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May 01, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-01

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+ t flP 4Ift Gun Club Organized.
~ ~ The Gun Club had its first meeting
Pubished Daily (andays excepted) dring the this year at the grounds utn South
cslege year,.at State street last Saturday mnrning
THE NIVRSIY O MIHIGN, rucem)tu 12. Only a few f thte
THE NIVESITYOF MCHIGN. meembers were ut, however, altungle
° ag:TteInlland Press, IHenning Blok. at thte euastteeting, held Friday af-
toth pones t47. ternun, shout fifteen metn joited the
SIANA INCEDITOR. lub anti will be ut regularly, ente-
NI F. ENGEHARD R. netcing With text Stra onn
F.Fa ce t L ie IaealSaudytueie. If YollW7istthe List
BUSINESS LANAThR traips v l beete repaired atd Est il
EusxES , 00 ANAER. are in good shape. ft is desiredl tn
0.ITOS.. tNeS.5. incerase the tmeteiership, attd every- J ut
on neetdis requtestedl to cotmeeSi.. Sut
T..Athletic Editor, P. W. Jee, '9G net) to the grounds text Saturdtay
1'. (. osn, '05 L. A. It. MDoecL, '1 E tornitng. At present thte ditub cut- AND
C..DH'n TT'. ESeso'OrE. t .J. B. Woo CO, 'ts O. slts of thte followintgtmembiers: Cot
L. J. to Tcse tiRo, tN, . . Ittecece, 'O at. Flansherg, Oliver, Collins, Wend, 0 C at
A. G. tecewN, ' Scottet, Hicks, Whittleey, Wood-
row, Mcenotzie, Rayteind, Mlorton, SEE us.
Batchelder, W1ildee, Imeees, Tretastrer
Soni, Professors Rnfe, Freer, Noble's Star Clothing Huse
Theesubcrciption pesso the DAILY cc ai.tO toe r leltteure, Cooley.
the college year, ewith !l regiclar delivey btoe Otne of thte letding tarmseConparrie
nonech dyciidc.Nice, cenooooiatione, ad
other mattter intended toe pubicactin s at bc lisaoffered to give a trophey itt the
handed ini ccti'oneeILY tie beore 85pn. or slape of a fite gulttael pie o
mailed to 1thc edito beoe 3;cpcI. of tho a cat7 fr
peeieo t iiotos s'hih inycoexpecteid to hattndicap Shoot, to he heldthee etlen
oecipt con s ncy Sc oett at theDAIL~Y cc, titte itt Junte. Ite sate eompnpty
Eana, noro cete's ewontuor w0 cittiiBuinoe silltlsin idler atrtophy' forth le trit-
Eaner. Subscroibers cil co n a efahorCb
reelootio r ei erpl ppritnetinoliec 'icy tiluree etfier ofr t ttrileieeseii ttoi
Atlcianes n ic ceceotsni cattembein fSo ilth' Westernc tietvesities, if lhcicei
oe whe chbyo 5lev p5 .r onaa thenin Icpeiosto that gaen Slotlid tesire toieti r ea teel.
- 'hrio re Satierdhay tils as t'illiise-
There twillle ate cctilg of the 1nncttco. res E
D)AILy Bnoaridtionight, in the ofiec t Flatssburg Ilt'ORL.iO Mi23at.....t........S 2
7:30. tollins.............. 18.......
- Wilder ...... t ... ...... .16 ('lIEfII(AL ealidG PHYSiCAL0 APPARATUS.
We hccve lot tie is)tioocegameWodrow..... 1...COSOICF.........19,trti Pr al ~nnon
01d31e1 o itih ie mos1tin rtlott odescoHicks.....tn..."a"" "' 31R S11 11iN5Ije5tatls o alLlis1
if thtortil. ecrebatnSuppliescTed e~ eo, te
laila tCronleilyby Sulperiot'play ilig.S ~T T 11 .Mi tet uoAor ih
Roli c le aryliluo t lot lei telf _._
But th tramhas nt dt racedrisentcroollcujiate Buroiau l fiadeic CostniU .
clel imcitiedta t Aihgr pro oIhrecl int cian GOTRELL & LEONARD.
i0 JJJeirt lllll nptcigalJo Asocr, N.Y
ileatliig. u h h tutofefhes asityor iATHE1, Cp, Gowns, cci Hoods mde to oer ectd rented Also Ciss
fielilico il te ble' ci the'\'it'i ~Cocs, lass Hets tne)Ceets, Cless Collee Pls. Addrees
lh cnan ilcrtil eW. (. KERBteta n .ng.,
roll e. Thle teameisppain g for T ATI1IE [i Bahett I1eTac smi t of Cato,.go
lostf fiyldiniepraticGEfrYOURoH EoA M
timeto lay he indofblll (lest
porteil. Just beause of one defeat -.JLSE,010 c clnl1
Seeuport shTldi tnt e evithrawen, Yocceno , snrrowe, c i ne marl
eveti toiiglethat edefeas netheea a yt fdol. 35, LLibcety sl.
resutl of errors. Pot of theeo- hHu:to a 10. :0c.snmI. 1c I E
rors ewere due tee tlack of eforts otn If your Bicycle Needs
the part of the payers.
-Mattesoul lad heeneable to e out TO BE RATRE
toiprctice ontly a week, atid Wolfe IU REATRD
was disabled, teiakineg it tiecesary tic Go tO BIER BM AN-'S,
pot ainece teiaeein the fhelid, whoo pst- j ;ali tn
ccl hinbest, ht lacked experietice. Wsintn. __
With the retiirne of Wolfe inte IONSft.
day, and hard, coctsistent practce Studet Agents Wfanted.
witall tit, heneliignithe ereglrill
hriontefcngoftttem ilbe a revelatonce e'licetlly'to twitlis PAT AUG 5. 1893.
tc rn it tie heal tide the leamlis __ T1andcem~s GCrocelt (Jt itliltiolt (ftct' La 1 llitit
ed1lilaile of, taridtehen they cio tihet, -_ Gelt lltetlt for en'et ly tics leinti
to sppori ~helcntrwill ice lose. Now I a i. Pen-t.sthtieo otIehepars-1' (£).1 1t znsld~e
and1 supprctiithliemciniitie gcameeasilli
icc be plcyed. Witi ii-stupocrt t Combined Graer ad Slaw Caller M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
the gamie t to eplcayedi 0n1Ma1110li, we1PhmonsmitNo. S. 110) z '51 'Washingtn Street.
venltureetice PredleiIicti lha leiii'-
lue reene liscot Sctuirdaicllci)e
_______________-Famus Parer and Slicer. 50)~~10 2Wes
Tile Yale footbal sciedutlo hisl"0pr en)o Wes
bencompitl~letedi. file tiew' teamls Prof itb.eempi~lymecetclill cciucie PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING.
twhich are to meet Yale this yoar, are io cti ive aget-. 15)011r centtPricate Lessonts by Apocnitmet. Belit 'Pnoie 24.
Wisccostn, Califonlic, Bates ted peoit 011ouric'u~ick,ellieg housooldch_
Pentesylvanotia. 'lhe Ceseisle Jediats, Specielties, wthichieare sohe ld t cleelfs-ily~ll ancteI.c o a
BroneatdiehtheChiceago A. A. lave ble prices. Youicecamoe tilIha 'If)01 onttpniay1s o o
beets dropped, your scheool year expiees byt)'sueocmner band-slewe Shoea ,3~.00, $350, 84.06
profits. nBnelues for ctaloigueeanseed $le5~.00, cll std see Its.
It istest straneetgthat thee ete nAr-hcparicuelrs. IF O .4S
hoe Music C. do atice sheet meusic W uratesaifcto n vr
besiteess in Ypsilanti, Pontieec, Battle ILIIS CULER CMAN e get nntostsato t vr
Creek, Owosso, sed Jackson. It's ILI~JCL~LR OPN elet
teir stock and prices that do it. DECATUR, ILL. t1PR1118StOEO RE, An .Are nrtownnsr.


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