4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpedalOffeu The New Weriner E(ition 01-OFIHE- Joss.iW. KOLLAUF, _THE- ALPINE HAT SALE. 21iasat Wangto , nar~ 5th . All Shades for 1899 Now In. (all and see thetm' .83Slats for -"2.ANN A B R D. A. TIIF4 & SOIN.- B rian ica - Intercolleulate Bureau of eadenIle fostume. GOTRELL & LEONARDC. Am xaYN.Y. The estRefeenc Liraryforthecaps, t6owns, and floods mode ts order and rented. Also (lass Home, the Office, the Library. (uries, Clos lists and Caps, Class College Pins. Address WV. C. KRNt, Weatern lMegr. _____ IHakell 5Museum, UCniv. af Chiragoa Nearly six feet of printed matter. C" Ei1 (eaclh volsime is 11 ini. long; 9 in.° wcide; shoot 2j- inches thick, and weighs ahout 5 possads.} Cats it all goito syoutr lhead ? iNot( likely! Better save tlse work itself to refer to shens itsdoutsh. Thse entire set of Thirty Supleb Octavos Vo~lumses sdeliveredl uposipai- 0 WV. J.OOTH, I'll". T E W. ARNOLD, istiVie-pros 8T h J. V.C. Sois sIN,, 20Vice-prey pC JOHNs.t.CeLT Asst. Cshiere~ A !!IW $1000, University Booksellers, AGENTS, 320 Souoth State Street. STUDENTS! i 13 Passenger lirseke. LA KSIt RSTUDENTSU We call attentions to or complete line of Center Draft Nickel :Plated Lamps, ranginig in price from 75c to .22.50 each. 'Tsese Lamps are of tse latest and msost isnproved patterns and makes. Including "'tlie New llochester," "'The Vale," "'The Royal," "'the Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Student tamp " Itf yous want theseist tLamp for the -Least Monsey come and see no Old Numbe.r: . 44 SO. M A IN ST., f'',AI.I ;. PATRONIZE STUDENTS j ANN ARBOR, MICH r If You Do Not, Why Not? The Old Question oif Remocal. calsinistitutioiss are not sip to date. We can give yois the hiinescsscof stork ait Over lie signatulsre of Eil Assi- This is adisittedl hy everyhody wbso ihe regiiuirp ice. Eithe intsish. brilDteDtotN ,-is ahletojde Th polef New 'Place. 441. 202 S. State St.hrg . ),ls IeloiNst-oJig.JilfOilf Student's Laundry tgssocator, rtu1eo ast Sniisy prinsthle Michsigans have (lie riglst to deimansd Nt . Vacahi. 'as Ltt.Wra,. P. Faa, 'Of Lem foslloinsg:Ilsat their isedical schls hasitll he ini -----_ '.E verytisidy who sersitlises the pro- sill points as lperfect aso possihle ssid A TR IAL ORD ER. ceeshinso(f tse cousisttee of tse (list it he located is a plsse whiere it hicetienasry isisstadmisit it lthre is may dos (le insost gooud snidSwhere the rIloo1t is al I ask Iorn asififeirieesit opinsioisias I to eman-toinditiois for this very proper exis- mi yIL suutIryAgeoncys. sits hiii chisthets celbisossouililte(ce are the hest. It goes without take place. Wiouslilit siot he advis- sayl(it(list place is (lie isetropo- P. C. MEYER, ahle to conssideir whethser (lie city otflus of the state. I ail cosnvinced (hat Tel 17 9 . 604 :E.15515 am 50. Detroit cousld try toi impsrove somse (lie whole people of Michigans wouldr -- __ - kindfinsiin exising at pro~s- appreciate (he good wtill of (lie city BOYS 1 STOP ! tis t, iiitat~d of gettiiig up soetinig of Detroit iii lesiding her haned AT THE new. I 'adinit tha t eiher a p'siri for towasrd such a change, which can h,000,0011 sr a $1,000,000 osesro- onsly he for the good." K INDL 6~M ~ rial huiliding swould he a snost cotis. Imiend ihle iddition to theset. Bit This host seals for Sousa which FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS C is it nist uiosihle (tha(lie city of Do still reisain unreserved are to he Hurson St. Cos of F. and M. Book. troit cosildi sffer a sufficientsuinssto found at Browen's Druag Store. the state of Michigan and induce Kid glove cleaning~ a specialty. (liL ? te pe to remoive th eial 1c a pair. 412 E. liuron St. 45 SDelsartment of the Unilversity to the 1 _________ State Phone 144.1 largest city of (lie state? Our isesli- Hy-Jen is coising. 43 i S u 1 s 'Transacts a general Jiankisig business. vFIRST NATIONAL BAN K O TA ': d63 Ctioial, $sooros. Suietpts ad Pteems, t(50,00i) 'r'ranacstslasgeeail ninguiniiiess. Feiecn exiltiiiigei bogiiianidcsold. Furnsh etie:sof ! . 0. KINNE, tees. HiI~SONilSc'501FF 5St W.CLARKStON, Cosher toe. Main lmti i; t, ct Captsal, $50,500. Suepluss, ,000. raleot genra binus~iess. i FRt ED. I t BLS. Case.ict'' Tie leanI1flrilor Saviuua 1Ent'( tapital Stock. 150,000. Suretiue, 5150,00. Resoureces, oi,100,000. Orgaiedtanderii the eisifd anintg Latw: oi this State. lReceives epstits, bkan. sells exchiageeonike prinipatlicitiesttof the UcniciS' ftateo. Drafts cased ispitspioptesientification, Sfaety deposit koxestoareent. OEiEs Crsttietian Mack~. tees.: W. it. Harr! man, Vice-Pres.;tCkas. E. Sisceoca. Casteis; M J. Feitez AsistntCakhier. LAMB.& SPENCER, Fancy arocers, We keep everything usually kept int firot-class Grocery and B3akery. Cell and osene. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U.. of M.1 Barber~ Shol) aril(1Batio (0110. J. K. TsOJANcswos, Ptoss. 322 5. 50t's St PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, THE MODEL of State Street BARBER SHOP a s N & Eta's BAR ER HOP If you desire first-claoo work and courteouo treatment try George and Htarry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH- VIETERILL Funeral Director Cialis attended Day or Sight. No. i6i E. Liberty Streei. Rsnidence 633 S Fourtik Ave, Phane 1il. MIL WARD TAILOR o Dk F~!FPRU~hVLOOKS for the Easter Neckwear, I L~VL~1II..1JL I aiid we have made preparations for you all that none sallhe disappointed hy siot hemng ahie to procure suiitahle Easter Neckwear. I Our efforts have not heen in vain, for we have congregated the mnost heau- tif ul colorings and designs (liesoaker has ever produced. The price, 50Oc, pays for the hest of them. W AG NER & CO., SEE OUR WINDOW. 123 S. MAIN ST. ll it j' ; I' i Spring and Summerono Make an Styles aon in. Early, Selection. A IL _ SJ - IN