2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. son and Beymer will ho seen in work of a oimilar kind next Monday in t he U. of M. Minstrels. A wrestling mnatch between Loud and Wheeler followed. One rond only was plled o, Loud iwinning the bot. The Glee Club then sang ''Carpe Diem," the solo part being takeii by D. T. Jones. For an encore they sang "Sweet Rosa OGrady," by special requeset of Senator Anderson. The pol1e vault was for exhibitioni onhy the contestanto stoppig at 9 feet di inches.To.se who took part vereeAdamsn Davies, Keena and Potinell I The son showed ood form The nexittw0as the 40-yard hrdle. The leatoscenon as follows first by Bjorkk toe 5:2:5; second by Fishleigh tone 501-5; fial by Fish- leied, time 5:1 5 Ri icrdon Byiier anidlDirsoii t' otnidis'oiiepliettv work iiolith si( 0 hoise, alossonic very clever tuolilie- The highi juiiipwisac oiitested Iby lisosi Ad-miI'iiislnyAimstoig, Te etzel,'sidDBiireti Ihisi evintiwsor iexhibitiosin ol, ll the Isen clearinigthe " l t5 et 6 isses. I ecl eltun 5thei alplsof thespIeetators by miakiiig auniniiisig ive ovir the ur st 5 lot