VOL. IX, No. 131l. 1 I o o ;ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 18 99. TREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. WVill announce that we have now receivedl our Sprintg and Smnmir, Woolens. Our stock for the inen- ing seasoni is the hargest we have ever, shown, is exclusivetind confned, in hoth foreign aad domestic goods, stndl is compjosed of the lot faris in every hone that (canle otaned. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We in vie o to call atnd~ inspecet the saive 108 :. washia'-ton St, ANN AiRBOR. Warranted Cutlery. We have jut received a fine line of High Grade Rtazors and Knives, fully warranted, and we seli them right too. Ste our window. O06d DaU and NMRh. Driag thisret of the ollectyeaw wii sees.lociso at allte=a, day or nigtFal ineso.of Pis, iegasad Tbacc. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. FshI Soda Futi Today CRUSH 10c. Calkins' Pharmacy i. Your Nanme En91a0 aeidoa Cppe Plt, "15 wi lta tl adfr100 cards, egaved feem yosr awn sate. or 90 CENTS. Thte Best Stock, The Latest Styles. Asks tase eaturew Statoeary. WAIl RS ATHLETIC MATTERS. The hartdet practice of te yeir sas givetn tite 'Varsiynyettert dasy. Theepticers kept hsy gv- insg tile smenbhattig lprlctice tttd iaer ill tie afterntoont ielero Dsav- ies, MGintnis litd Stllivatn were iveoectte secialticiacinig it lntg andt dificilttflies, wichittem 151 hutslitti, Wolf is li pwt split linger buttlwill1 bee le tget solo Stuttrday 's gamte sll rigt. Itt a111 probablility lie wiliois lismewnthtie secotndi bag whiileIMattisont tillee plcet strt. Fromttiesay tie littler ihas lbeensholwing 1lip e wiii Oitetf the ltrgest crowus oithe yeisr itglihttle preset Stttrdy at tile 'Vartsity's first lotme giite. Fr-otistl itdicotiotts icligsttt never 11115 a stsinger teatttr tie mh'tore sworthsy of thte ardlenst sport of the stttdetits. TheIlse litistiemtwtitn tite series frioti Michigans hast year attl11d h s at evetn strostgettemtis li sesason. VToegatmse will lbeclise stnl excitintg esottghs ftsstisfy the ttost exactintg crasik. The track sesstie halrltt setrk ands asig bhsctof cadidates lite tite track every soternoon. Te weigits, isawhicis Miciigana was lametalhy weak last year are re- ceivitg sieciasi attentist att a num-t her of heavy mtens sre practicing dlaily, prosminenet ameoag womt are White, Avery atd Caley of tiis year's ' Varsity fotbal teamt. Class teanm practice has egun itt earnest anti fotr teass reiortedi at tite fair grotnsd yesterday for prac flee. Frosts present idicatiss tie class gamaes oct11 e amuchs faster tia ssual. College closes early tisi year andl ate early start is necessary as te series till have to be egn by ftse midde of next uothi. '99, '00, '01 medic and fthe higha ciool erer amongste isteanms otyesterday. Shooters to Meet. Af the eeetitg of ftse studest interestedl in organizinga gate clubl, to e held Friday afternoons at 4 o'clock, in IRtom 9, Maj. Sols adl ofther asembers of ftse faculty cib twill address tie sttdents ad lay be- fore them plans for fle ensuing ya. The traps are beng repaired tisi week and the uderground wires are being relaidi in tiinag. Evrytinig will he itt good siap for fteshsosot net Saturday morning. Frotn pres stt indicatiots quite a large nutbr of students till join tho club this spring. No admission fee till e charged, ftse only expetse being a charge of ose cent for seabird thrown from ftse traps. The full list as givens out y Sec- retary Wade of ftsaen in the Mechanical Engineering Department whtose resignations are accepted, to take effect at the close of the present college year, are: Prof. C. G. Tay. lor, Robert A. Winslow, John M. Smoots, Wi. . McDonald, Mr. Stamphier, H. T. Purfield and Mr. Kunze. One professor and six in- structors. GUN SHOT WOUNDS. AN ELEGANT BOOK. Dr. Chas. B. N1anrede Gate his This Year's Michiganensian Will Second Lecture Last Xight. Surpass all Past Ones. Last evenisngftse secotndllecture inTsh'isisyear's Mc/iyotsctsiomsis tse series of ectures gitent by Dr. sesrly resosy for te press atd gives Chass. 1B. Natscreeewtstsweshlsattentteslprormssise f lbeig the est anualss yet hy tise studsentsof teseMedical 1De- publhisied. 'fThe oot twill lout's i pasrtmentss. 'Tie lecoure tas cvery ssansilecsosver mitsasth5 ree color entertaini'g 50s mteli as insstruttive. esigss itsgl, greetsantd whttesl. 'Tie lecitres sre bsased tio a grest e- 'T'he featuvrm' f tie ipublicstionss miii tesnt upions iis personalt experiece e the weasltf ilustrstins. 'l'lere asi sare of iimensevalues. toithose weil be a 1rftlsiiitoisfutslotirotgis. wmhit ass thisnkisng of enmterisg the omt thle estire mwor, lit a paig itsv- ssst and niavymo' . itgs's othasstw itreesuts. ie NET ERL ND GO T. frostispiece is se fml page haslftose NE H R A DS G V. frost a sketch by It. I. Ltimser. Tiersswill nteisai sigie1iyp e ge Recognizes the Good Work Done iheadsing lut all heasisgsc cits in the Dental Department. frostsoiiiginsa ldrawingo s y lssses, '1e itprsesident of this Uniersiy Whitehteadi Barintssssth Batchus. liss receivec ti iiics' froms the Amsiri. Somes of tiese'sasre very fise. Betethi cans Misister att the lssgsso thsst thete sedintsg (f sachs organizationsillmci Nethserls ltoOtoersssssst liss decidedi apuiessr ialftonsiso (f itoffties. Six t reciognize the diplomsas sof tie sirsevesn vet-y'liseme pusslss g-ops deetasl grsdusates of this Usniversity. till le given. 'The hostel grounsi 'T'hose sdiplsi'sssmiiilsaissit themsitisfir tesesswsill bliesleistely tintes cl xamsisnstiso mewhichs isundserostd miths tistboasrdsisanssthis cotsmiiibe -t hbe somsiehstt f a formal~ity. printdlosethemsiiss clorts. Besides Clinical Advantages at the Regular thssse setiosed Mr. Basrdinshatipre paredh neary a lisusdredl ssalI Hospital. skethes wehihi till le scateres Oi' oftens lears deleterious tre-ttroughsoutithle hbook,fetwosr thsree msissk frosm stosdenslo f tise variousonot a page. Whitehseatd, H. '. Bom- slepssrtses-ts set thisUsiversity, as st7an eaess otier artists have also con- mesh as fromssedssical stsudests, in5 re tributstd to tiis wrork. gard the isclinical advantages twhils Tise rganizationssasre uosusaly are offere here to the mtesical sts- fully reprsessted. Everyone of aeey deets. imortasseewhteiasoever iavig its 'Thiese cosspilaintst tsaly cme0 selarate heading and cot. Ameong fromssthosses isdo ot ftly tunder ties groups are utususaly godiones stared ties situatisn, butsevertiseless of tiis yearo feootal asdl eebating thecy have their infuence to iselp to teams.s Of teses several hundred drive students fronthtiis schosol to cuts all are original, snd e eesps. comsplete thseir course at inferior csl- cialy prepared for tis editen. A legcs because of whla they have neswt feature is a list tf all ''Tie beeunftid andtwhat they coniser a Wearers of tiesAM" itscoleeg. Its lackt se clisical advantfagss here. addition to tie cuts of 'varsity teass, Tise remarks do the Medical Depart ties '99 lit ad late football teams are meere no good anti este shorudibe printed. carefuli of twhat is said to ties der- Thes 99 Micignesion is dedi- resest of any ottoesepartmessnt for it cteel to "'Vie Soldiers atd Sailors of tworiks injury to tiewhlesUriver tie Spanis-.American tar,'' the sity. dedicatory verse binsrg by H. M. It is true se do not have as great Bomran. a stumbsler of cases as a sciool see a Atiletics for tiss year ae foelly large ciy, butfhte'shave Iere are cvered, wtil lists of teamsn, records, ties bestrtha tttnlee offere tee ate)'etc. F. . Simosssocotributes a re- Therilseudedt. dfor f issumtes of te9 fotbal season. A The rowed ondtio of theportion of ties book is devoted to the htospital slotws thaafie have all tiat fraternities wtifemeebems add msn- tee can take cars of with ftse preseteslip, as in past years. A departure" facilities. There is enouagie to keels till be meae inrstie literary part of sa studjsnt busy, and for a student the book. with ordinary ability thrat ought to Tiers will be smuche more literary ie suffiienat. m eatter tian is usually printed in the Iee other schsoos wtens a ciste to anuals, but tet of a heavy clar- over thsat is fits etd of if as far as actr. Ifrill consist of a large the student is concerned, whisie er variety ot etertaieirg and interest. each student has access to the tards ing college literature. Several strictly at all thres, and can tatch the pro college stories and sar tales will gress of each case from day to dlay. form fle body tof this part. Inter. Cases are assigned to sodschseor spersed witha these till be a large and he is held resporsible for fle number of caricatures of proninent welfare of his patient. . students, takeoff ota local characters A visit to fle hospital and chutecs jokes, verse, and grinds. The editors might relieve the meinds of a fete as are busily at work and expect to regards to the advantages offered, have the edition ready for sale about and any fair minded person would the middle of May. soon be convinced tlat the advan- tages here excelled by no medical school and equalled by a very few. Season Tickets for Baseball __________Gaines Now on Sale. 8 Gamnes Chicago edefeated Wisconsin ye- for $2.00. Tickets adnit to Ill- terday 8 to 2. inois game. Up Town state St. ANN ARBOR Down Town Opp. Court Hlouse flain St