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October 13, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-13

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EASY FOR MICHIGAN. missing it by a narrow margin. Time The Woman's League
called with score 17 to 0. After eight years existance as ain
31. A. C. kicked to Talcott who unincorporatedl bdy te Woman's
M. A. C. Elecen no Match for the makes 20) yards to the middle of the League has taken ot its artiles md
T'Vuarsitq. field. Weeks got 15 around left is now a legal organization. Dring
1 ~end. teckle 25 more to the line the time that it has spent directing
FINE FALL SW2TINGS, She'V arsity defeted the eleven where he tdrspped tie all. Wid the afairs (f tie Mcigan girls much
frm'ihgnAgricoultural College main falls sns it as it rls uver and goid has been acop ishe
yesterda afternoon by mt score of 39 Keena kickedl goal. t'lei Fruit and Flower Misionmhiso
E to I0 in i amiii ha(' dis t afford
tenhl'teptict hatlihihr ee oe toichiiowsswere made lheledliiaiy tus tuiease thle pain
tlei 1afti'itcietit they before timie was called, the only in. of ~sffere in thii hospitals, witli its
swold hiane hadini a lineiip against erestim efetmre of wichiel was Keena's gifts f fruit fliiers aiiidlradiiig
J WE CARRY THE LARGEST T t lie thirst semimis eleveii. 'l'legae iielace kck rot thes 23 yard ie. HemiiatterEnipoynment la seiinIfsnd
STOCK A mrwas ton iuiiihionie siieil tiie iitir-iaso triedi nc frum the 30 yardtlinefor all thiise' 'irlsiwho appliedi for
A esting toi the settors'imd wsmitueut aisei. I'h'Varsity wsesilsy sieting tohiltp tieimithrough
IN THE CITY easy tii firi.hia ais toriiudgeiient able tos soenethe batll iliwnmsfr eres' tollege. T'eliniciastiiuuimittee
Iciiiteriiig te latyig f the 'Va iiiors tiichdiownis iiaiie by 'Stecile, has beeiieereaitivei in riii lit ilte
ciy. A lthiioighi ssuiiuu ml t bte W iliiiaiiiasmutIImrtdurg. uiiriiuimt f i'idtelurs haning ii"ors
iianirnit'elast gLaiiis'thu. swork o. Floig=iii ie-p h oansbidn. thsSo
EsIms men i stmill fromstisfmmatory' ti 'iliieedisted'he ii wlemul'l iiidnow'utt lew tir.
toe E. WASHINGTON ST. a the iuclte. 'Ilie iutirfIsenci I meiiiiarMt n. M. ceeuA.liad i utiIC. liii
1lowini for miclug iiidlvery loiset aid Smith, Irowi, Dy)e .ce......MCouth saulr i eiimiiiniof ewiatseta oieit eb ht
nluFrannc, tennett.r.g t .i neerstolpe oifi ftei'u ntiiulndell.rsiSpeital
upmn~istiaileleven ichilii'iad iicleti"'' let 1.2riniser...1.l...Siiiner pu:ha, litte ersisieni u li t'es.o
is's. trerke diusn aill ilthe \ trilc'i oinald,Stckle. .r. t. Pe 'rks, Con seets isedr to h lelit ifurn ibs he uu.s
1ould Iot sie eenTaisets'coiies'the ODy, Wad... 1 .5. t'rtis,tihnsonsose.sim
th sis us'hdoniiinthe fist iitntd sthr Sn ictarson.. 5 . IDit
v v I Lil s ' ltl 'ees, taks.1 J.o ilaer IUsmier its' nwirogtiizationtuctttl
inte eon alaws o i.Tlottti artsbtig.t..Mea, esttt mre talntg these '.ateits .. isile
}.+HS.++++ +++41 +++++ '11 idmit iii d srog am a Wtciomb, Veko d asmkn odginwt h 1ln..... r. Sm.......Wolit tecttiiildhiet.1'ist tetitait' duen,
You May Have t i1 icdutc ahi alwin. ..1. is.. Itne..usell r. ltoler,litiy titetias ciie a-
Forgtten4' tt' n i i..'u 'ire"rittitl "aerarib, Keena.....f...... .....t..tmundy visr sncmme hetr c siseice le,ntl it
Fogte « hits iombIis i onlilt trosubd, Ittitnesg.iGsideei pert hiantw tilamiehas1
mm mm coo nsumu + m, nd ises it ietr eerythay Tucdowns !'etzes, Widman (2), i im i irtsi Imcvst s~
YOR EAH N 1RU li+ e phais. C Siteml"sitthe lonmget Touebdowen -Deena 2; missed (1). inicolege cais hs' bi'ougt togther sim
+Ot 's~l~oe ams lm i t Tre etel (2;omised (1). Referee-Knight. hu sutc
+ Temye.-OR- ointerferenceIet. is rapuily getitigtUmpire-.Simmons. Linesmien, Pel, lFivhre ir smaeupth
lie, nmy ..se.mm 4mlI* ittt u shdtmufrlitmiat cmii. Stekle Nilee mnd Anderson. Lengths of halves, hgr.timesuhe
md you a.. ~ .ni 5.e.'uns t.vve miws ,given Othis.iball oten mmmiinevri20minutes. Attendane, 2 28.stdetmieiisiithi'rgmtiitus
Onan lome,, all h mmp.5edt.'s e e aldtoml itanc. e Addtons 4 iinlihe Meusthum.
*ontt, +1m'lmnPgii.i'515.' '''i tls u itltst i eachimgroup hatving ite'r and sec-
na~~~iililele.an m~ uts rthtg did excellentworin ince s It Jimie us great chage as rtaryswhomae aime nhhiute froumutamonsmg
++ WILDER'S PHARMACY + breaikingu 5t . A.'s iterferencehemefetihith orltmlugahtemmmmsn.Assetiiglphs
*+++++++++++++ C. usciumugd tm estr V.ma.ng epartmetnaliveygiuhy ae eatent of the U. of AN. museumi.its hatronlesi ahpoimteil frinttit(mesums.
..*''********+'+ Itmelehulihetsumenen r. Normamn Woodi, the University stuihent membuers if tie league. 'The
DO 'TF RG TThuyee''tu ie)'ckof ascuhmbm a lae. taxiertnist andmde mlehr, has beeni t nmnes adaddruuhesss f the latron-m
D N theOG E ie ikAhxa cmghtbyBr wossrk mll summer msotutig anud a- esses, leaters at imid of each group
Honse.Hot and cold lunches Wwotan'ogt tbc 2 andrangingmtbburssui
at al bsin. Cscoate mid Ie Wuititam sutthe 0, idiismt 1, sith ' 'nd , as a reslt, there mue registeed st thseuomutus ubikh.
Cream .Sda Water, Pipes, Cigars and Wh'iitman 23sutre iiiu ret eit petrutr sgetmsuyslmdt lei.mu mdhysusisstti uulte
'lobacco, and fnll line of Smiking'Sip'mi ih etcii.Brh umlelmmeuus sinsexhibition b ehind gis. syst ssi mgsscs smt~efv ims
arudlf n aaebce ls.lies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. font r 1 l ie One of the trest is ta psai' of Wil. dee co edsclls h e iroiuglt tgether
308 So. State Stretet.sifoghi0the hueytmidefel lowP rmga s insummer plumage, at their heudquarters ii less tha
1=itinrot mtie ighaT eefi'ttels.fivebonsi anduss shite. 'Themaule skeim four hours' timde.
mooaftemutdermigmh t esfoa touch- ay otaiedfrom the Smithsonmians 1mmyears pist monstuly publtic re-
HIT LO Yownatrewmiutsosla.Isitt tWslingtis andshtie fe- ceptionmo hauve Ibeeni mld ast 'ear
C Tet~zlnissed gal. kikoa male rout Worthenui, a skin deaelen of the most iuportmitone ws that given
BA TE IO O Y, Tetzlcoate neditck- asfhat Wursawn, Ill,There is a pairmit te to 'theAsochitioni of Collesiate
PATHIOLOGY. 15 yardss. Batrube punmted 30 ya.mmoIeusn xmhiim ss eietsu..15 sstistr edi ~esosum
M. A. C. coumlussvasmce thus.bll so eho risiexbiinfKidenI dpatsaehldntewmn'
Coasplete outits evemi to p <eh 5ysn < ar i mtmue'ie hr i ipano Klerlomsver building, IBarhur Gysmnasissa.
putd2 ad.Br by tuntheswxhichi Mr. Wood hprocred i shut HB
Knives and Scissors punt makmhing 10 yards dbtyuseftnhAlmAruex-tl te U. o . Boms at the "Soo."
sbm ge Mcugas get hi.balest andshtars little snes, It is the 'The Diis inureceipt (f ialetter
Our Price is Bottom, 'sWhtcmb takes it is yards mnd esire to have the bids that mdue fomsFendi E. Leefe, '918 E., whso is
Barsiabe thriee soefor a touchdownsen nsadtegon bu ta mpoe sisetrfrteAe
CALKNS'PHARI MACY1 Teetzel kickeesgl.sh ecant aml eLakeni ssu t u Sphys suspetior or C.Thu' ism
CALhWimamigot the mnext lick-sff at elI, andia gneat dslsosf touble isdulLsheSheisnsve'Ci''ii
t~meh5pmis hueami rumbask g0pnst t iskeepll uacessoies hntact. company ino1w5'egaged sum thin nn-
te1yadcie kickdtoramn45backd30 Eveins tieeaves mre reproduced. struction mfsit ainter power canmal at
G Tyards. Brb ikdt h 5yr A pair of White Rhiumped Sirikes Salt Ste. M'ari, Mih. This canal,
0 El line. ill.A. C iof ground every twoslooamd eggs wthu young,a when compeed, will be oe of this
'Vitshered a llkikdwnhe ubythiroatedlhtumming bid's uest largest of its kinde is the woird, smit
CfieldD arsty or the ihbarldowI hmesm in a knot hmole sithm the birds, at pamr is expected to develop 4,000 horse
feldicto Wine iht yandws ioernt heof Iouse srens, mnd tso magpies bower.
A0UVAN1~&sC~CY.S.whictheWirdmancrdawl aserete l isem amountaimi peak iii Colorado, Thle Usof .,inspectors are F. E.
deunots iti oise Sssuu Co'cs wieihesfrtetidtucdwadTeze r lonwadditiosns.Lef,'8EFE.Gen'9E,
yeaowncomadewnstomisse sinus to eide s te pilali.lH.Suites',VanPelt. 918 E..sandlPhmllip
ge cuine ihyo n ite WIe peblli nlay obndWiead-eia wrP~efis eece it fslt
eons. We B elersm tainlie maim makes a biliantru of 30CobndLtrrMeia Course.
5N1V5555TVadecaofferswerethe fineieltet-d'flueoinsother
tow peices ca seod-adnmd boksfor yards aided by Teetels fn ner iecommiuttee charge inith tie luondred applicanuts; the sulyote
allyornesaat tprwesapy ference. Teetzel misses a place kick spervisismi of the ork of students imspector thus far selected is from
all y.Allseeindamofpseconshnedr
uaiei. imkidsci5eca!~adfrsom the 35 yard hune. hMl. A. C. who are on the Comined Literary Lehigh University.
boki boghad sed, kicks us but Michigan loses the ball and Medical Course is to meet Fri.
'AH W o umble. Russell made a beauti- day, October 14th. Prof. HM. E. Cooey is at present
XXT jH fiYus run of 40 yards for M. A. C., and All stusdents wishing to enter onm at the League Islandu Navy Yard.
TWO STORES Michigan loses 10 more for off-side the comnbined course are requested to He has beenm detailei by the Navy
Up Town Down Down play brnmgig the ball on sun ten muk apiciation to the Dean of tie Departument to plc the Yoseumite iii
State St. Opp. Court House yard line. M. A. C. was held for Literary Departlment before that resere, after whichi it will be ready
pain Street three downs and tried a place kick, date, for service si twtinty days notice.

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