APRILdmi-11 IN. ALI\ u r all 401 Ulf> VOL. IX, NO. 144. ANN ARBOR0, MICH., MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1899. THrEE CENTS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. 6. IL. Day Chosen President at the Elec- tinSatrdaiy. The annual election of the Ath- Will annonce that we have nowC letic Association was held Satrday receivedl ocr Spring and Sosner and was rather at quiet affair. Not W ooleirsJOur stocks '7,r the iconi- over t wo-thirss of the membvirs of ink' season is the Ilarges w have)' ever the associationi were p1511w ndlultheme shownis cclusand cnineCO , ini wa's little excitement Iheeonly (on- tewas over the ofhee if recording both foreign andildoiet igoods, and1(1cretary anss1fosr'tie bIsd ' ir ec-(11 is compolsed oftheeti . ( Ii'a (ici o, there bing two rival01fraernity every h lint vcsan eobtained We combiiatiois for tese plices carry the lairget lie of Wolens in For president, XWil D'sy '00 L. the city We invite yo ill 111(1 and 50asiunaimiiosy electedthere beig 1155ppsiton.J. B Woo(d00 of iinslpect tieisa. 1El giIll,was thle ony'cadidiate foice vsriesienit, s werce A B G. H. W IfLD ( .f ici hli 0,of IEglewosod, for f~E ina111al11l earetury, and T. H.Wood rwi'00 L, f AimAioi, fol' t08 H, . shington St , teasurieri. 'chseere inanlimosloy ANN AtlOi. lecs1d 1'or' rv'cod ig"serearyA. G. -.--i ______-- Broiwne '02, sf By City, sas eected. Thlivfollowing diretos were cosoen: Liter'r-Wauler Gru- WV'arranted(Ile 01,Dla UisilssnofChcg; ( ~~L. I.Ivf1t 01 of Elgin, Iii,;Max Cutlery. Bsbo, 02,Sgm Ciii ot Ihpeimi ing;Veron Bsh 10,(hi iw ,of Battle Cres;h1H.K Crfts01, Pii We have just received a Kappa Pisst Aistiii I1.Ll aw's line line of High Grade H S.Cssunuuei'er 00 of IToleds; Rtazors and Knives, fully C H tissii)1 00(11snuv warranted, and we sell themnn hmpo,'0ofPnic right too. Se e our window. meic'l--C B Ripey, 0', of Hilsdle.sIcll Detl'-i°'' Bdsi u 1 iiii nv Chse,'8lDela SigmaiDvlts, of ~ii~n~iv~ ~ The esste is somse cses was very ____________ ______________closeC-se beiigedefetedi oi diev. ,, ~ tos fion the Liteaiy Depstment by 006H' dUd"" NO ." bt twovoteses aid Cook eng de- Oiicin thliirestiofliii.cortege yarwefeaedfor deitasdirefor y oiiy wil seve.luncheis atiallihousi, daysrfive. 't'oFbacco Th ipc.Cg 's od '1ie first oeeting of theies bisarsi R. E. JOLLY & CO., wiii be held this evenig at the 308 So. St.te Street. trophy room. __________________________ Practical Wor in Teaching. * Prsf. Scott's class i Retoric and Fr s Comsipositioii teuciniig is tsole given some practical wosrk oil that sbect as well as tieoetical. Arrangeiieits Str wb rres have beeni iave by whiici each mem- bei of the class wil do sose actual ---Al' ~ _____teachinsg i ighi scshisol rhetoric and -ATTH.-comipositio. Vie Aim Arbor aid Ypsilanti high schools wifuriisi Soda Fountain most of the fielv foi' the class,,but Detroit and other Michigan cities Today w xiii be iivaded Most of te class wiiildo their teaching during the CRUSH 10C. spring vacation and of necessity Calkins'must be coifined ts an hour or so Cakn'Pharmacyin practical work, bst whiici ievertie. - less wilirove of great value tss the Your Nam e intending teachers. Egaved onCope Psl'te, Whist Champions. with i0saiessyiicds, Sue$1.5 In the fial coitest for the chain. 0) crst, esga vd fromurownpai, fo ponshp of the Whist Club Murrel 90 CENS.aid Fisher xoii first place, winning froii each of the other teams in the The Best Stock, finals, three in numbier. They have Tie Latest Styles. therefore been declared the hai- Ask tosesosnwSatiosery. pins of the club. The other tree W l i l teams i the fials were: Smith and andelbaiin, Oversinrith ad Beiste aiisiElsworth and Russel. ANN ARBOR Oie E. Brown, 99, is assistant Up rown Down Town secretary of the Citizens Associa- Sate S. Opp. Cor si os tio, at Mrqsuette, Mich. WARMLY RECEIVED.I MINSTREL SHOW TONIGHT Sousa's Band Welcomed bi a Large Audience. The isveis of poular imisic tsres out iii large nuiibers to le.r Sosas Banisioii Satursay miht.. Te asdis-i eince had coise to hear stirring msic and when they heurs it, they ex- pressed their appreciation ii a vigor ous millner. Every iieimber oitie 'program xas loudly applauded ansi Mr. Sousa was aways very gracious ill responding to eicorces. Mr. Prior, Miss Davies ansi Miss loyle. especially pleasing tiemi. During the evening the following seectiois were to encores; Stars aid Stripes Forever, Only Oie Girl, Put iie sIf at Buffalo, El Caitan, Georgia Caiip meeting, ad a medley of nationsal iirs. ''The Victors'' march by Louis Elbe '00 receivesi ian ovatioin, ainsl"'Hot Tiise" with vani- atisns was played iii response. Te program llis giveni below. 1Overture, "Paragraph ItI .5 ppe 2 Tromhone Solo, "Love Thoughts" (new) .....................Pryor MR. ATiIURPYE. 3 a. Nusette " Carillon de Noel." (new ................. Sidney Smith b. Russian Peasant Mazourka from "The Chratan" (new).. Sousa . March, "The Victors". Louis Etel Dedicated to the UT. of . Foot- al'ITeam of 98. 4 Soprano Solo, " When the Lillies Are Ded," (.e'')............ S c )5i55 MAU nuEESEAVIiS. 5 Grand) Scene from Parsifal, "Knights of the Holy Grai". Wagner tntermission 10 minutes. 6I dyl, "W~hispering Leaves," (new) 7 a. Srenade, Badine, (new)..... ... arie-Mare b' March, "The Charatan," (new) S Violin Solo, "Souvenir de Haydn" aisa DOROTHYvHOLP.F 9 Tarantela from"The Bride Elect," (new) .... ...................Sousa Baseball Games Toda. Uiiless it rains before 4 o'clock this afteriioon, the first game of the Toledo league series wiii be played today. The lateness of the season aiid the bad weather last week have delayed these games so that non' it will be impossible to play the whoe series. Under the circumstances the best that is possible wiii be done and games xiii be played all tils wieek. As our team starts on its spring trip on Friday this xwiii alowe of fosr games being played. The gaiies wiii be played at the fair grounds instead of at the athletic field, whichm is in bad condition. In these games the team will be picked for the trip. As there are so fewe games, the con- test for positions wil be close and exciting. Unless a large crowd turns out the Athletic Association will ose considerable money. This will be the only chance to see the boys in pr'ctice until they rettrn after va- cation. John E. Butler, '98, captain of the baseball team last year in college, whlo has been teaching history in the high school at Ishpeming, Mi1n., this year, has been promoted to the principalship of the school. Burnt Cork Men Will be Greeted b a Crowded House. Flus arrangemecnts haune beenm comliletedI usnd toiight the miniiste aggregation,ivhich iow iumuubers 8S pleople, xwihosld forth at the .Athens. A packedh house is assuresd anithue reservesd seat charts furn~ishl little cii- couragemseint to thoise oho have wvaitesi too long before purchasng. M)amager Bans said last night: 'I am pleasedhwivth the way the revivual of miuuistresy inl AiinuArbor hslobecn taken sil, aiid froimipresent idica tionls expect to greet the studet eye toinorrowv with the secidevi novelty of a "StandingRoiii Only" sign. 'The }programu wiii contaiin ialads, ''Coon" songs jokes, ec., lunld111 unsallmiy flue ot sf seclaties, the wholse esocluiding ithi a uricoqume sin the "J"J flop. In the last prt wiii appsear the coerie of cake walkers. 'fle best tasent in the University has been gotten tsgeher" andh tie-audince malook for goodh results. The entire company has isen ic- hiearsing daily during the last week uder the direction of Stage MIaaei' Ford aind Musical Director Elbel, ansi great credit is de these g ente- men for the excellent work the troupe is doing. r. Fsord wvas connsectedi ith a pr'ssonilal cmulpniy fr tso years usmd uappearediniiitie ''Ties Vagahbonds," given at tie Athuens by the Elks last fal. Mm. Elhel's ability is toiel knowim tsmemiuchm commment. It suffices to say that he hua mit a fexw excellent colmossitiosl to his credit, his latest be ing ''The Victors'' march, amd is tie fotunuate recipiemt of two dianmondmuiIeds, won by his wrk sn the pan. Tie grand street parade xiii take place this inoon1,ammml ses the muisddy condituimn of tie streets pre- vemt, wiii be giveni in full, oherwise tie sidewalks will be used. The charts xiii remaini at Hang sterfers, State street, until 5 i. m., for the fexw remaining sets. No reservesh seats xiii be sold for the gallery. _________ The Honor Sstem Reected. Tie freshmmami medical class held a hot meeting Friday mring which lasted over two hours, the object of tie meeting beimg to determine if tie class wished to dopt the honor system whlichm is mm vogue xwithuthe '99 nmedical class. There was great opposition to the plasm in spite of tie fact tiat it hid worked well in other classes. Speeches were madeO by members of tie faculty, the president of the senior class and others, nearly everyone wishing to express their views. The question at issue being finaly put to a vote tie plan was rejected by a vote of 65 to 24. There was much feeling about the matter, tie chief opposition being on the ground that the plan would necessitate that each student act as a spy and report his transgressing classmates which idea was extremely repulsive to tie class in general.