The 'of> F, C.AL A&AL lu It> Pa VOL. IX, No. 145. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the inconl- ing season is the largest we have ever shows, is exelusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, andl is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call and inspect the same. G. H. WILD CO., 108 E. Washinsgtom St, ANN AtBOR. Warranted Cutlery. We have just received a fine line of High Grade Razors and Knives, fully warranted, and we sell them right too. See our window. on Dau and NR. Du ring the rest of the college year we will serve lunches at all hours, day or night. Full line of Pipes, Cigars, and Tobacco. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. IFreshI Strawberres -A'lT HE-- Soda Fountain Today CRUSH 10c. Calkins' Pharmacy] Your Name Egraed o ope lthe, w 100( latst sye ards, for$ I.5 0 100 earde, engraved from your own plate, for 90 CENTS. The Best Stock, The Latest Styles. Ask to see our new Stationery. WAHRS -';A GREAT SUCCESS. U. of M. Minstrels Play to Stand- ing Room Only. College minstrelsy scored a tre- mendous success in Ann Arbor last night. Early yesterday morning every seat in the lower house was sold and last night a rush was made by galleryites for tickets that almost tore the box office away. Before the curtain went up, standing room any- where in the house was at a premium and the company had the pleasure of playing to the largest house seen in the city sice the appearance of Booth and Barrett. Graduate Manager Baird, Capt. Steckle, Coach Ferbert, Caley and McLain occupied one box and cor- respondents of Detroit and Chicago papers the other. The troupe did itself proud, and round after round of applause showed that the audience took swell to the program. An exceeding misfortune came to Richardson during the horizontal bar work. After doing the giant swing Mr. Richardson, leaving the bar, missed the mat and fell to the floor, breaking his arm. A surprise of the evening was found in the appearance of popular Pete Wager, who cracked jokes from one end under an assumed name and sang "I Guess I'll Have to Tele- graph My Baby." 'Taken all in all, the performance was the best of its kind ever seen ina Ann Arbor, and the work of Musical Director Elbel was especially fine. The hits of the evening were "Who Dat Say Chicken In Dis Crowd?' by McKee; Johnsing's Symphony Or- clestra, hy elght Nu Sigma Nus men; parody on "Up Against the Real Thing Now,b hy J. J. Crowley; imi~ tations by Cohen and sydalch and Mr. Motter in his solo. TIhe program moved olf smoothly and contained the following numbers: THE CIRCLE. Interlocutor--Mr. Bliss; Bones- Ferris, Crowley, McKee; Tamos- Herdman, Gardner, Wager. Opening Chorus..."The Vctora"'March By Louis Elbel. Dedicaed to U. of M. '98 Football Team. "Why Don't You Get a Lady of Your Own?".................Mr. Herdman "Sag Again that Sweet Refrain," ..............Mr. Crowley "Liza Skinner,"..............Mr. Ferris "Because,"....................Mr. Bliss "Who Dat Say Chicken in Dr e Crowd ?"................Mr. McKee "Goodnight............Mr. Wetmore with the Glee Club. Words by C. Fred Gauss. Music by Louis Elbel "I Guess Ill have to Telegraph My Baby" ...................Mr. Pell "Darktown is Out Tonight... ...............M r. Gardner FINALE. Arranged from the "Fortune Teller." PART Two-OLIO. Mr. Dillon, monologue, "Is Co-Educa- tion Justifiable?" Johnsing's Darktown Symphony Or- chestra. Cohen and Rydalch, in their inimit- able specialties, imitations, and whist- ling. Mr. Motter, Baritone Solo --"' Die Beiden Grenadiere." Richardson, winner of '98 Senate Trophy Cup, and Beymer, captain Prince- ton '98 athletic team, in their marvelous acrobatic feats. Here will appear "The Yellow Kid," Mr. Widman. The Amphion Sextette, Mr. Parsons, ROOSEVELT TODAY. Mr. Fenton, Mr. Davis, Mr. Steinbaur, Mr. Schatzel, Mr. Hartman, in their rendition of the popular two-step, Comes Direct From Beinq Feted "Trumbull Club." PART THRE--TiEc "J" .aoP. Dramatis Persom. Gov. Roosevelt arrives here at Si Mossback, the farmer.----------. - 7:45 oclock this morning le .........-.... .. M r. Geo. E. Bliss Reuben Mossback, his son, known comes direct from Chcago on a ri- at college as "Hot Stuff"......... vate car. Since leaving New York ........... . Mr. J. J. Crowley a few days ago, he has been a very Brnum Hailey, manager of the busy man. Yesterday morning he passing show-......Mr. Jas. Pell addressed the stiaets at the Uii- Sig. Tarantulino Serpentino, the "Human Snake".. Mr. E. K. Herdman versity of Chicago. Later ii the Huey Johnson, Jr., buck and wing day lie visited the Uion League dancer.............Mr. R. F. McCoy Club, the Quadrangle Club, the Mile. Co-Ediski Parkerswiski, pre- Harvard alumni, lunched with the miere danseuse.....Mr. '1'. J. Marshall Herr Professor dePont, with his Little Hasilton Cub, and was one of the German Band concluding with the speakers at the Appomatox day ban- GRAND PRIZE CAKE WALK. quet. Souvenir programs were distrib. Arter the banquet he comes to uted. Tihe performance concluded Ann Arbor, where he will be the promptly at 10:45, and the ainstrel guest of the University of Michigan. show is now an assured annual affair. He will return to Albany tomorrow. The company may be held together Ie will be escorted up to the cam- after vacation and with faculty per- pus by his aduirers. At 11 o'clock mission, play at Detroit, Chicago, he speaks in Uiversity Hall to the Toledo and Jackson. students. Afterwards he will be -----__-_ __ entertained by Prof. De.usmou, whose Outdoor Track Work. son-in-aws l has been visitisg in Yesterday all the long distance Chicago. At 4 o'clock a large re- runners and walkers were out at the ception will be given to huim u the Athletic Field for the first time. The gymnasium, to which everybody is track is being rolled every day and invited. During his speechiu lithe in a short tise will be in fine shape. morning and the reception ic the Vhe much-needed lockers have been afternoon all exercises will be sus- put ii the dressing rooms, making pended. The crowd will accompany them very convenient. Wednesday ha from the gymnasium direct to Fitzpatrick issues a call for all track the train, which he takes at 4:50 men. Fvery runner, jumper, Kurd- o'clock. ler, bicycle man, vaulter and weight Oratorical Election Protested. massin college is expected to come out to the field where the season's A large number of members have work will begin. Mr. Fitzpatrick is decided to protest the last election very desirous of having a large at- and accordingly have issues a call tendance as the success of a track for an extra meeting to be held team depends much on the early Wednesday afternoon, in Room C, begising. All candiates will be University hall, at 4 p. m. iThe expected to follow the usual custom call is signed by representative msei and remain here to train during from both Literary and Law Depart- vacation. muents and is issued according to Let every man in college that has Section one, Article XI of the Con- ever done anything in track athletics stitation. Memhers from bt de- e present amdopen the season ael.- partments have expressed a willing- At least 150 men ought to be out. ness to testify that the election was illegal, numerous cases of ballot box A Nesw Medical Work. stuffing having come under their ob- The first conprehensive text-book servatiou. The tits, who are lead- on the subject of pharmacology will ing in the demand for a new election, be published shortly by Lea Brothers assert that they are not protesting of Philadelphia. It is the work of because they are sore over defeat, Prof. Arthur R. Cushny of the but because they wish to see a fair Medical Department of the Univer- election. It is hoped that all mem- sity, and embodies original research hers (law as well as lit.) who are upon which the author has been en- anxious to see honest elections in the gaged for some time past. It also University will come out to the containsa comprehensive treatment meeting Wednesday and be one of a of the literature of the subject. The majority to declare the last election work has been so arranged as to be illegal and to demand a just election. of value to medical students, the The greatest precautions will be practitioner, and the biologist. made against fraud and if the laws Although a subject of the first ian- win fairly, all lovers of good govern- portance, pharmacology has recieved iment in the University will be satis- due recognition only within recent fled. years. In this country the first in- Senior Medics Trip. stitution in it was the University of The senior medical class lassre- Michigan. ceived an invitation from Parke, An Abnormal Heart. Davis & Co., to visit their works at Detroit. The firm will pay all ex- The largest heart ever obtained at penses. The class will also visit the this University was found today at insane asylum at Pontiac sometime in the post mortem before the senior the near future. class. The heart was enormously hypertrophied weighing about a Abraham L. Osgood, '98; is now pound and a half, and had the ap- principal of the grammar school at pearance of a double organ. Pittsfield, N. H. Up Tow. State St. ANN ARBOR Down Town Opp. courttHous Main st