Agffm z 0 o o VOL. IX, No. 1.50. ANN ARBORI, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1899. THREE Cixs P u Aissn nn BRITISH GUARDS BAND. I'U AII l -f bU. f.VV1LV U U. Will annuence that we have n(ow received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Oar stock for the ineom- log sea son is tihe largest we have ever shlownl, is exclulsive and ninlfled, ill hoih foreignanl~d domestic gssds, and is comoseoe(f tile hest fahrics in every line tihat canl be obtainled. We carry tile largest line (If Woolens in the city. We inlvite otol I call and inspect the same. G. H. WI LD CO., lOS E. Washtingtoji St, ANN ARBOR. Warranted Cutlery. We have just received a fine line of High Grade Rfazors and Knives, fulliy warrated, and we seil thtein rigiht too. Sc e our windowe. WIbDER'8 HARMkay Don ~Dan ad dNight. DuingI the1 rest h ole lge year we wil srv luchs t ll (hours, day or nilt. Fall lneof Pipes, Cigars, and R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. IFreshI Soda Fountain Today CRUSH 10C. Calkins' Pharmacy Your Name Engraved05 onCplate 1, wth 1lO0latest tyle .crdsfor 1-50I~ 100 crs, engraved fr0(1your01o11 111te, for 90 CENTS. The Best Stock, The Latest Styles. Ask tomsee rent Stationery. WAHR'S Will Play Under the Auspices oi the Athletic Association. Lieut. Doas Godfrey, haind mlaster to tile Quen, wit is i British Gards Bad is tourilng tie Unitedl States on his war to Australia. Te were in~dued~ to stop over here on their tray froml Jackson to Detroit and will give at concert illUliversity Hall Saturday afternoon, fromn 1 to 3. The sal price of amiissiol is $1 ht Saurday's cocert hsbanel reduced to 50 cents. Tie fnl con- cert is guaralnteed. The and has an internaltionlal repuatioll ad has ee wel received throghout tis con- try. It has non eaney favorable commlents for its playing of Sousa's mlarches aned many critics claimltiat it renders teml as well or htter tihan thte composer himself. T he Illinlois game has beell postponed un~til 3:15 ill order to give amlple tilne tn hear tie concert. Columbian Organ Recital. Frederic Arcier, nlow of Putts- butrg, Pa., sil give a recital 011tie Frieze Mmorill Orgal illUliver- sity Hal, 011 Thursday evening, April 27. Tiis recital wiii e the fiftil concert of tie Corll Uiol Series. Sr. ArchelIan on illOx fold, Enlgalnd. Tie first part ofiis life ws ~ spen01t inl ills natve contry, whierelite egan hisinprofessional career as church orgnind11(1coir masertoer 15ly beramle 01(no11na concert orgnlist. Ill 181 ihe visitel thte United States, and a cope of years ater deciedi to sette ihere, since0whicihlltitelie ihas hbeelcted ill Nete Ylrk, Boto, Milwakee, Clicatgo, 1111d 11010is ill Pittsurg, whiere he is tie city organist, illtie mustlicalls0010100 provied for that commntllity y tie munillficence of Alndrewe Clregie. Mr. Arcier ranks amlon~gst tile foremIlost of livng organlists. His ciief characteristic are great tecnlical aility, a careful ohservance of tie comploser's inler mleaulilg, andli a regr for tie lpr- dutction of eitimla to fetsi h interpiretaltiont ofi orciestrli works. He is, mlorover, tallaccomlished~ orcihestrali 11111coraliconductnd111 it pins of the highet mlerit. Athletic Part. Tile second athitic dace of tie year will e given net Friday eve. in~g. T110 eventtpromlise tl e a comlete sncces ill every way. It wil be strictly informlal, and tie hoard deires it io ekown tiat tie dance will not be a full dress alir. Tile patronesses wil be SMedame~s Alngel, Pattengll, McLaugli, Knlowlton, Hutclils, Vauga, M- Murrici, Prentiss, Morris. Tie U. of M. Band lill1 furnishl te music. The dancing will begin at 8:30 o'clock. Tickes can e purlased frsm any meeber of the oard or at the door for $1 per couple. Harvard has canceled her game with 'Wisconsin, scheduled for Oct. 21, and has taken 011 Brown in her place. The reason given by her manager was simply tat it ws more to her advantage to play Brown. Btting Acerages. Thle followilg are tie attilg aver- ages made by tite team on tie sprig trip. Tile averages are cml~piledl from thte fotr colege games playei 011 thte trill and do not inlud~t~e tie ttvo gatmes playedl witi tie Milwau- kee Westernl Leageue tam. The list is made tup oly(f till' 110n1w(11 playedlill every gane Sullivanl............ ........401l Lunnt.,...,..... ....... 41 ............ .411' Wnolf.................... ...3571 Scnos.. .. .. . .. .. ..........338 Mavies ...................2504 avies ................... ..250; Fleoller ......................335 Tile team was given hard, 001- sistent practice yestrday anld is get- tintg into good siape for tie game Saturdaey witi tie strong Illino~is aggregation. Mattioon is playig sholrt, Wolf being unale to play ol account of a split filger receivelill tile second Wisconsill gale. Sil- cial attentionl is being paid to the battilng, this being Micigan's weak- est point in the games played so far. A scrnb gamewliiibe payed Tutr- daly afternlon betwven two 11in1s 1111110t(1p)of 11en11tryinlg for ipacs 011 0110 of the hardet galmeo of teo series wiii e played net Saturday whienlltill)teamn goons upIagist hll- ots. Te latter teamlI has bron l ay inlg remallrkaily strong b1a11 agaist tile Bloomlinlgton lprfesinIal tam~ and last Saturday deeatedl Cicago 4 to 2. Takinlg tie recrsn of tie Weternl college tamslo 5 far Mici- gait a1(1 Ilinlois halve tie txohst teamls and lfromlll 111idicatioln aer very evenly mlatched. Seasoll tickets, god for eigit 1111110gam~les, 11111l be placed 0on tte at tile gam~le Saturday, price 2. Onlyatltic, lOasocitioiAllmeber maiy pulrchlase tiese ticoet. They will he glood for admlittance to1 any (f tile 1101110gamles, 001110txeeivntl Athietic Committees. At tile lt meeOtig of tie Atil. letc Board tie following comm~littees were appointedl for 1110 ensuing year: Football-Verdier, chairlman; Wood- roxw, Tell t, Crafts, Day; Baseball-- El'llous, chairnman: Lancasire, Gradle, Browvn, Thomlpsoll;'Track- M2elilop, chairmlal; Wood, Brook- field, Groesbeck, Barber; Tennis- Riegelmlal, cairmlan; Collllagr, Ripley, Case, Barber. Iterecbo unsti--Groesbeck, calirman; Wood, Barber. Prof. Clarence G. Taylor, super. intendent of the sops of tie mechlanical laboratory, handed in hils resignation whiich was accepted by the Board of IRegents yesterday. He has" been in poor health for some time, cased by overwork and axi ety. His resignation wllii give him time to rest up. What his fture plans may be he has not yet decided. Season Tickets for Baseball Gnames Now on Sale. 8 Gaines for $52.00. Tickets admit to Ill- inois game. MAY FESTIVAL. A Strong List oil Soloists Secured for This Year. file Joeurnal for tie SMly feival 1111 110011i00su01 and lcolies are Ibeig freely distributed. 011till force ame found tile followling celebrted artiss- Sopranos, Mmett. Smbtieih, Miss Sarta AndersonSMiss Annl 1 liller. contraltols, Sitss Joepine~ll Jaoby, SislBlalncielon[11e10teorslm,Sr George IHalinMrS.eClaren1c'Sir- ley; baritones, Mr.Soy1111Sies an, Sig. Cilllpanale hIas silr.yretr W. Whitney, Jr; panit, Mis' ElsonV Gr1ave. 1110eliten for tille con~certs are as flttvlow: Turday, SMay 11, 8;ll:FridaySay 12 3 p.u.; Friday S p m.;Sattrday, May 13, 2:30 pin.; Satulday, 7:30, p. Il. We are noe pleased to notoe ta' tite Journlli repctfulliy reluests tite ladies tol remol~ve their hats at tie concerts. T1ickets for tie live colt- certs $3.00. Single adml~issinl 1 Semnbrich con~cert $2.00. leerve0 seats, 25c extrae for eacl cocert Informlatiolt concerninlg sats nay be- otbtainledlby taddresing ITo~a C. Coburn 325 Maynard St., Anne Arbor. Under the Auspices oil the Eni- eering Societq. 'Te lecture withuWiteutr B. >11)10 wiii deliver before the Engineering Society onl Saturday eveig is re- plete xithe iformalltiont (f value tll tihe entgineeor 1111 of iterst to tto casuatlioberver f mod)Iernl tmecai~i cal appliantces. The diferet types of fatts oemployedi for the proulctiot of draft xwil be illttrated and1 le- scrib~ed an1111tie practical appljiatios of tite 'forced'' an1d1"indued, ner. 'The printcipal fctors of stamn boiler eficiency xwil be Iiislussec unlder thte three folloxing 11ads: 1. 'Toelprim~ary cost of tie etir platt and1 titefixed cltttrges teeon. 2. '1110 quan~tittive effiieeylot thte plant as a mteano of butrnig, the futel sulppliedl ad~ trasferrinog it lteat to titexater evaporated. 3. 'The opratinlg expttses, ilucdm- itg tite fuel. Te lecttreowiiil110 illtrtedtt iby' aboul~t 50 lantern slies whlic ilxii addi greattly to ito insttuctive value. It wil110 giveln ite ecttre roomt in tile Phlyscal Laiboaatlry at A, o'clock Saturday evening, Aril 21 A Gft to the Uniersett. A lady inl Detroit 1w111 xisles ier name to remlainl unlknownl has lre- setiedltile University nitle $10,0001 to hobetested tentil it wittoter gifts amoun01t to $35,000. Tie eoney is to he used to endow a chain' to he occupied by someewomlal o ackneowledged ability. No liemit was placedonl11wviat thee chair slal be excepting that it shall not be te teaching of athletics. Toda's Games. Wisconsin at Chicago. Lehigh at Princeton. Fort Wayne at Notre Dame. Cornell at Lafayette. U~p raw. Ste St. ANN ARBOR Down Tow, Opp. Court House )liSt,