2 THE Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the College yeat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'MeleeE: ThcInlaed Pecss, HntitnigBlock. Both Phoee s7. MIANAGING EDITOR. F. 5ENGLARs ,101 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. . II ins, 55 L. EDITORIS. Athletic Edio, P. W. Jou~s,'9, T. tR. Wosx, '0 L. A. II. McfOGlLea~, 1 E GD. loosetTll E. J. B. Wox, '1, C. L. MNnE, '9, C. D. COOs, '19, L. J. MOTOERYn, '0, 'NV. . B. liaC'KE, '0 Dl, A. G. Bow, '2. The shbsipion pice othule DAsLY ISo$.50 o the cllsgs ycu, assts a eula deiseyeoe noon eal day. Notices, cosomusnicatious, and othenatte intended oespubliation must be handed in at the DALYa oce beolue S p. a., o mailed to the edito Ieoes3 p. sn. o he day pevious to that on which they as expected to apear. Seslciptiont sy e letllat the DuALYOice, Meye's, o Stoleta anewsand, or with Bsines Manage. Ssbscies will cneafavaotIsp repotisg Ipromply at this slfice any falusse of c aressto deies toe. All hages in advcertisig cmatteeeust te in the sflice isp4p. m. on the aay peious to tat n which they ass to ameaeu. IN CussEno ToDAY's lses L. J. MONTOME.RY. Hard Practice Yesterday. Thte avarsitsuweisttp against a scrub teamiyeseday headed by Watkins, the ex\Tlarsity coach. Bisisop, soutti-pjao fromti the Toledo professional teati),sas iii the box for tile scrutbsliee avingsebeenu bruglsq iere for tiso expes purpose sf giv ig(lie'Visi ty iitters sotme prc tice in hiittig a le thasned pitcher, as iMctisllum, whovis expectesi to pitchifor tlinisieSaturdsaly, is of tiso sot-paitsvariet. Thit eamiswere as fllows:s 'VAoSIY, SRUBS. Lono ........ ................ilMor Welch........... p.....Bishop Snow............lb....Benett Sullivan. . ...b....Rogers Fiesiser... 3b.....Watkins Matteson..... . .li.....alor Daviea ...........1. f..GuyMiller MeGinnis..... . c.f......Gesile lencoe..,,..,r. f.......Gilett The score: Inningo .... 1 23 4d5i- ROU.E. 'Ysrsihy.0 ...61 11 0 4-13 8 3 Srtubs .......0 01 000-6 706 The 'Varsity playing cus a rifle raggedh at tines, but (iis sas proba- bly due to (le presence of a green pitcher ini (le box for them. The scrubs fell upotn Welsh in (lhe fifth innnsg and scred six runs, most of themi being earned. Thle features of the ganme were a three-bagger by Gsy Miller ansi a difficult running catcis of a short fly by Davies, which calledi forth muchu applause froni the spectators. Theyj Got the Ax. Before (lieireceit asebal gamss between Ssiifordl and California to decisle(le championslip, (le Stan- ford studeiits held a monster maso meeting, burnled the hoosoo, and brought ott aiid ground (le historic Stanford ax. Culifornia aon the game ati sescured (le ax. Sinco (lien (lie Stanford students have iade a noiiiber of attenmpts to recover it. Finally 50 or 60 of theyi surrounded (lie Chi Phi house, swhere cle nan- ager roomed, broke in (le door aid searched (lielotse frois cellar to garret, but could not fid the ax. Future attempts will be made to secure it and the Staford horli pre. viously taken to Berkeley. E UNIVERSITY' OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S. L. A. Apportionmet. atnsswer to a numtber of inquiries )AILY gives thismuethsod of op. ming the electors for (lie Stui- Lecture Association. The scoere nut called in this year as sat (ho list lecture. Inistead of Method of determining the num- ftickets sold to each depart- those selling tickets at tlue be- ngof tie year score instructed tire (lie name and departmenit ory psirchaser. Although (lie rof all tickets sold score not .aiieh in this seay, a larger wr tliatisstal see recorded for Rtents, (lie total bseinig 1,284. miakes the numaber of electiors duig appslortioniedl as follos: 10, loses 7, siedics 2, aiislents 1. :era to Orgqanize This After- noon- ery student in t(le University s initerestes ini foriing a gn is requtestedl to meet in Risni Jnilversity Hall, at 4 o'clock fternoso,swheii a gui club swill aioec. The first shoot seth be tmorrosc mornimng at 9 o'clock grounds oti South State St., sot (lie Athletic Fielsd. All __ ts interestedl are inted to tit to (his shoot. candidates for (lie Bicycle ciii appsear at the Gyisnasiuitt CHE) 3today for regular paractice. MICIIOSCOI B. S. YORK, Trusiner. tor-y S Pooe!senior swing-out (isbeen In iied from Thursday, Apsril 27, day, April 28, at 4:15 p. i. hors isre requiestedl (soiseet insa C, tat 4 p. in., in their cap atidC P. W. JOKE, Cliairmainil Coismmittee. Li THEN$ RIGS TtfdATREF -U 17 = C= 6z; QIT IMiORTERS ANti MANCFACTUREROS OP MICAL an PHYSICAL APPARATUS. PIC FINDINGS. Hendquaarters for all Labora- iapplies ill S. Main Street. Ann Arbor, Misk, 1toroouiato Bureau o1flc~adonie Costumeo. GOTRELL St LEONARD, ALBNYx, N. Y. aps, Gowns, and floods made to order and rented. Also Class Csnes, Class (lots and Caps, Class College fins. Address W. C. KERN, Wester'n Snge., HasklatnMuseuma.niv. ofChicago OUIJR FOR THE GAME ____ATi 'ff 'ARBEKA" @[UTT. PEABODY&CO. IfYour Bicycle Needs TO BE REPAIRED, Go to BIERMAN'S, W. Washington. TanemsCrescent Conbiuatioil (for Ladly'aad G-Tent) 'Tandemss for relit by the liour For RPent. or day. Rates Reasonable. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. Phoanes No. b. 11.9 West Washiaugtoat Street. GRANGRW3 3CH400JLOF DANCING. $3.00 per Ter-mso( 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. hO ~~ Ifa yo~u wanlt a Dice islack or tan S h oe had-seared Shoe, at $3.007S43.50,1$4.0() and 15.00, call anid see us. 1~Ltcts. eY gnlantee satisfaction in every AD~II' CI~r T~,119 nWaahington. st. RPRIL L'S SO SO REJ ~3 , A.nAe.