4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH UNIERSIY OFMICHGAN AILY The New Werner Edition N --OF THIE--AE EF ALPINE HAT SALE 6 ~"" All Shades for 1899 Now In. En0 c o m la Call and see them! $3 Hats for $2 D. A. TzNxFER & SON. Britannica. LA0MPS Em STUDENTS We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamp The Best Reference Library for the ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest an most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "Th Home, the Office, the Library. Yale," "The Royal,""The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Studen Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Money come and see u Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., Nearly six feet of printed matter. ANN ARBOR. MICH. . DEAN ___ I . 0, d ie at is it (Each volume is 11 in. long; 9in. wide; about 2" inches thick, and weighs about 5 pounds.) Can it all go into your head ? Not likely ! Better have the work itself to refer to when in doubt. The entire set of Thirty Superb Octavo Volumes delivered upon pay- ment of $1.00. SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, AGENTS, 320 South State Street. STUDENTS! PATRONIZE STUDENTS If You Do Not, Why Not? Wean give ye the highest class of work at the reguarc es.Eiter finisht. New 'Phone, 441, 202 S. State St. Student's Laundry fAssociatiol, Nm. Vought, '99 Lit, Wm. R. Fox, '00 Law.' A TRIAL ORDER.' That is all I ask for my Laundry Agency. P. C. MEYER, Tel. No. 179. 607 E. William St. BOYS! STOP! AT THE KIND[1IFIIThN FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS Huron St. East of F. and M. Bank. ANDA LOL 1 State Phone 144. About The Oratorical Election. for such a purpose, as often as they were defeated and so continue the Editor U. of M. Daily: struggle during the entire period of With regard to the matter of the the incunent's termt of office. Oratorical Association election- we Respectfully, greatly deplore the amount of ill Tuco. K.JACKSON. feeling that has been occasioned by SCOTT'S lIG MINSTREL CARNIVAL this election, but we feel that the stand which we have takei is the The attractions at the Athens on s tenable position whict we could Tuesday, April 18, will be Oliver Scott's only Big Minstrel Carnival. The entertain- consistently assume. Allegations of ment truly is entirely different from fraud and ballot box stuffing have that of any similar organization. The been made, but io actual p wroof has wardrobe, stage effects, and everything beenoffardeibthernatheroffirspertaining to the exhibition, has been been offered either ~o use, the officers gotten up regardless of expense. It is a elect, nor to any other member of very big show. The street parade is a the Law Department. Mere allega- very unique feature, and will take place tions of fraud are no proof, nor a at 11:30 a. m. Beaded by their brass s n tband, the company will parade the prin- showing that fraud might have been cipal streets of this city, after which a comniutted a proof that fraud was musical concert will be given. The seats actually committed. It is easy to are now on sale at Wathr's and Sang- show that any iuan has the oppor- sterfer's. tunity to conitnit a murder, but no Wouldn't she like a copy if "The jury would convict hint on such Victors?" Get it for her at Shee. evidence. Nor is it any proof to han's. show a willingness on the part of a number of persons to declare that Spring Vacation Railroad Rates. they believe a fraud was committed. On April 13, 14 and 15, the Ani For the officers elect, to resign their Arbor Railroad will sell round trip positions and to permit a new elec- tickets limited to return April 25 to tion to be had, would be a tacit ac- students presenting proper certificate knowledgement that they believe from Mr. Wade's office. These that the ballot box was actually tickets will be sold to St Louis, Mo., tampered with. This the officers Quincy, Ill., Keokuk, Iowa, Peoria, are by no means prepared to aditit, Ill., Cairo, Ill., Louisville, Ky., Cin- as they do not believe the charges to cinnati, O., Pittsburg, Pa., Buffalo, be true- . N. Y. and intermediate points. Also or carthredlissatisfied members to points onthe D. S. S. & A. R. R. of the Oratorical Association forcet in ts oiprA.eH.suR. such a course upon them, as there is E. S. GILMORE, Agt. no authority either in the constitu e tion of the association, in Robert's FoUND-A pair of opera glasses. Rules of Order, nor in any other Owner may have same by proving work on parlimentary practice author- property and paying for this ad. izing or giving a method of vacatign offices once filled by election other LOST-Monday, April 3, a gold than by impeachm eit. If anumber stick pit, C. E. monogram. Finder of the members of an association please leave at Stewards office. 47 could so declare offices vacated,f there would never be an end to. Take a copy of Elbel's "Victors"t election disputes, because the dissatis march home with you. At Sheehan's, fled members could call a meeting 25 ets. JOS, W. KOLLAUF, Foreign and Fine Domestic SWoolens. 214 Sast WashingtonS t., near 6th Ave. ANN ARBOR. w. J. BOOTH, PRE . W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pres J. V. StEeo, 2d Vceepro Sle IG JOHN.C wAmTs, Asst.tiashir~ flIG BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K0rgne d186 Capital, $100, 00. Surplus and Profits, 140,000 'reansats a generta anig busiess. Frein echasgebhgthtnad sld Frnishi etters oa credit. .0.etKINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE Vices-res. S. W. CLARKsON, Cashier. Cor. Main and uronS Streets. Capitat, 5,0. surplus, $30,000. Transacts a neral banking business. R, KExrp, Pres. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Pres. FRED. H BELSER, Cashier. [he fin flrbor Savings Bank Capital Stock. 05,000. surplus, $150,000. Resources.5100,OO. organisedunder the Genea BankinLaw, or ths Statt.Receies deposits, buy and setl, exchange on tht erincipal cities of the United States. nrafts cashed upon proper idetiicatis Safety deposit ones ts tess. OeFICEes UChristian Mac Pres.; W. 0. Harei nan, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. iscoen. Cashier; M J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. LAMB & SPENCER, THE . . Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M. Barber Shop ansi Bath Rooms. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. 322 S. State S PATRONIZE. WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER SHOP i Doss & ELY'S If you desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. fITD E blmrand ENOCH DIETERLE, FuneralDiei r Calls attended Day or Night. Na. 155 E. Lierty Steet. Residece 683 5 Forth Ae, Phone it9. SPRING OF I MILWARD TAILOR STATE ST "pr"ng and S mmer Make an styles are In. Early .Selection. q s A1 Styes. Sul't Cases AlSzs Correct in every detail. The prices do the talking. 3 WASNER I& C0S. F 3N 1.23AC 5 . MAIN S T.- 1 I I JIM IWRJ" ADM OCOMALMACAM AM - llm w /1