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April 26, 1899 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-04-26

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ofd p attu J. C. Armstrong, president of theru
.Engineering Society has appointed
the following committee for the ninth
Tu i'ashed Daily (Sundays ecepted) during the annual banquet: W. R. Beattie,
College yea, at chairmasn, C. G. Anderson, '99, W.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. M. McKee, '99, F. J. Wilbur, '00,
'leonsTheIslnd ece, nsnig eot. I' . Cobb, '00, G. D. Hudnutt, '01,
rm:TesnandPoes, nnngBlck W C. Swartout, '01, B V ake,
'02, S. C. Emersosn, '02.-
F. ENaEHAD, '1 L. '99---Attention---'99. est its
o. .Inuns, 'Os L. All candidae for the '99 baeball
cult TORS.Tteam will report for practice ait the Spring Suits
iheiEdits , P. W. JonS, '1, Figrounds this afternoon at 3:30
%. e., . M s onuY, '5, T. . WODROW, 10 L. P.sis. C. L. NLLS, Mssr.AN
., II,Wvo o, '0, C. L.PNLsono'99,
no LLc,'l1N C. . COOL, log In the trials for the tams to beTo C at
L4. CQIA H. . Ds,'. snttorereeEtYheUnvesiy f op Cot
.o.Gca.. l51 , '.125. lsuu 5 sn orpeetth nvriyo
Chicago is te mile relay race at
Pennsylvania, Slack, Maloney, Fair
and White were chosen. Slack, who Noble's Star Clothing House
'heosubscripionprie of the DAILY so t-0for i reha, rasiaquarter isi
the eollII yor, wth a regular dliery bfre 49 45 seconds.
..vonhaZ dy. Notices, couonications, and
,other smattriutendod for lpubliaion insot Ibe
&anded in at thoessLYofofice hfoes8 .sm or The tennis courts are now in shae
:mile oteeio eore3p n fth dypius to that o which they ass sxpocted to and are occupied most of the time.
abcipi any e left at the DAILY. office, A number of good mno are out and
'lleyer' or as ttotot' newolosd, or with Busines h rseto a wising team are
)tanage. hShbsriero will coner a favor bty tepope o
ceportiug promptly at this otion any failure of very bright.
'aarrirs to delier paper. _________
All changesnia adrtsing water noust Isin_
-he office y41).in.sosn the ay iprevious to that prfKerothUnvsiyf
an whioh thee are to au. Po. (rrofte iivrtyf
--- - --= isconsini has gottessott an eition
ANPaEO ofsa0 TOAY'S IaSSEof the Bacelte of Euripides contain- '1 -p o z w o0 T
C. L. PILES. isg both the text and a translation . t ,
Freshman Banquet. into English verse. IPOOITEO5 ADO AISOFACPCOOIO5 OF
'he freshisman basquet which Notice. CHEMICAL sh nt PHYSICAL APPARATUS.
comes off tosmorrow night atGrassge's MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Hleadqarter-s for all Linbora-
promsises to surpass all such affairs All candidates for the '02 baseball tory Supiplies
--3f fortser years. All arrangemesnts teass will meet iii Roona C, this sitsS. Main Stret Ann Amo, Mich.
save, baen comipleted for ass onuso- afternoon, at 4 p. m., to elect a - --
ally e b isitbansquetgnfidasndhi a larege captain. InterGoIlouato Bureau o1f-1~aemiG Costume.
Iisn of beosng presesnt. rGOTRELL &5 LEONARD,
No further trouble is anticipated j "~~ABNYn, N. Y.
as the secised positioni (le facuslty Fl Ii Cap, Gowns, andfHoods mde to order and rented. Also Class
'Have takess las calsmed both parties. Csne, Class Hts sd Cps. Class College Piu. Address
H-agsterfer swill cater and his w I. C. KEEN Westen Sng.,
ono is vry eaborate.. Antbo- 1HaslRuseums, Unit. of C~iao
-a fsae tissislal programs by this Che- F.. Y
,qua5,igon orchestra during the Tj+ f'-ATjR.
i's. Angel, Mrls. Vaughan, Mrs.
iut'hiss assd Mrs. Norris have con -
-ested to act a s chaperones. 'The I
banquet swill begiss at 8 o'clock. Tikt ayb.euedfo1h
o sibess of the cosmmsittees, who sill
furnishi any desired informuation. jf Your Bicycle Needs
The tickets are $65 per eouple asnd no1 BEP IR D
singe tickets will be sold. T E R P IRD
rhe Reied Schedule. GO to BIERMAN'S, .
April 29, Ilisiois at Ansi Arbor.XW.'Waslingtos. ' ' -.
May 3, Isidiana at
IMay 6, Ohio State at Asnn Arbor. Student Agents Wanted.iSPse erB k.
Way 10, Illinois at 4,('5PsegrBae
Mlay 13, Hamoilton Clusb at Ann PA.UG1183 y 7
Arbor. TandAG.em83.sr Crescent Cobination (for Lady and
May 16, Albioss at Ann Arbor. -- aiu iw
May 18, Illiniois at Champaign. - - ( xent) Tandems for remt by the lhoui'
May 0~. Ianmilton Cub at Clii. For Kent. ordy Rae Rasn l.
Musy [:R, Northwestern at Ann Combined Grater and Slaw Cutter. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
~rho PoeoN.S 1 Ns ahngo tet
Mlay 30, Wisconsini at Detroit.Pons o.511) etWahigoiSre.
June 1, Beloit at Ann Atbor. _
Josn5 1, Coellat Ithaca. GRANGER'5S SHOOL. OF DANCING.
June Z, Lafayette at Easton.
June , Pennsylvania at Phila- Famous Parer and Slicer. .$5.00 per Terius of 12 Weeks.
June 10, Notre Dame at Ann Profitable employment all summer POR M E PRY EC AUD Y EEIG
Arbo for active agents. 150 per cet Private Lessons y Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246.
Jame16, Csmell at Ann Arbor. profit oii our qoick-selling household__________________________________
,idloe 17, Cornell at Grand Rapids. specialties, whichs are sold at reason-Ifyuwn anieb cko tn
S healMrcs o cnmr hnpyWinnesota also finds Western your school year expenses by summer b and-sewed Shoe, at $3.00,0$.50, $4.00
lteagoetears not to her liking. In profits. Write us for catalogue and and $5.00, call and see us.
her game with St. Paul she was de- particulars. W rs e rmarantee satisfaction in every
_ ieated hy a score of 20 toO0. The ''U E
.Ar'idexplains the defeat as follows: ILLINOIS CTEYCOMPANY Teyhd ewpecerwopas131 ct.ntn t
,out,touake a reputation and hedid." DECATUR ILL. fRPRILLeS SHOE STORE- Ann Arb un St

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