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April 12, 1899 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-04-12

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t ( j A Great Celebration at Yale.
The Bi-centennial of Yale is to Ibe
Pubhished Daily (Sandaytsecepted) during the celebrated in October, 1901. The
College year. at comtmtittee in charge claims that the
Celebration will not be complete if it.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, does not intcludle as ansioncemient of
1)rre: The Inatd PresoHenning Block. large adiditionis to the prtopelrty satnd
Balk Phone, 147 funsid of the University. It is hiopeil
that there msay be cotntribiuteid for
MANAGING EDITOR. thtespurposeo at leaot $2,000,000,
F. Bs.NG s~aa, vs L. of which sm is0omuch as maxy bc
BUSINESS MSANAGER. necessary shll11be devoteid to thle
0. It. taNS, '05 L. erectiona of a Cotimieitor'ative Hall,
IkItTOatS. atnd the remiaisiier sshli e aidied to
Atlici Editor, P. W. JoNas, '9 the etidosettof the Untiversity.
L. J. MsONT0oaoss,*'as, 'r. it. Onaa, '50 L. Suthscriptioiis aimountiing to smite
J. B. Was,,, '00, C. L. NtS,,'50,
0.0D. HINtTso'. '01 E. 0. D. CamL,,'99, thano $2251000h avelia's lrleeady biesi
A. Ht. McoUseA , '01 B. W. ll. tICE sY, '00 M, issde.

Tkhesrption prieofstheoAIYis n 12a.50tfor
the college yoe, willh a rogare dliverybefooe
ana each dasy. Notices, som ow iaioss, aasd
otker mattior intondod IfoIpublicon satssie
haaddn aSthelsoLYsoffscbeforesa8Op. ,o
maailed isolisa ediorbeore3a,e in . oatheisoday
previos stotatoinwhsicls theysae expeceddto
Sahasiplisn ssayiboe litas the DAILYostices,
Mteye's,orsolilo'os owoland, ar willsBusiaoes
Manager. Suscribeors will cnfass favorss, by
reo tinpomsytly at hisoffice ay fislurssofa
carriers to sdeliver paper.
All chaagesaits advetisins' smater musal isin
the officehy4tp. tsn. on sttoaytrevouisto thas
an whisk heahre non is isos.
At a meetitng of the D)AIL.Y Board,
hteld last tightt, F. Enigelisard was
re-elected Maniagisig iditor stnd P.
Wi. Joties Athletic Eiditsir.
Illinois Interscholastic Association.
Thse sevensthiantnual nieet of tis
associations will be hselid at Chantpaigst
under the ausptices of tiae Usiversity
of Illintois, ott May 20, 1899.'Te
associatisn is itt a very flourishiatg
condition itt regards to size, ats over
60 high schools are tmetsbers. Tite
nuntber of constestattts is sos large
that each schtool xiii be alloxwid but
one entry its each evetit. Every
effort is beitig tsade to make this
mteet the ttost successful intthie Iis-
tory of tlte associatiott.It is lisped
titat several records still be brskett.
In srder to do thsis ansd also encsiur-
age tite highs school attletes, promi-
nernt University athletes itave cot.
sented to present thte best nosde of
training for eacht evettt in the Uni-
versity paper, The Illitti.
Intercollegiate Cross Conntrtj Asso-
The first anttual nteet of tite asso-
ciation will be hteld somtetitme in
Novetmober anti probliably in New Ysorks
City. Yale, Pritncetott, enttsyl-
vania, Cornell attd Colutmbia xwiii
send teams.
Eaclautiversity xwiii be permttited
ts enter tetttmetn, sexen of wvlott
still run and the first four rmen fiis-
intgxill be thse teats propler. The
distattce to be rutt xiii he six and a
quarter tmiles.
It is quite probable that otiter uni-
versities xwiljoitt the organization.
Unicersitij Exhibit at Paris.
Pennsylvania Itas appiointed a cona
mittee to have chtarge oif an exhiiit
at the World's Pair in Paris itt 1900.
It is the intention to arrattge a cotm.
pssite exhibit with Yale attd Har-
yard representvative of thte American
university. Penntsylvania will prob-
ably prepare thte anthiropological attd
ethnolsgical poart of thse exhibit.
Dr. H. M. Gorditt will speak up-
on thte subject of Phartuacy in
Russia, this eveninig, April 12, at
7:30, in Room B, of the Chemical

Would it Were so Here.
At Princetion ittft'eshmtani is nti
alloswesi to scoar gillf triiusers, whlite
docks, colors, or to carry a csane. Al
tto times'tay hItsinooke a pips', liiaf
oin tise ctampuss, enter aloon1119I, ior
pool111room, tot' hi'foititilott tlisstreets
sfter inte intthie evessisig. Perumia-
nenlt comttmittees appointesd by the
upper clatssitnet toiisee tstt these las
are rigidily notuircei.-E.
Stesast L. Tatutmt,'98 IL., adio
osas presidetit of the Northern Orss
torical League iwhest IMichigass tail
tite presiidentcy itt 1897-98, ttnul whoi
was alsio cltssrator itt '97, is prc
ticitig litt nt Spriungfielid, Ohiii, hay
ig fotised a partnershipi witht s
partntersihip tiths a youttg tmattof
thast city uttder thte firtiametoeif
TIatumt & Krapp, witit offices itt the
Rsibert Stevenissn Isigerooll, '98
M., tail Mrs. Itigersioll, fortserly
Olive Grace Perry, '98 M., are
medical tisesiotiaries at Calcuttta,
Jrtdia. 'Tey ttre wsorkittgtttsder the
aspices of the Sevesith Daty Aidveti-
tist Medical Missiounary andti Bettevii-
lentt Associatioin.-Thomias Gilbiert
Mays, '98 IL., is with thse Nest York
Life Ints. Co., located at Dubiuqite,
At Cortll 25 stttdets receive free
eduicatiott,andi there are givetn in
additiotn 27 scholiarships of $200 eachl.
The University of Chicago gives 80
scholarships atis fellowtships, aggre-
gatinig $20,000. Harvttrd gives 115
scholarshtips of $225 each. Columstbia
gives 29 schsiolsips of att averstge
value if $200. Yale gives annually
$30,000 to needy studento.
Special Rates to Students on the
Michigan Central Rti.
To studettts presenltitng certific-ate of
mlembersitip signed by Secretary
Wade, the Michigan Central Ry. wiii
ott April 13, 14 and 15 sell routtd
trip tticets at thte osutal reductiots,
accoutnt of sprinig vacationt, tickets
sill he gooti to returtnutitil April 25.
Losv-A Gammtta Phi sorority pinl.
A liberal reward will hi' paid for its
return to the Gasmtma Piti house or to
thte DAILY office.

If YOU Wms it the Lat-
Noble's Star Clothing House
MILCIIOSCOPIC FINDINGS. H-edquartears for nl Ltibor-ai-
tory Supplies
112. Main Street., Ann Aeor, Mih.
This space beotgs tos the Studests Leture Asocitio.
CR SC NT Best Chain Wheel, - $35.
Lifl~ LiLBevel Geared Chainless, $60.
Ther'e is so better whee lade at aty price. Ak Crescent riders
if tiis is itot so. ake your seectionttttsw ott a Crescent.
M; STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
119 West Washaington Steet.
$5.00 per Terms of 12 Weeks.
Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'hone 241.
Footog aphy ft is the kowege of feet
Foovo ~ r --Y atd thin art of fitting them
per' j" e ow well we know our
O ur Bu S51 LIe s busines--boiw well we prac-
DII{iCh t tpD 119 W PIL'SHESO .'Aniaingrtn S,

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