit FACTORY: BROCKTON, MASS. MSOULTON HOUK, Geeral Paseosce Ag. (LIS TAIORI NO NEED YLISH TAI NC .ITo send to the nmanofacturers wthern you can obtain a genuine Wach~mMandolin or ilositig tr'ade in the city, and sir valued pattoolage. kept pressed and in repair Lot' New State Phone 431. WANTED-A swaiter, tos wail tabsle' nsons, at Portlaoid Cafe. Losl'-A\ pair of gold1 eye-glsses, Itigit liere in Ani Arbor, At the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 WV. Liberty- St. 0, M,- MARTII. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 2091 S. 4th Ave. Amobulance night and day. lRes- idence 302 Fifth Ave. I Please return to 4016 Packard street , ftjpmy CPlocVk anid receive resrvsrd. fPhtisicalVIUxams. Thei spriiig phy sical I xan iimtioni11111Jds ll are niv beiing giveli ai the Gymna-~i sillml every a1ifterlil0oli fromi 2 to 4 W m'..A\rnold Leaweelg ('clock. j svh11 soh i lis1:totake thieiimf~5 still please register on the brliiniksT Only Full o outside of the Director's (fitre. ThLieo 50 Krc:L Pir ITi' 5TllCl, 1irettor. LowneyI's Chocolates Bicle cMen.InteCtJsRcivdb All candisidaites sril1 receive iiistruc- InteCy.lsRcivdb lions diaily as 1o trainilig froml Direr. I T h UI I.- tsr .Fitzpsitrick at .\ Illelir Field. 138 So. Stite Street. J. P. NMCLEA . _______________ The ltest tovo steps asre the "V~ictos)" "lBoston L'Tea Party." OUR PHOTOS Waltzes, the iCSerellaiec' a11(1"Liive . .. A R E ,. Thiotiglits," at 25c each at Aoii Ar- hoc Muisic Co. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH i e IIb~otog3apher. III.0Z11Z..:ZZZZZZZZZZ.Z.ZI S S S ZZTZZZ SS ZZZZf' Berryrnan Studio I112 West Huron St. StatreIPhoner119, * TT.ZZZZZZZZZS.ZZiZiS Zi. FOR plete. Newv Constrolled 1 10 East Hue A G. SPALDING & BROS. MIN zATHLETIC GOODS. Ollsiil ufices to all the 1'ading7colleges Hschosolsiand thleticus ofish. ounsitry. The . ipaIllioc ; iBisycle, riddleni ly the AN HIsis icsdleiuais A. A. A. A. Ch~amspionis, said sal lste . dul em s'ing c sl ies. Every Ilesi N O s ie fIrIisevlsl, Foot Blall, Goslf, Tenniis, r vAthletcs, 1y. nasium -i Spa~cing's Official League Rall W OM EN HI h fiillalo h ainlLau !'ides of T,1na1and NN7 glding's OfisillBae iBill Cuide. fsr1899. 1)yi14o . 77 SPALDING & BR0S., New fsrk. Chicago -Th Hocking Valley Ry. 77 (iOlLin'eLRaviig1.111iorDepots in j1 NO Ti1tSF'EIIS TO ANY POINT. S3 Tais(Ytwe1 ~ ~ ~ IliacAbove Cities..~ "7 Rates always the lowest anid accom- onaton St. 77 odltions the best. Near Cask HoaseN For particulars call on local agents, or "address L. W. LANI)MANN,, Genil Tray. Agt., 07 Woodward ave., W-EH~iR '"Detroit,AMinis WE PATRONIZE, GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.