4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The New WVerner Edition -OF THE - Encyclopaed ia Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet of printed matter. (Each volume is 11 in. long; 9 in. wide; about 2z inches thick, sod weighs about 5 pounds.) Can it all go into your head? Not likely ! Better have tihe tork itself to refer to when in doubt. The entire set of Thirty Superb Octavo Volumes delivered upon pay- ment of $1000 SHEEHAN & COE University Booksellers, AGENTS, JOS. W, KOILAUF, Foreign and Fine Domsestic 6'20E'C4'jWoolens. ALPINE HAT SALE. an4 Eat Washington St.,nar.itAnq I All Shades for 1899 Now In. ANN ARBOR. tall and see them! .53 Hats for $. ________________ D. A. TI11KIR & SOiN. w iJ. oOTH, PRDZ aA9 LAMPS O STUDENTS. We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $+2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes, Including "The New llochester,""liThe Yale," "The Royal, ""The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Monsey cocos and see us Old Number: D A 0 44 SO. MAIN ST., D A I V I AN R O .M C.Yale W ins the Annual Relai Race. A Floe Concert. The annual relay races of the U. Lieut. Dais Godfrey's British of P. were field Saturday at t'hila- Guard's Band rendered a very fise delphia aind were very successful in concert Saturday in University Hall evr a.More than sixty prepar- ( to a very small audience. The audi every way.ence however made tip iin enthusiasm atory schools, acasleinies, high schools, what it lacked in nuiibers, and colleges, anld universities were repre. cheered thme bandl to the echo. The sentecl. Yale woii most events, car- "Victors' 'March" was played as an ryinsg awaiy honors its the one, twvo, encore to the sixth numnber and, was rendered with inure vigor and dash anti the fotrirnile relay champion- thant was given it by Souisa's Band. ship. 'Thec Iext inumuber, "'Tie British 'T'he event of the day wvas the one Gtiards'' was responded to with nile championship, which the Yale ''Stars and Stripes'' andI was so q~uartet won handily it 3.24 4-5. heartily aind loudly cheered that the Penn secondsc and Chicago third. hand was comripelied to play a secontd Pennsylvania's crack sprinlters, Kra- encore which wats''Georgia Canip- enlein and 'Tewkesbury, were both meetin. '' T'he following program i 3 t t W. AssNmL st Vitee~ls 611116i J. V. aHEEHtAN, 2d Via,.1.,t JOsN.Ws ,Ac 8Rcbc fVING& BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL DANK Ogn T83 Copitl, $10i5,t(00.Srplusand Profts, 040,00 'rransstactntral baninigrbusinest. Foteign. exthontge bought and odlmdFutnish lelttes sf credit. E.0D. KINNE, Pree. HARRSON1 SOULE, Vice.S'ts. 5, W. CLARSsON, Usahiot, &A Irhnhj 3'20 Souath State Street. beaten by the Yale mn io~le C.0i. ___________________________________cago does notuappmiear to haivCecei in the race from start to iiis. Shirt WJaists ! Kisenzlein tsiide a new world's aataeur record for the runtling brad istiogated. Drop at ing; op ovrlg 4fl312us.,a '.lpIayshon. dng 61-2itiches t terecodeld Student's Laundry (Issociatior), by Prnisteits of Syrause. Almsc. lor Gtand Laundry. oi nt. Shieldott, formierly of Ytile, no0w 202 s. State St. New 'Phate, 441 of the N. Y. A. C., pot fte shot a distance of 44 ft. 7 1-2 itt., breakinig A TRIAL ORDER. the record of 43 ft. b 1-2 in, lhelid by McCrackeit of Pesmisylvastia. 'Both was10rendieredl: I I f r That is all t isor less ew records twill p~robll b' e safe for lily Launadry Agency. somte timte. P. C. M E YE R, ThetAnt Arbor I.t. R ilsl xuso Tel. No. t79. 007 E.Wiliiiam t.e fothieeround tip, Untivesity oftMichiganscaletival, Atit _________________________________Arboas Mich.'ickets an sale May t0, 11, 12 OYS andli:. etnlimsist iMayl1.j ST P Itentionstal onvesntinY. M. . A. o ot B ~ ST .Asenca, Gad Rapids, Mich. Tickets on sale AT THE Mtay2an td 25.iReturnslt May 29. AnnaatlConventioa TravelesProtetive As- KINDERGH T c Otalt fAterics, Louisville, Ky. 'ilekets as fNIIFII0flITPM sleay 15uatd16. Retarnnrimt Miay 21. Atnuatl:Meeting Geman Baptists, Roaokeon, VaY. Tcketts tale May 1, 1,20 andi 21. Re.. FOR A GAME Or POOL. OR BILLIARDS. Natinual BaptistAtnniveraesa,Sas Ptaccisct, laon 5t. East of F. and M. Bank,. Cluiesnsl a 4 5ad1.Rtr Brcidge, Mld. 'ickets otn tale May 16, 19, 20 and AN D L L22. SRetuarn litat Jase 24. Fat the Antaual Meetng OeseralAssemliy ANDALLncurhi UiedSats Mne apotlios i satoehae i ts heou n tar, Miate- Stat P$rie44 14 onMay1tt6tard1t, w ist estnlmi Junet at3,ne14 1s89y9. l ad1,ecl sls itullc 1. dOverture, "Robin Hood"... Macfarrent (Performeudby Lieuat. (Godfrey's Baind sit the Peace Jubilee 1872.) 2. Selection, "Tannasaaei," (Solot for pirincipal plerformers). .. Wagner 3 Flute Solo, LIe Carnival de \'enioc................ Briciaildi MRa. ns:tiPEtN (Encore.) 4. "Vtlse lirilliacte"............IChopin 5. Cornet Solo, "The Hly City"... ...........Stephen Adamis {'. Selection, "lbs Gondoliers".. Sullivan 7. March, "The Britiash guards". . ... . . . . . . .Harriss S. Humoroas Musical Sketch, "The D~rummer's Dilemma"...Byrne to which one drummer introducs the following instruments: Tympani, Bast tnd Side Druat, Cymbals, Triangle, Tambourine, Castagnettes, Imitations of Spurs, Bella, Whips, Glockenspiel, Xlylophone. 9. Coronation March...Meyerbeer The Star Spangled Banner. God Save the Queen. Saturdatj's Game. Chicago, 23; Nsorthwvesterns, 2. Beloit, 5; Wisconsitn, 3. Yale, 23; Brownt, 6. Harvard, 8; Wiliams, 3. Princeton, 3; Corisell, 0. i J F Cor. SolonsoddnHuronStreets. Capitol, $50,000. Ssrplsus, $30,000. Trasactsa goeerilbooklitglbssiness. R, KaEYr, Pats. C. E. Ossooss, Vice-Pres.. FRsED.H0BSERs.Cashier. lh Ilan flrbor Savrnas Bank Capital Stotk. 550,000. OSsrplus, $150t000. Rtesouses,.100it,000O. Osganized uodere Genercalsal nking Laws sf thsStater.Rectivrs dsitsl, Ibuys and cells- exchagcon the uinutpal ctieisiofthse tited States.IDrafts c cl iupn prper sidenstification Safetyudepoasit bostomarent. OFFICES. :Christian Mack. Prs. ; W''. Otassi coat, Vire-Pes.; ists. E. iHistocs. Cahie;M J. Felts Assistasnt Cashier. LAMB &SPENCER,. .THE. . Fancy Grftocers We keep everything uisually kept in a. firat-class Grocery and .Bakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of ..3. Barber Shop md BathsitRooms. J. R. TeOJAtOWSnI, Prsp. 322 5. State Sc PATRONIZE WONDERFUL VALUES ~2 et IN 11251 centsZ " ®. U ERW A IA Garmaent. EG IC $HIRT$1 S11oa. Reliable Makes, Fast Colors, W A N R & 0 .- 123 5. MAIN ST. i 0 i d A r A L' aa "S WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS- BE IN LIRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBE SHOPis Doss & ELY'S BARER HOPIf you desire first-clas work and courteous treatment try George and Starry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH U fIETEDIE iFeal mbalmerreor Calla attended Day as Might, No. mdi E. Libtety Steet.Residecec53 Fourth Avs, Phone 125. MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST 5 prinog ansi Sunmmes' Make an !Styles are Oin. Early Selection. n .14