THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HJLD1BAD THE NEW TAILOR: +IA D 1 .Wsigo t +fff~ff~f~ffff~f 4 fff+ff..ff ++++f.+.++++++++*+++++++ ff+fff..f..fff+++++4+44 Y++++++++++++ ++++++*++++ M'6G'61M NTRL CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING. "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDSARD TIMZE Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mtaillond Express . ........3 47 P.01f. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 58" Fast Eastern ..............9 43" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. s:. Detroit Night Express........ 5 55" Grand Rapids Express ..........110" Mtall & Express......S....840 A. At. Boston, N. Y. &Chicago....... 9 10" Fast tWenternt Espress........ 1 30 P. m. 0. R. & KI. REnress..........5 455 Chicsgo Night Exipress .S......53 Faciic Express ....t.....1 20 A. M1. IVe operate the finest tailor~iog trade in the city, and equsal any ito the State. We respectfuolly solicit yotur vldl patrotoage. All garnmeits mlade iby us kept pressed anti in repair for one year. 10(> E. Ho.uron. New State Phone 431. i 0. C. .R T. An't. Chicago. Aol Asn Arhor CALENDAR. Prof. Artlour Csbtiy, of the Tuesday, April 25--Utoiversity Metlicaol Depaortmoent, is about Cii .~ A~~B~Oreottiieorxcrc~eS.publishl tim firot coioprelietioive hook i --Wednlesdaly, April 26 - Joioor 91tmSll3 ,fporllooig e d95 Party at Gratigcrs. writteti. It still emobody to great s\ ~~~ ~~ Thursday, April 27-Prcderick aiooo i rgnlrslri ok TIME TABLE ~~~~~gaged Ace' ra ectli hrl fornooe titooc 1ast. TIME TABLE Unionl series. _______ Taking Effrct, Nev. 20, 1898. Trains learn Ann Arbor by central stand- Frtilda', April 2g-Atletic Datice If yoo wsohm to sec nite brighot to and Tne. I l atermalnl Gymnallsiumot. to slate patterons ito Carpects, logs atod N~OIT11 sour11 Saturdaly, April 29-Walter 13. Draperieo, look lot the shootwindiowts s- a3 A. 5. X0.23 A.30. Suiiiwcon ''Merlillal Draft.'' if Martito Hailer'sCaorpoet 11111 Pur- t1:510.51. 11:25 : . Saturday, Apirli29-'Varsity v. iur Soe. You illb stl I__ llinlois, at Itegents' Fieldl.lbtter llaoocd by steppinlg inisiilc 011d "Runo bcecoeen Ann Arbor and Toledo only Satoriay, Apiril 29-(9 a. in) iearninig the psrice oil some ofi these All traisilodaily excepSunday. F>. . tLMOIiE, Agent. GiiC-l liis.oiid iV TTS.r V%50, Pr . .0. ____hTitClb (,rtc l1)li Assli iiru r 1 DT fTYPSILANTI & AKIN AR- tale o alchilrd for visitoroslit the May DETROIT, The Wliist CIlbiiielts tlniliblfur Festival Nviii piease leaove thicir adi- BOR RAILWAY. play. Those iiteresteol in the game sdress at the Schiiol of Muhsic. -bre inovitesd 1o josiIinh ll. 'I1i1s0 Cots lesive Anii Arbor for Ypsilatiti jo5iinlg 11130may1511y fist the rest iif Thle Ail Arbor Mosic Co. carry oed D~etroit every hnlf hotrbngitioing the yelar 151 paymetof the initia- the largest genecrll iosic stock sof tot 7:15 o. isi. U. of M. cior leateo City lion fee Nvtotlit I)'1Yi10g soester anoy msic hosuse 0inlic stale oiiisidle Haoll, D~etroit, every night aftnrTh'Ieater. does, of Detroit. Sp9ecial U. of 11. cirs fbr oil extra ottcca- ________________ ___________________ sions. Baoggag~e, expreso anti Stodents' / suplplies receivesdaiid delivered. 'G'ait- ' nn rooms, corner of Ain nod Moonlentz bt6 the b, g ap er streets, Anii Artbor, 1ill.tGriowold stheet, 1Rents h L, Destroit. 50 Trains 4 and 1I-Continental Limited. Magnifiicent neweafist traino via the Z .Z ZTIII IITIsIiZzzzzZZIIZZZZT Ftt'iilRtiiittcnocnonxaoa soooo ZZoo0Sl I.o10oooITZTIlltllt IIIT liiH-l IIWbash, wit freetlining choir coars;I Wagner slenping cars1 pla ce coosH c siid faoous dining ciars, G7 (loing ea1sttChio train leovos Detooit it=E 85 a. Go.,ortivesNewicoork24:0 p. in PO R T A 8oi23 we.ti raileavYorkM3lanpa0, rven Chicrinase240p St1.00 dtT Looms 1:51p. in. Kanoas tCity 7:1 a.FOR AND M The Wahanso in a good toad. OneN ~I trial will convincn you. If you conteno- plate making a trip to 'New York, or to 1 ",E California, or to any point in lIssouri H E W MNn Koonsan, Texas, or Colorad o, and willl glad to give you any inforaoation. 7 F. A. Painra , A. G P. A.1 Chicago. Spring and Summer Stock Complete. New Shades of Tails and C. a. CRANE., G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. ustLahr otoldb s RC. S. GRENWasOOD, 0. P. A., Chicago. Rse ete. Cnrle yn.I Ohio Central Lines ALL STYLES $35I TH IE TLN OS n0Bowling Greeni, IMarietta, Finodlay, Athens, (Joinnohoos, Miclcllel;ot, and Chiarleston, W. V a. - ' u i a I o .q8 nColumobus trains use Lake Shore GUa itqnion " Station at doledo. Through trains with Sleeping andt Ann Arbor Store 1 10 East Huron St. Hos Drawing Room cars fromo Detroit . FACTORY : BROCKTON, MASS. Near CookHos and Toledo.ti MOULTON ROCK, General Fasoenger Agt. $$ $ NOQ NEED To send to the nianufacturers when you can obtain a genuine Washburn M adolin or Itiglit liere in .A. eArbor, At thoe SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 WV. Liberty St. 0. M, MARTIN.1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR E1mbalming a npecioalty. No. 201) S. 4th Ate. Aombulance night anti day. lRes. ideuce 302 Fifth Ate. M Cl ocksl "PD Win. Arnold, Leading The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates In the City, Just Received by 238S So.lState lStteet. OUR PHOTOS ...ARE . . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. Statr Phone O119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 'News York - ellocosgo. ATHLETIC GOODS. Oflicial outfitters tsoall Sir leadioog colleges scools and t.]otletic clsusssofthc countory. The Spaslding IBicycle, ridden by the Intersollegoate A. A. A. A. Choamopionos.aond all thoe leoadoiog csslege riders. Every tRequit sute loeBoase bal, ootiFoBtall, G~olf,* Tennsis, Athletics, Gymonasiumlo. Spalding's Official League Bal Is thoe Official tBall softhblo Natilsonal teague alnd allth10e leaoding colte-e ossociatllons, Haondsomoe Caotaogofso Atholetic Snorts Free tos any address. Spaldinog's Official dase Ball Oxide toe IS49, Mtarch 30. 10 CrnIs. A. 0. SPALDINO & BROS., Nesw York, Chicago The Hocking Valley Ry. Only tine SHaving; Union Dpcs nI Beolh Tolledo sod Columnbus. NO TRCANSFERIS TO ANkY POINT. Hor Traio!s Betweens 3 3 orAbove Cities. Rates always the lowest and accom- modations Che best. 1For particulars call on local agents, or address IL.XW. LANDMAN, Gentl Tray. Agt., 67 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mitts. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.