4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WATE NMN CORRECT MODERATE JSS W. KOLLAUF, WM R A SSTYLES PRICES Th otcompete line of o-to-date Men's Frnishing In the city, is at T R7LOR ID AL D. A. TINKER & SON, 3341 S. Sae St. oercel d ane dealers in Hats Capine Necwea. & W. and Cluet's Collars and Cuff, line of Goode fo Fanesy and White Shirts, Night Robes, Paamas, Bath Robes, Gym Sats and R U E NG Shoes, Laboratory Sats and Aprons, ~nderwar. Hosiery, Jewelry, Cobrel F O U N T A IN as. Men's Clothes to order at low pies, fit, qality and style guaranteed.TE T OU E I G COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AGENCY FOR TEBsi of Wrmaship PEN LONWATRSCLEY $3THAT24REst Wsingtn St., nar 5th Ae WJ.BDom, Px0. SC) =I K = Cr N i 7-T W V.sHEH, d Vi pops SjT T J. VT Sno, let Vie -pres MAKES ITS MARK A A JNn. CWLT, Aso.tehiee SfIVINGS L We hae decided to saisfy a long felt wat for an pto dae torn ot, and so L All around the wsord. L hae addd to ortoch of Sune horses and carriages a C'ALY HO which seats LBIN Lfortersi pesonsa Coclng parties will now be in order'Secre adtn fr the Y Tally-H. Call oip y Transacts a general H HOLMES LIVERY H Banking Busines. Every One Warranted for 0 Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. I FieYer.FIRST NATIONAL BAK rguasd 53 LA M P Fo - S T D E T S Cpial, $100,000 loNia nd CcO~ts 14,000 'ransaecaeeralhaI i ei ees. Cooeig and adertisbeiitsofferngdthe L A M PSFuST U D ENhaletters ofon Don't be deceived by fake signs We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lap, ri-l adavrieetofeigteWat- E Vice-Free. ARISN O . ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. T.lhese Lampo are of the latest and 'vic.e-11resOJ. ermao Pen from $1.00 up, as there is most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New IRochester," "The 9.5. WCLOA{SN Cshie no Waterman Pen-made at that price. Yale, ""The Royal," "The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfetion Student - -- - We have the so-coled Waterman Lamp." If youO want the hot Lamp for the Lcas Moneyp come and see us,. fi'I4 rm f&JtTkrhanIrs1 zn Pen, which is extensively advertised Pinlil aod which leads the unsuspecting Old Number: D EA N0 "o.-lanan Hro.Ste=s public to belice'e that theyI re bhetting 44A .NN ARBO R, M OH N c lseml le~ ice the Wxatermni Ideal at this renarka- CaptalsCs ,e1ples $3000. 'Teancse bly lose price. At any tulme prtospect UdrTeRoeiclnJ h iiictnbs bl u al i nrsi. c C .GurtN 'Vic-Pes ive peii boyero have is few niomiets ne h oe icl . TePictnbs alcu a neeH D,nacashier. leisure we will gldly shosw them tile Carter's iesw sesationll coreey receipts of $11481.45, ased expense -- - _ ssindlo that 1is being erptratedl drama swill be:sccin u this city at the of $7,396.77 last season. Theflan fror Savins bank sipoin the public Athess Thie'atr'e toig. I sa DR-Will the lady vhofound tCapitalon,cc. $ ,suu,1,00. maval pliy the emain iicidelciis f ladowhu1 tsr Icic$,10,000 000 ~ ele~ wicocggsld eytic ttmept the Swiss watch call "agit 408 loeie ede1c eielIehe i' SH E AId' / ichw oftisedb il ttmt-( izdtereothe~,ieceiicntl yn eeogLaws S( t oyt l ~ ~ ed i w e o f t ie S a u o s an d s by Ch u rch i S t? - - ioIs reec- isn S tat e t~ e-pi c ld c 0p ec~s y se i na see Uniersty ookclcro Sttioicis,18189. Seeral sceesoftlie play ion Isiaiiond swill 5)011 iake a tursr O~"cncis heelocMcl1Ps'W.). Hei. anvri oellerSao, n re ortyao iiiocdellmretllofhesa, 1Cell, CAcietoci coc ,csie;M ar otyo tgo elmr hnIrtAs atsirpassiiig notic. One of tlicoe show- of __the__state. 120 S. State St., Asn Arbor, Mich. ing the passagc of a fry boat froiii A Graphopliouc (ploiiograp stle) IA MB ENER lese i tyt e oki adt opeewt uft oecag o e absoletely prfect inl detail, The a typesriter or higis grae hadl caml- E C R passage is iiade at Iniglt. Whcn the era, Roon 3, 321 S. 4th avc, 14 , T HI E boat fit leaves the slip inl Jeroey City, the huge black outliiies of the An excane estiiiats that theFa c Gr e s buildings oii the opposite olore aid average cost of fittng out at ply eir a c their tiousands of dimly glosing oii a big 'Varsity eleven is about $40 *lights cdin just ba rely be seen., As - the bat pushes out its the streaml Bureau of Lwi, Wahinmgton, D. W'se keep eerything usually kept in a (Students' Lecture Association.) and comes cor to tlic lading thue C. Inforiii'tioni pertining to the first-clas Grocery and Bakery Cl sor sid ore definite shape aid several states and territories of the 318 S. STATE ST. telgtofthe city growr brighter Uited States, of Foreign Coutici--- adarerlntilthclnigote furnishd upo application STUDENT'S' LAUNDRY Tickets for tile entirecourse130 are iron rtes amd lock whel announce Gmea guyfrDtot hn A S CA IN h~eOlsl '~le',onSaeSthe arrival. cao Newe York and Toledo pap ters -_ an'tGeders nMi to The effect is as if the asdience had at11N anS. pr lue W-11. OUGIT-W1.Ti. 1OX, they may be had from student solice- ben carried iu the boat.a 1Nc.aDepo t. , . 'iOera ons itors, Thseprice is only '2.00. News_____Depot. ___ GANDTLANDRY Thn bo erig ILosT.-A bue nackintoshi cape. Remember the place where yoi OLE OIT R I EYLeave at Steswards office or 511 Hill can save mnomey on shoe repairimg. Ts, beem higu crads]laudinci the Stts.'lb RLYSt. 14 Shoes fixed to your ow-u satisfactiou, only mahie nd~omtc fiio the wet. Fo '2 C M ils Elizabeth Lee Wilcox '98 Shos tapped, 50c. amd 60c. Rubber netly andcae flly don. leeoiy BOURKE COOOKRAN is teaching Latin amd mathenatics heels, 40c and 50c. Brig yoimrTeEceso audy C. imi the Hancock, Uppr Peninsulasork sheem you come to the I., TeE~IIrLudyC For 20 cts.,( ig scboi this year' to A. Levy, UT.cf If, Shoe shop, 217 oP KALAMAZOO. ya. NaS. 18 Collars......................1 Cent I N NES'BA ND ( _---_Cufs_...............Main..St.. For 20 cta., or Try the Portland Cafe for board, Reserve seats foe tie S. L. A. Shirts.................... 8 first-clas, and only $3.00pe week. couroeeswill be on sale Oct. 20 9 a Eie finush SatufetiogooranteedGiv per ' 'sliet trial IlAN M A CLA R E N" Meals and lunches at all hours. Open I., at Wilder's omi State St. and 0fic 2055.tatet esdnc HO Larne act. For 20 cts, day and night. Goodyear's on Main St. Price 50 ct. Nw Stae Phone 44. Jamues Whitcomb hiey will open, the course Oct. 21. The other datesO1 Otny will soon be made public. Watch the Bulleto tihitinl oBcsardsL.AR Do you know what a Full Pique Kid Glove is? Most of the loves sold as Pique MiW I' sewed are what is known to the trade as h.f Pqe Untli MW I-W R this season we have been unable to buy Full Pique Men's Kid Gloves to sell at $.s. But we have them now You just Men's Fl Pique Kid loves, Imported Stock, aale, $10 123 S. MAIN ST. W AGNER & CO. x