THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. )4L of t~. PdtU. published Dily (Sndys excepted) dring the College yeae. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'OFricE: The Inland Pres. Hening Block. Both Phoe 17 MANAGING EDITORt. F. EoGEHARDo, '01 L. ]JUSNESS aMANAGEaR. . 1. HNe, '00 . EIDITORS. Athletic Edit, T. I. Woottoos,'00 L. r. W, JON E, '9, A. It. McDocoxiLi, '01 F. F. D. EXAx, 00. . H. LoND,'IOM, G. D.HeeUNeno. '01 E, J. B. Wol),'00. The sbcttioprie Ieef1the OinTois0V.50 fro the colee yar, with a regle deliery eore aeon etictodti. 'Notice, comunicatio,and other matteittended tee pdblictioncmust ie hooded in t, ietie DO. off dice ietoe 8 0p no or mailed to the editor eore 3 It. i. ofltieely prvosto tht 0n which they re expected o Sutb.cittteinmy e let at the DILY Offie, Mettees, ioe telet'c necestitti, 0rwithOttsines Matogr. Stittcies will coerit favor by rcori romtly ttl thi ci e any a il ureccof caresto delie pae. Altechange ino aderti" tter teust be in hi.itieiy 4l. i,00n110eY t peviutit1lo t on which they re to aitiea. IN CuoeoGE Or TDAY'S ISSE P. W. JONES. There' will be a sletinilg of tioe newly elected DAILY Bloar for ortganiaion, Tuesiay eveitg at 7 ith1110oftice. The'tc hlletic Asocittioti is tit he contgratulalteduonts10cloicecoof officers. The botrd is filled oip itl go men w01 oho will liok after the affairs of the associattioitt a busineso like tay. Mr. Day is all able atd a ptopular 111110 ttnd is well qualified to cotinue ande extend the swork 00 tiobly begun, aid pesistetly ad faithfloly carried ott by Mr. Wen- stetn. At te annual electito of the U. Oc M. Dutiy Association held Satur- cay, the followiig editor were elected fits the ensuing1 year: T. R. WVoodrio, 00 L., A. H. McDougall, '01 E., . H. Han, '00 L, A. G. Brown, '02, F. Egehard, '01 L., P. W. Jones, '99, C. L. Niles, '99, J. B. Woid, '00, G. D. Hudnutt, '01 E., C. D. Cool, '99, 'W. D. Hickey, '00 M. , L. J. Mont gomiery, '00. Mr. Eatan decliet to be a candi- date for re-election. Agaiinta Michigat won a victory fronm a rival. Chicago woo defeated in debate compilleely and fairly. And to Micigan's debaters is the credit edue. They went before a hos- tile audience prepared to do their part for another triumaph for the U. of M. and they have done their work nobly. Chicago attempted to nake Michigan feel her inferiority by not miakitog a big occasion of the debate. No effors were miade to arouse any interest or to secure a large attend- anice of Chicago students. This very' act shoedvilthat they were try. ing 1o mike te cotest apear inig nificanat. If Chicao had hopes of convincinag the East of her superior- ity by this sort ef conduct, her de- feat is nt calculated to have the desired effect. Elaborate arrange- ments have been tmade by Chicago for the debate with Colunbia next Friday night. By thus cringing to the East Chicago hopes to sow her inidependence of the West. But her last defeat ought to covince her of tile folly of her course The Chicago Debate. The DAILY has received the fol- leoing letter fritti Sigmond Sanger, wh-iichlocintaits a pase of the Ci- cago debate owhicli has not appeared befere: Editor U. f311. Daily: Our victory was easily and fairly won. Not the nost enthusiastic or ardent Chicago admtirer could qe- tioti the deision. Oe shecial feat tre, which I believe tas accepablle to all, was the vigor and exteit of of our rebtuttal Every 0110 of is laid our~ preparedl speeches aside and fairly tet Chicago's argittetts. What was left after our asers is not wotrtht smentioning. Te sieNorth- western boys were eitt iti fu111 force and took great delight ito Chicagos defeat. Clicago should colle in for severe criticisml. Either becatse they anticipated defeat ot because they wattedi to belittle the affair, they lad mallde practically 110 arrat g- lielts for tle cotest. 'rie allar was a financial failure, it having beeti poorly advertiset and it owill cost each university illthe league $50 tti Imake good the deficit. Oi tile other hatd Chicago University trustees appropriatei $300 for tliiir debate with Coluttbia, wichl takes place next Friday. It was their evitent intentiotn to mlake or conl- test a siial afftir anti Cotmbia's a leadin~g event. If they cai fitd any cotsolationl ii havitg Michigan receive a unaniimouots decisioto on their oon grounds they arcoelcote. Our teatu is the otly teamlini' Michigat's history wining twon' utianimous victories and we are feel-E ig sotewhclat elated over that fact. The tea.u oises to send its tanks for your favorable comnment of Tur- day and any other nice things ohici yout may say of us. Our stay is indefiite, but every- body is ot lis best behavior. Yours truly, SGMtON SANGER. The Legislature one. Tie legislators 0wre royally entetr- tamned by the Elks after the enter- tanent at thes gytm Friday sight and few of tietmtfelt like doitg mnuclo visitig the next day, altogl some of themn"went to the hospi- tals," as advised by President Angel in his address Friday. The etie party left Saturday afternoo, the majority going to Lansing, togh mntyowent to their hioes to spetd Sunday. __ ____ Souvenir edition of "Tie Victors" martlo by Louis Elbel is on sale at Sheehat's, 25 dos per copy. Losv-Monday, April 3, a gold stick pit, C. E. mtoogram. Finder piease leave at Stewards office. 47 rTke a cpy f Elbe's "Victors" tmarcoilsiie owith you. At Sieela't 25 cts. N ATLIEN$ 1 T JLEATRE ftYol&.111Oln Tt or eNob s t arCotig os IM ORPORTESAD AUATURESO F CHEMCAL nd PY~iCL APAR.1.US ARE ______ FIDNG. 1edlurtr5ImEN'S.Lbo-. Th Fashins On Price Q5O TsBetjhinWhe, $5 CRESC N BvlGerdCNENS,$0 M STEBLE'3 Bcycl Emprium GRANG~~R'S SIH0I F ANCNG The.Newst All ind s f1 W-s FRahioPARTYerceSTUDA3EENNG P Ste c wesson beppintme Ant. br treao t el h n s (; Be t h is il W hege offeet if hi i nt o.Mae ourseecio nw n f C e set. Coteia ni 11 eo how ocA~ il 10ktowoStret GRANER'SSMfO[LO DANC~~lIG. .I