2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 .fI fa tempts on the honor and independ- 40 ' f ' at ng Bettergo MnaerBardTHE r '" ''has not displayed any attempts at N tig B te Published Dily (Sndays excepted) dring the dictation. He les not insisted on INLN PRESS College year. at playing all games at Anni Arbor or C-n be fursehd than what we NLN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. any other place he miglt name, or are now putting tsrth io the wayAN ARO demtanded nearly all the gate receipts. o Hot Weather Drinks atAN ARO 'mtie-: The Iland Press, Ieaing Blot.ietosceesleat- trnwhtsIotas SBot Phones t47. Nor has lee tre oscr uhes- ornwSd onan ernt gamees as would tend to impress Special cooing Iappartsaned P itrBnes MANAGING EDTOR. str iwesteri opotents with or etag- everyttignet. cantand at- rnerBidrs S.oasGELuaR, '0t L titude, so thatt they wutld mtake a tactie. -Nt BUSINESS MIANAGER. scanmble to be accorded the hoenor of J .Q A R EDITORS policy of Stgg. Baird les simeply Camps Drg Stre. Athletic Editor, P W. Jxseo,99 takete a square tatd against dicta- tsI5NrtNG BLOCK T. i. Wooeow, 00 L. A. H. Mc~rA~L,,oi E iote stee asked Illitnos td Wiscon- N + *.... ++ G. .Hne oeer o00 E J. St. Wee, rO site to do thie same. They lave C. L. NLE- 'a3, C. D. Cone.', c5 ageed totdo so and hatve aset L .J G MeetnhoO0.ci x eit5C naitested no tetdetcy to violate hic qes0itt fabyot nfei-COLLEGE STUDENTS ball ettd tratk ecatters ito ft oct nfo-is not coittrptone issaete.DIL eybefo liceraereetdAintsgeecelPrbyPresident teto heeelcrpie ieste aetiI B ae ite ic rf att OUNTEY nonMacy. ticeecoit ct t ic ier gll stipultedthat ofetree eItieOIIU~ UUI other mter itendte foreputtlictinnc e yHet tape hooded is at lice-DSILt 01t10ce t10icce8 s.cm, or Cttie e seted. sholdcclnot eigage -["r waited to te eductoree 3 p, . ofcithe ct aeshceaoleitectletyi ctcS l-MOKE preioucsttott niecth eyate exectedtoe Kn nerolgaecnts l h~ tppere heteh ~ tcSisct thydidtnot saegtelcreceipts ubcrpin a elf tteDIYofc,6 61Meyc.esr tetlt C'ieweieed, r witteBsieequithally otidibcve equatel voice i ic te Vn~ (A~hn~~ Ltp L rpring, prempty at titi-oftice ay itailre o a carriere tee delive p istreherfite o onctlest ott this e tieon th oficie Iy 4p. nc.ocithlie, ay Icevitotte in blebal l in([ndtrack gicie and ________ mrwis hte r Ctceecto ie enenrasnto euet ly NoAUfTDYSISEceBut Ciceagot refescoto divide 11hc It. lCOOL, gate eceptso fairly i foottbtll camteso FRESH- otc iecreIt tceccrctihtt ce StrawberryI AT ccnitteincg f the Detect- locr iiti ° lttlvl tce -'10cclot rt-t it t) . 11H UeManag it er ic- teorIi e te tt y Clidwayilsltchtootl. Adti AND IVILI clcte a- Bsns ~n rffor tice itt eagreeetlas eenIteethufar Pineapple esuiecng year. strictly otervedby htec colegs ict qutetionte tnd bidslafeir tic le eqttlly -- Tlee U. ofjG eekly re atttestte- bedigntegle Ictfutire. Nto attemeplt liedt ablelet (Ceicagci's glei ethc if bcing tmicde to hume CtIi(leiago. IntefGOlIOaitG Bureau olfi~ademG Costume. Wicni hstefllwn oay h tndo ihga tssmly for GOTRELL & LEONARD, tie Clicagoet-VisIcecott tbaseball furairy~O. We say to Chicago, "Wen\lciABANY, N. Y. geecotnMarsehl ll etrtdavyelluarcirepatredh ctoeeet nusetc termclo Caseeu, oian ctd Heds mtde to order tid rented. AloeClash mallrkseaetotler cl-t-age hest ercc of abolut e eaity tancthfairness ttc Cnes,lassiHeatoecnd Ceps, Claso Collegetis. Address athletic situcatioee atedi appaetly tare ready to etgage i titleteic coe- W. C. KERN, W etetitg-t onte adcvntageoucst to s.Wthe tlI of tst witht you. Anduttil thenicweccHsktll11 seroiete a. ofeClcec. thce "Triumvecirate"savec uhiegancrfutse. No eeemattdlis itieeebet tilL- -- cordlial re-lationts hlecbeenteuedecahnduc thereby we stanc. ini bttseball antra eck alelltics-____________ "Mulaager Bard hes fisled icc his Y attemteis to secure a told heycot of Los-A black watche feel wiii GET YOUR Cihicagoehy Miigate Illinoiseand goldl huckle, etc Athletic Field. Wisonusint Theiricary caucee of Finder return to 702 S. Mai, anth disseucivioitdeed-ti i-lot orreceive recard. R G S F R H G M tiotechchviioeof recepts at footbeall__________________ ~ ~ I (. I I I ~ ~ /' V gamese- still remietts, andh te cril - Bccl ed mecettnotne of or three active ot- If YourBiylNed portentse next fall. The loss wll net TO BE REPAI RED, be ouraoe, hoever, andi wecbe- -T livntiother year will tell a diferenl O t 'B stry.Go t BI MA S "eBaird'sedicatorship of thee cest . w aslaiaptomi ____ -I.uXIV E? -'Y-. ida hartly beetn ean tienqualiied suc- -- cs.All hacil to Stagg, cwho heas Student Agents Wanted. olnce agaitn showncimelcf a jealous totd lostrcucl cleautpiietoeelCleigo's rlet.el positiotc inithec athletic PAT AUG 519 ,tTerll. (Cecent otldatttioctc(for Lady e si This s like the lii trick of lie __-- ___ ___fc lAils frArnt AZRheho robbers to rasec e great huee ated cry - tu)eoitte fc-eutsyteett to enabtle themseelesc t ecpe ie -For01Penfl. l tim 1{.Rtes eaeeOntche. saet y Ictaking aedvantiteg of the M.SABE51 Bcce moim confuscd~ioSagg meest ateack Btaird Combined Grater std Saw Cutter. M.SABE'IicceEpru iand cry out,"Ieculeans to Ie diclt- 1IPhontes No. S. l1t) west VsmugtonmtStreet. tor," tod snakO ehis euwnccattepts lt dicttione to the colleges of lie leid-Gd- die west appheare righteous is beug GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING teade for sef 1pretervation froot- Famous Parer and Slicer. iemTrent12 ees sie control. Stagg has cntsisentl=X50 pr esnof1-Wes beene workiteg to taeek himtsef the Profitabltieiployumentetall sumeteilr_ PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. ruitgmietsterlicted itt weeterne ttheic for acive agentst. 150 per ceiltrivte Lesos by Appointment. Belli'Phone 24. iceatter. To thus etndie less sore lprofit et our quiec-seineig hoseold _________________________________________________ andcimiro secured al gaiueso at Chi- specialties, cwhichc tre sod tt resoot- cagoe maeeended ti disproportiounate able iprices. Yout caut teore thanetepaysoioufauslerambt amosnt of thege receipts tnd in your scheooliyear expenes sccutmmere UthSe eeecistatteleroci ote uy ttemepted 1o place his profits. Write its for catalogue and ~EA h~Et iit te oe oturcra cou comcetitors hue a position n-lire they particulars.Pe MAdcCtoi WHhfA IV - ) 1 1 U eu .MIN T . WhueMchganasked the other co- ILLINOUIS CTLRYCOPAN iIt s ret y ol BllPea, tO; Sltate 3. leges to unite with her in resistingUILIIUII~lU this polity Stagg at once saw at DECATUR. ILL.