2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. { H NVRST FMCHGNDIY +a Jeffersonian Societut Programme. +f The Jeffersonian Literary Society will hold an open meeting Friday Published Daily (sundays excepted) during the evening, Oct. 14, at 8 o'clock, in Colege year, at Room 24 (Prof. Trublood's room), THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. main building. The following pro- OFFIcE: The Inland Press, Henning Block. gramme will be rendered: Both Phones147 1. Muoic. MANAGING EDITOR. 2. Introductory remarks by Prof. F. ENGELHARD, '01 L. Trueblood, presiding officer. BUSINESS MANAGER. 3. Oration, by Mr. Mulholland, ). Ii. HANS, '00L. 4. Music. EDITORS. 5. Debate. Question, Admitting Athletic Editor, T. R. WonaOw, '00 L. it to be constitutional. is a federal P. W. JONE, '09 A. H. MCDUALL, '01 E, graduated income tax desirable in F.D. EAMNee,'01L; C.tH. LUND,'005M, 0. D. nUDNUT, '01 E. this country? Affirmative-Dannen- berg, Gilbert, Schocht. Negative- Crampton, Sanger, Cloud. 6. Address by President W. S. Gilbert. The Subscription price of the DAILY is 2.50 for 7. Decision of he college year, with a regular delivery before judges. noon each day. Notices, communications, and All are cordially invited to be other matter intended for publication must be handed in at the DAILYo oice before 5 p. m., or present. mailed to the editor before 3 p. en. of the day previous to that on which they are expected to Ethics ol Dental Practice. Subscriptions may be left at the DAILY office, , Meyer's, or Sto et' newstand, or with Business The "Ethics of Dental Practice" eaagertSascrybeawtthieotlc any fliatoe were submitted to the senior dental carriers todeliver paper. class Wednesday morning. The en- All changes in advertising matter must be in . . the ofice b 4 p. . on the day previous to that tire class signed the paper and agreed on which they are to appear' to ever reverence their alma mater, Before Buying Your FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT See Ours. We guarantee the Style, Workmanship and Material. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Cutting, Reyer & Co. 201-203 South Main Street. CAMPUS DRUG STORE.... ON THE CORNER NEW STORE ... NEW STOCK In fact, everything new but the people-they have simply changed location. .... JAS. J. QUARRY I@ FALL OPENING We cordially extend to you an Invitation to examine our Fall and Winter Shoes. You will Ind all of the swell and newest lasts and with popular prices. REMEMBER THE NAME. ace18 S. MAIN ST. WRRR & MILLER, The Shoe Men. IN CHAE OF TODY's ISSUE, IA. H. McDOL'GALL. refrain from illegitimate acts, and never become "quacks.', Otte of tte professoro remarked that many networe ita nt sgutig I.t" did worse than not signing. " ey Tribute to Olicer B. Norton. promise and then break their oaths, At a meeting of the class of 1901, which is a greater sin than being a Homoeopathic and regular medical quack from the start." departments, held yesterday noon, Freshman Mandolin Club. the following tribute to the memory of Oliver B. Nortotn, '01 killed on Yeterday afterntoonth ie candidates the heights of SantJuan, near Santi- for the Fres tmanM andoliniClub ago, July 1, was passed: met in Room 11, University Hall, "We, the medical students of the responding to the call which had class of 1901, University of Michi- been given for the organization of gan, do deeply feel the loss of our the club. Alfred B. Rosebomm, of beloved friend and classmate, Oliver Chicago, was elected leader, and B. Norton, whose heart was stilled in Withington, of Jackson, was chosen the defense of his country. But manager. The examination of can- mixed with that feeling of sorrow is didates will take place next week, at one of pride that we can count among a time and place to be announced our friends and classmates one who later. sacrificed his prospects of a brilliant Tennis Matches Todamj. future for humanity's sake-who was willing to give up his college The following matches in the ten- work to go to the front and who nis tournament will be played at 4 proved that it was true patriotism o'clock this afternoon on the Univer-. which impelled him to the act. His sity courts. memory will always be dear to our First-class singles-Wherry vs. hearts, not only as a student, earnest Ashcraft; St. John vs. Gore. and persevering, a friend faithful Second- class singles-Jernegan vs. mid true, but as a soldier and a patri- Niles; Earl vs. Lester or Williams. ot. We, as a class, take this method Beginning Saturday programs will of expressing to the faily and be had at all the football games. Mr. friends of Oliver B. Norton our high C. C. Dutch has charge of the work. regard for hut as a student, class mate and soldier, and extend to them our heartfelt sympathy in their be- reavement. Signed, H. B. HoRTON, RAbam8 ka3aar HEADQUARTERS D 115 South Main St. Japat For LAMPS of all kinds. PORCELAIN CHAMBER SETS. INNER SETS and FANCY CHINA. nese Goods and Novelities MONEY LOANED MAKE A STRIKE on watches, Diamonde, wheels or other Per- ---T HE- soal Proertty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED, BOWLING ALLEY. Office at residence, 331 E. LibertySt., Ann Ar- 310 S. Main St. hor, Mich.mAllbusessconfidential. Hours,s to11a.itn~.. aadttot:I3tatdltto.n ' T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor. Joseph C. Watts. Open Day and Night. Bargainton Second-hand watches and Diamonds, COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE - S== - - = 'S= = o -= - - ~ '-=tr' If You Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matter how small or how large, a Job of WE CAN DO IT Pre i e in 0.for you. Call and get acquainted. '4,, W. T. KIXG, G. C. JoHNsoN, A. D. CARPENTER, J. M. STEvENs, Committee. The president of the class, Mr. Chase, read the following letter from Col. Theodore Roosevelt, command- ing the Rough Riders, who led the daring charge in which Mr. Norton fell: "OYSTER BAY, L. I., Oct. 3, 1898. "W. S. CHAsE, Ann Arbor, Mich.: "My DEAR SIR-Troper Norton was killed by mny side while he and his brother were gallantly breasting the steep hill in our last charge. He was not only a most gallant soldier but a true and brave man and I deeply mourn his death, yet he could not lhave died in a worthier way or for a better cause. With sincere regret I amt Faithfully yours "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." ATH xS i II The Iclaid Press, Henning Bloch. I _ __ T_1 "_= 'T T#,ATRE 340 S. STATE. 4V IOpposite Law Building. .Law Book Publishers and importers. Second-hand books for next semester cheap. Special bargains on UNIVERSITY Wilson, Bacon and Burke's Works. Erskine, Curran and School of DanciW Webster's Speeches. Great speeches by great lawyers. BelPen Dancig toseier's Political Economy, etc. Call for new catologue. Granger's Academy. Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. I st. he Man Who Sells SHAKE THOSE We YOUR FEET. Peanuts and Popeorn at the Athleiic Gli YOUR FANCY Fedis OLD GUNBOATS GR, YORaFNCY W. S. PARKER, BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. YOUR FINANCE 315 S. State, Call in and see him. W. J. APRILL. 119 E. Washington St. j :s.