THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 f h HJLDE BRAND, THE NEW TAILOR, + 9 ~110 E Washington St. +f~.fffffffffff~~~fff.f~-ffffffff. ++ff~ffffff. ffff#4 M I6IIGtIN [NITUIL ALARMV CLOCKS, $1.00. Students ! th Students!i 'The Niagara Falls Route." U.OF Al. PINS, 50) ns.Ifdissatsfed swith yourGltudrytsercescomte CENTRAL STAND)ARD) TIME. FinecWatch RepairingaSpecialty, EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Taking Effect Anu. 14, 1898. dJ L CHAPMAN. A. F.(OihRTnPropI2l Wah.tSt GOING EAST.( 20SmitetcMinStreet Excellent Workan Quick Servie Guaranted N N. Y. & B~oston Special ..........38" Fast Eastern ..............94.3" Atlantic Express ...........745 A. cX. Detroit Nig:ht Express ...........35 Grand Rapids Express ..........110 Mail A Express ....8....918 A. M. Motion. N. Y. &Chicago....... 8 13" Fas Westrn Exprss........ 1 38 P.a. G. R.& Kal. Expres .........5345 Chicago NightEpress .......() 4:1 Pacific Express.............12 30 A. 51. 1. W. RUGGLES, H1. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ag's, Chicago. Ac-t Ann Arbor 1 11FiL O ,0 ' Your First Duty after securing your room is to REGISTER your nanie and address at BROWN'S DRUG STORE IT'S FREE...- Cor. Mainl and.lloron Sts. CALENDAR. Recruits Wanted. Wedncsuday, Oct. 12-Michigan Theere r a large number of vacan.l vs. Michigan Agricultural College. cies in the U. of M. Rifles. Any Saturday, Oct. 15.-Michigan3 vs. nien desiring to join be at the meet- Weoterli Reoerve. iag of the comepamny, Friday evening Saturday, Oct. 22.-Michigan vs. at 7:00, Roo0109, University Hail. Notre Danie. STANSELI., First Sergt. fALL Mnsical Supplies AT LOWEST RATES., SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE li4 Went Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. Only 3 doors from Main Street. 0. M. MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR E mbalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ace. Anibulance night and day. Rdes- idence 302 1Fifth Are. Alm r goc Ta iME TBLEFriday, Oct. 21.-Jtas. XWhlitcomb +B W -________!ns~Iii TakingaeE ffnect, Morpay , ir3898. nd Riley on the S. L. A. Couse. Next Friday afternolon the Ann b eta ain irAn Arbot yCnrl5ad rer High School and Detroit HighLein r0Time. str TeOipcbae t ai.L, ~~'.eaeier NORTH SUTH TheOlqmpieGames a Paris. School football teamus, will play at n1 r od eee sa A 3. 3AA.~. A.pliliarpogm hao been the lair grounlds. 12:40 Prem. 11:23 A. Mt. puiblished b the committee of thie TY U 4:50 r... 8.40 .r f er eirbeRom byldisa e acO5 A. St. +8:03 s>. 3M.___Olympic games swhichl are to be held 5VeryhdesirabeS100110Modrliesroat ;Ran hetween Anen Arbor and Toledo only, in Paris i connection with the 1900 lsolSt odr luroe t These trains ets Sunday only and ran be- Iu ai nalEhb theAcrd nns all l'ady rootners. Price losw.U sweet Toledo and Howell. All other traie ns terntona xiiio.Acr-Uuns aNCUHES daiy except Sanday. ig to thus announcement, field sports, Notice! AT E. S. OILMORtEAgent. ynsis ecn, I1. W. HENNETT. G. P. A. ' gmatis 'eleubcylnpolo, __ __archery, skating, clilubing, and All captains and managers of chaos W, W. T U T TL E-9S aquaticosxwiii be inlu~ded inlthe lire- football teamls wiiilheease meet me i138 So. Slate Street. posed gamles. Field splorts weill com- Room 9, Unilversity Hall, at 5 prise 100, 400, 800, and 1,500 mietres o'clock, mnext Monday afternoon. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- flatrcsada10uershsrl F. W. POTTERO R P T S BOR RAILWAY, race. A general athletic 'chiampione- Assistant Manager. , ARE.. -ship will aloo be included. This wvill Carl G. Leidbe, a junior in the Cart eave for Detroit at a quarter comoprise four flat races, long jumps Literary Department in 1893-94 is PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH after every hour, beginning at 7:11 a. and putting the wseight. Fencing pastor of tile Mizpall Tabernacle, T H E mu. and up to 11:11 p. m.. For Ypailanti ciii include boxinlg. Englishl and Calumet avemnue, Detroit. B ry a taqatrbfr h oru o1:5Fecadqatrsaf ah-S u i a. m. Cars leave corner William and lug anld scullimng will lake ptlace on 'Pie .Free Press, the old reliable B rym n su i Main Sts. 'Tickets on aale at Brown's tile Seimle, wvhile several swimuming and leadimng State amid Sporting paper ( I 2 Weat Huron St. Drug Store. conitests will be hleld. A tewy cycling is handled by F. Stoillet, Opera Hlouse evemnts are on the schedule. Polo, News Depot. Call anld subocribe. State Platte 119, botil accordinlg to Hlurlingiliamid Good delivery guaraniteech._ _ Pamis rules, will be played. What A. G. SPADN RS ..THE . .. are described specifically as gamnes Prof. Asaphl Hall, has bieen niak-=jm aaL ir & ROSte. I' -- wfJ E GA E villicleide football, cricket, golf imng observationms simice last April for o. Tc eee11rfnrmie amid tennlis. latitude variations anti is wrell pleased - FOOT BALL CIGAR STORE swith the results secured. SUPPLIES Carries oe 75 bradof et'cedeacce,50 teeaees cofThee Goodyear DrugCowihst ibaltet Alte Cigaes and 30 hbcandscof Cgaettet. A cancc mpes upomi every student the fact Have you seemi thee 'Seremiata" a 1fialtfittcerCs tcoall nod o 1ccit wl ee:Icecce. thact they carry the largest line of mew incstraemeent at the Music Co. athciisclub teemcc 102 E. HURON ST. tsidents Suppieis and alsos thiattlecy Steore on Washingtoin St. They are Spalding's Official Inter- --- -- -- --are NEVER VNDERSOfL.). very ueat. Not exisensive either. AUe clu covl yYle itnootrBall } r ~l ~p B{} Qll R Uli pt'sedi xclcsivelybiy Yale, Irinceton. H3arvard U, afII lai~Parlars AllIBah oaf2 0 m.-0? w. good one $7:50. 1lo Prnyant~ e~Crnellceend all other lecdeg 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. ___________________________________erilekecerprice's asis~pescefoe' ordering Ladis' rtisic ~ai Dresin up artOldelsvw cI'. SpaldinsaOffiiajl Font Ball Gaide, trends callain. eit welomenestoce.-e phflc din ctearcs. 18:38 rulcs,csith kin- 11 l -tJMO5SE lentschlev, the lINhotooraPber. ~Ssk hcg NwQatrinheTolonBdn.mOnly First=ClasBarbers Employed. Ielnocrnllcciei' Bucrleau lcit MIG GtSUTIC. Al News Staed, 607 E. William SI, Illllsll 7TltIUItD +1llit+lllJ 3VCiI. Give me cc trial. First class work and I L ENRTHE MODEL of Statep Street C ARLLBALNNY, D prompit service. Is IxreN&CEi,v's xAnxN. Y.PA LM YR BARBER SHOP If you desire no=t Cps, Gowno, 3and Floods made tea order and rented. Aloo ChasPU M R first-close work and caurteous treatmnent Canes, Class Hats end Cccps, Clalss College 'Pios. Address try George and Starry at 332 S. State St. W. C. 11.11, ,wrstern Mung-., F. J. SCHLEEDE, 11lasskell 315tneum~, Utis. of Cicaego. :m4o S. State St., ( CDc! Embalmer and -- lBndsl Booke sfo 5. andsupcardde and tells ENOCH OC IULRRi tFuneral Drco. yjA EverykidWaemnoutnPnsfr$.5nup Calfccatteded Day orNight. .RANDALL, THE nuOTORAPRnKN O , kst. S'tAEBLER, All Linen Paper. 4 lbs. for 50c. Ne, 101 E. Liberty Street. Reidence 533S.112 Went Washington Street Foerth Ave, Phone 129. WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ABR Both PoeN.108. Ann Arbor. Finedstlsationery anlice city at lowest pice. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG 5TORE.