THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. AND FANCY SOX ARE SWELL .s I $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00. OXFORDS_- SOLE AGENTS L HANAN SHOES.19 SO. MAIN ST. MIGHlIGRN GENTKRL Its Time lol~pr The Niagara Falls Rout." Biy eQus on CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Bi ceQuson Taking Eftert Aug. 14, 1898. You swiil Find salihe Leades- Mail and Express ... :...........3 7 P" Coluisbins, Ramllblers, Fast Eastern ..............9 43 tGiis a el Atlantic Express ...............Stea...i7,45VA. M.ey': Detroit Night Espressa........5 55" Grand Rapids Express........ 11 10"Ste'rllings, Mail & Express ....I.....840 A. AT. OdtesS Boston. NY. &Chicago.....I...9In " Fast Western Espress. i......A38 P. At. G. R.. Foal. Rep ess ........5 45 U Vi Chicago Night RExEpres s ...... 0 .95 w l ru t Pacifi Espress.............220SA. Ai. U. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAVES. _____ o___________ The Corner Candy StorejNO NEED North of Quarry's Drugtoe To send to the nmanufacturers swhen TSorenders n kind invitation to all swishing you can obtain a genuine fresh goods at reanonable pricen. Lunchens L Mandolin or nt nil hoors. Hot coffee nd sandwiehen iiahurfl iar W. S. PARKER'S, 315 S. STATE A teRighit here iii Aid Arbor, ALARM1 CLOCKS, $1.00. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE U. OF H1. PINS, 5() Cents. P; Wg... , .A1innt,,all,. No. 114 IW. Liber"tySt. .J. L. CHAPMAN, 206 Sooth AlaitiStre. 0, M, MARTIN.,, FUNERAL I G. P & t.Ag 't, Chicagon AlAnn Arbor CALENDAR. WANTEA-A wvaiter, to trait tabsle DIRECTOR M1ay 17-Pitials iii Coip Debate, 100010, nt Portlanil Cafe. Embalming a specialty. N o. 209 S. 4th Adlpiivo Jffr l1 Ave. Atnbolance night and day. lies- WeieisMy3Virt Losr-A pisir iif golideye-glasseo,idne32ifhA. Indias 's Ilesentbetwveeinlibirary aniil Madison svenue. 'ieil Please retorn to 4011 Plackalrd street [11nplock TIME TABLE Satorday, llly 1-'Varsity vs. 10111 receive resvarid. Tkn te o.2,19. Oi tt nvriy eet Traios leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- Field. Phtlsical Exams. NOIIRH 5ouT10 W\edniesda~y, M1ay 10. -' \lrsit vso. lie spinitg pihysicasl exainalilltilo i'!1J ,3 . 0 :- I 11linois, at Regeitc Fielid. - ire Dsuin gi veii at theoGyiina- *1l2:dSC. s«. 11:23.A. :t. stn everyafeno fromi 2 to 4W m Ar od Je lr 1:56Prot. 8:0.40P.0.8. 100Xoclock j\Arnooldh Letakdthe x~0i I betweecn AIttrbiotr0an11Toledo ossly All lbaseball 111611 IIIell mleelt at Falrsv1Ieos rlir1)1lS11118 OnyFlLne f All trais daily exc1e1ptSnday i . outsidle of thie Director's olfice. T heOnyFlLieo E. . ILMOIIE, Agent. Ground~ls every dayi)at 4l p. iv.x a5FircrrT1I 1iieroi hocoate sW. ii. olENN>TT. G . .A. _________ IL wny DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- AWANTEV---A ticket for the last 3 Bicijele Men, In the City. Just Received by BOR RAILWAY. Festisal clocers. Addlrees or call AlellldaetilteseIlt lL u 3r uuu CarIs leavo Ann Arbor for Ypjsilanti 101(Iet~ls .eseDsiv illis daiily .10 to training fromio .Diii.e and Detiroit every half hour bsginning los Fitzpatricko at Athletic Field,.338 So. Slate Street. at 7:15ia. tm. 1U. of M. car leaves City LosT-A SOl bill. hindier plleaose Ji. F.AMC LEAN. 11a11, Detroit, every night after .Theater. SreSoto Jn.reiveFrear d.1 orh _________a_ Speeial t'. of Mt carn for 'ill extra occa Sae5, n eev errl lrlies halvinglig 1110iIItorenit 0n1d1 OUR PHOTOS 01010. Baggage, express and Stodents'- table bolardl for visiorls it thele M . . . A R E . supplies received and delivered. Wait- '01 bas~e hall practica eveiy lay it Festivllwill please leave their all. ing rooms, ecorner of Anin and Main 4 p). inl., at fair groundil. dress at the School of M\usic. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH streets, Ann Arbor, ill Griswold street,_________________________________________-T H E Detroit. Berrymafl Studio Wabash Fast Trains' 1Rentzcbler, the 1'otorapher. 12Ws uo t Mlake it possible for you to takne12WsHuo St lhreokIailst isa Ann~a ArbIor', ~~SsrPn,59 -uier iii St. Lous aini _________ .Litnehieosain a First-Cliss 1)inos ___SZZtlzzzzZ~zlz zzzuzzlZ IL7 aGeCar eas route. y NA . G. SPALDIN+G & BROS. Youo tears An~n Arb10 or 0)_0a.m,;Ar- riseSt. Looie. 0:25 p. i. i A1rive ChicagoS N U NewsYork - Chicag. 3;00 p.G.; Kansaos City 7:15 0. n.;on00011 ATH111111}i s. F" t hs nGwanOl eeNotGlMf~ll . schiolstand aolli c.lubs iof10thcountry. " P U M"" IT N FO2H Iu isr ing icycriddte0011by the Th'Ie C tl('lILsnsh e, .FOR AND 2 HIntercoIlleg11,16AA A. A. A. Clhipo n A s1111er1 fast tralin, imagificeintservice, -all theaig111co01llege ridlers.lEvery tleqal bietwreeniDetroit 01111St. Loui, Cliioa(o, i~e rse 1Ball, Foo Ba ll. fTenis Niagaros Fllso, iolfalo, -Neork7101and V Asthetfircs0011mnas1iumi Bostn. reeh~eeil~olethur(or 01 33 Spalding's Offioial League Ralil All 'trains. 37111 xiii go home for' roel- W OM E Is tliciial all of11:6thelNtioal. 1Lea~gue Ilion s001- better write toit115for auw"1111lteledn0clee soiail folder if\Wabah otralins.eatlgeo tlei trs F. ,t. P iLliu1F, A. G . A1Chicago. Shpring antd Suiliner Stoek Complete. Newv Shtde of T,-amand N 5p111111 6's Officiasl lBaseu.Ball Guilde for1800. latrch 30, I Cns {:..tCR, t , G~. P. .,,,t.Lotuis1o.M . .611 It.S. t(lRI>.NlWOOl1),I11 P. A.,toisset Leather. Conotrolled by i11s. 22 A. G. SP5ALDING A BROS., Nen Fork, Chicago thiicago 11511Ann Airboe. ----$ -- -- -- ----- The Hocking Valley By. I3 )tli aug(.ireciTra,ri-toatis, I 2 3 3315'R OA OIT I) ~lr., thnf loss r Trainas Betw eenl C(olsoastlo trains oise Lake Shore Cniono T Satonat 33 l.N ates always the loosest and accom- Statin itfoled. 3322 modationn tile best. Thistgli trais wtitih Sleepisng ansd Ann Arbor Store 110 East Huron St. DratvinosgRom1cars frowni Detroit h" FACTORY: EROCKTON, MASS. Near Cook House - Fodrsparticolars call on local agents, os asitiTssltho.Gen'l Trav. Agt., 617 Woodward ave., MOULTON 110CR, General Passenger Ag t. l ifi siz'hfBz a tl Detroit, Minkh x i a s i. I i r WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.