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April 25, 1899 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-04-25

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Stabler's Art Store20prcnReuto to all Students -iIA.::i_
Foreign n Fn omsi
Tu e enrEiin Art Novelties and of the 'L. of I. 01n goods p)urchasedl Woolents.
-sF VitO- FOR Fine Frame Mouldings. at mnY store.
214 Ext it .0iargten St., uar 5th lA1
Saisur' Drug ANN AIRBOJI.
EncvclopnUia SlsuySt_________
317 S 4th Ave. Phiaiii" 173.Stor . _______________________
Briannica. LA* "S . TU OE T 01IN
We tall attention to our complete line of (enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, BAlNK
The Best Reference Library for the ranging in price frona 75c to X2.50 each. Theoe Lamps are of the latest and rnat eea
namotinipioved patterns aisd makes. Inelisding "The N ew Rlocheter,""The Taoesagiea
th fie h irr. Yale," "'The Rtoyal," "The Berlin Student Lamp, " "The P'erfections itudeni lBankiing Iusiness.
Homle, teOfcteLbay Lamip." If you wcant the heat Lamp for the Leasttt Mossy conse and see us
__________ Oid Number: IS NTGA
44 SO. MAIN ST., IIIATONL...ranzd s3 D'E LsINli 'd 0BANK k
Nerysxfeetof printed imatter. AN N ARBOR. MICH. _ C_ apital, woos ssiipln>s adots, f>40.000
( vchsolutse is 11 ill. log; 9 in. O.tb FU1 TWINYOEA rascsagnrlbnig uies o
widie; ahsot 0'2 isic s tik n ra iz ei( .ea ngess sssssist ands old uns5 e*,.o
wceiglis ahout 5 piouils. ) 'hlsre will be ta mass nmeetis" intHbIcott
jTeprosdaetion of Gselhe's master- E~. i. KiINNE, Pres. LARRISON soLrl.
'ti t l s ints your hetad? Not Rsssm 9, Uiiversity' hall, iiext Fri-*hee"Fust"' at thse Whitney Opera "iePe
Can it all (odtiy sit ernioonitat 4 o'ellc of tsl I piece lcr>,Casier
likely! B elter hatie thte wosrk itse I leit ii tetb ftefaclthtoose yesterday, dternoon and evening 5 0 Catsi '.st
studntsandmembrs f te fault !hy Porter J. White aod company, ws ai
tos refer ltoleicitdobt' wht lo tire interestesl in organizna credit to the thtetater and eeryoine con-
, nected with the play. Primarily ttte fs 't t 'flltr c
'The etitire sot if Thirty Supeib gutt clb.'The Faculty GuiiiCl41h athor of'"Faust" is to ho thanked for ~
Octavso Volumissdseliveredl tponiiprity- s ave kindlly offeredi the stutdeints the he intellectual foast, but the audionce
nlent of use of their traps ttitl piouiids oii, owes no siuall deht of gratitude to Porter Ccr. Min ao itir ostreets.
Soult Slate street, thereby imateritilly J. White and his magnificent coimpany capi]t, 150,000. snriim, 530000. Tansact:-
I clcn h epts fiieibrlisfor an earnest and worthy rendering of gnrlbn~n uies
reuigth.epns1fmmbrhpthe pltay, and for the adequate and x, Ktoace, Pae. (C. E. Oaioa, Vicse-5Pre-
$ " to stiudeittimemubes. Accoringi to attractive scenic eimhellislhmensts with Faoa"1 . I Bii-ott..
______ the artranigemeints md last spring no0(shich Mr. White has enhanited his tro
membrshi fe is equiedthe ly duction.-.DetrositfFree Pees, Dec. 9, TheGAn A Prb~or SdvlllLIBan'
iiieiibeilttp equiesi, '9'8'. Tonight at the Atheino.
UHEEH XN & 1111,charge lbeiitp for the clay ligeonscta~st is S aiis10
SuiEEHAN ~ 11 sed. The otaly picture of -Michigan's '98 5 iicesi$,1,100,000.
Ainy stutseitt itay becomte a mteti- elevei i s)obe fouind on '' ',Ihe Orsganie udtheeeral Bss aning L w 1<
University Booksellers, her of tse eluib whiethierlie has doise Victors'' umarcht. For stile at Shee- ecmg nths icipal ociIts -e Iste
aity tl~ titittrap slioolitsp ori-too. If bait's. StatelysoDraftis shdonprpersdenific.o
AGENTS, itnty'-sf the eineitibers of the club sowou Leos:ChisltlsihlsttrsPes.;l-,).'97,r
.l well a -a w l trobbll be beeiin i'akitsg a itt~nirk nespaper J.tl rit,risoi'scs,;siCashi~i,sso s-sosi
____ organtizesd to tect tettitofros it\Vs- wsrbh
coioit 5151 ilirksestritDetrsitt ,lissbeen appointed
S-- TcuUn nDoiiE wstr colleges. by Spetaker Atlis of the huea
The Anin Arbor Higla Schoossl Orta- Press clerkc for the remisaider osf the A ERR
PATRONIZE STUDENTS tsoricatl Coittest will occur sit Fridtay, seasoon vice GrantlBeinnett, recesie. '.. ,
-fYo Apsril 28, il High School Hattl at8 Messrs. E. P. OLa '97 L1
IfYuD o, h o ,its,'The lost of conitestantsoiitsitdC GFiifrck,' '
Wo ecall 4e o n the 5hisghst clss of o katait. 11 fssls cinF.frocAit'9sL.i,,Aareti
folw : I. s . Aise , A .te re~-arpi es , t hi.thesfis n is. Lteo 1 , tsaisieiidii
Newo'Phane, 441, 2005S.atate t ahes5.L.C ro, .A aie,,
Studnt' Laudry~sacintory atii (. A Tissisas.rbor atid Detroilt. Mr. Ti ilioclc is
Studnt'__audry__________), loctitedl at Flat Mosuib, Msi We heep everythiog ouslly hepst >,
Nam. Vaaougt it, Wms. S .-eta,.'00Law. I_______f iast-claso Grocery and Batkery.- Co&
Parsquet floors and wood carpset p 0j~ and see ue.
- _r f g~p loosrs laisd and fintios etomplete . rsident Ang-e1ll TAES. aiisseo ceefly ibnitil tt-csiadosia ecsic5aiddresses_____________________

That i5 all Iask (tar Eighst yeai-s experiece eitabsles us to tiig5 University andt Cohn to Gui YOU'RE NEXT
may ILaaaaaalayAptalicy. give citire satisfatuitoi. 1llarthi versity it Hamtiltonu, N. Y., iduriting aiM n'aeaSat
H.C E E, Ialler, Furitttre ui aud(trpets. the slring vactatioii..ofaM. tat leaaSo
Ter. Na, a7s. te; 1. Wiliatat St. Dr. Jats. A. Craig, profesoor of Wosuldn't shte like a coupy i "The J. R. TiiOJANOWSat, Prop. 322 5. -Sate-
________ ___ _____ _______ Seisitic lanpusages sach litertatiireo Victors?'' Get it for her at Sltee-
B Y ! ST P Iaid Hellenistic Greek, swas imarried lia's.PARNZ
BO SiAT TE T OP!. dsrioipthe vacation to Miss Macian I ARNTHABRIouNu-A pair of oliera ghsoc M Lne. WLwene iS.AtrJANDTOUE ILBARBER S
AiitsRfLacrEee 1a.' ftrOwn~er may hiaveOtamte hiy provingipEAN YULILLALAY
l&1~rI'rl a brief boineyimuoii trip Dr. and Mrs'. roperty aind ayinsg for this ad. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.
KID NCrigti sill taike ill their residence at -___________ _______________________
FORIAGAMELF POOIOR ILLIARDSAnn Arbor. Loov-M1oiuday, Apsril I, a gild THE M~ODEL of State Street
Huran St. Bat afF. and M. Bank. Mtn.kstuck C. .moo Elu.Fider BRE SO sDruN& ENov's
Bict~clc MeARBRnHO If you desire
a All caitdidsates swill receive instruc plaelaeafteadifie rat-claaa work and courteoua ireatment
tionosaily as to ttainiap froni Direc- Take a copy of Elbel's ttVictors"a try George and Itarry at 332 S. State St.
tor Fitzpsatrick it Athletic Field. niarchi homneswitli you. At Slaeelita'es nuflLcDL Emame n
State Phone 144.J.1. 1 CLEAN. 125detc. LIIIJUII UILILIILL1Funeral raa

No. 16t10 E.Liberty Street. Residenceo533 S
Fouiath Ave, Phoae 129.

fnn't Thrnw YmViri


6 lasses 1n0 matter liowcbadly OF 0099
thley are birokeni. We
Away wl rpareyegl sad M LW R
spectaces whie you ait, or MILW A
- lend you another pair wchile
yours are being fixed. Nothing TAILOR
hut the beat materiale, expert wcork- STATE ST
luanship and honest prices. Eyes
examined free of charge.
pftb2~ei.IjII Spring andlSummaser Make an
f! bStyles arn In. Early -Selection.tr

ky ~

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