VOL. IX, No. 142. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL , 1899. THREE CENTs SOUSA AND HIS BAND TOMORROW IGHT. SOCIETY ROSTER. G. H. WILD CO. > v AD' AI80 iTY Willaiiaunc tha wehave05WMusic, Mr. Hamilton; current events received our Spring and Summrer /. Mr. McElligott; select reading, MYr. Woolens. Our stock for the incoml- Flynn; music; deate, ''lfesovde,. ing season is the largest we have ever '"f .".. hat the single ta on lad swouldel be shoniscxibetter thani the present .,y sten of ihwi xlsive anmd cnin ied, in afirmtiv hoth foreignad hdoues tic goods, iil andtaain;' ess.~r is uisss' ofthehet fbre ii , /gett and Cook; negative, Mesrs every isoe that cal e otained. We ' si \Dewey; impromp~t, M. Slater: carry the lamrest line of Woolens ini s , 4 k? tory, The tDrnuiier, Mr. . loxr the city. We inite outcal5il (/ citis relsrt. nspect the same. e+ APH11A niU. // Alpha niu society meets tonihti+ - 7 the program: Music; recitaio _ G. . W LD o.1 . Itolister; impropt, .Ki rij 10 . Vshnto /n__ - pech, A. E. Lathr i: h&A 1081t] WahintonSt esled, That it afr etc t .iok ANN ARBOR. /i system fr the public school s a ' -ual;'afimtie esr. ih x _____________________ 01'Y troie amiol Cillci; neative, n± c~s ( .y Keslaiiand hThomas; a genral co W arra tedate xwiii followe the iroran~ Webster society swill give te i - Cutler .on;,current eveits, RP.: We have just received a N .Fezr eae R~fe; fine line of High irade " /. Razors and Knives, fully Ta u orsaetona oor warranted, amd we sell them l t8croainadtussndm hto ight too S e our window. far fromi the people; afirative, F 6 f 1 G. Crame, Mr. Wigle, amd .VW W A U EE E VIE$ tcCamioles; megative, M. G.Spaul- ~IIDflIIII I RIIACY _ __ __ __ img, Kit. Wade, amidlR. B. H. ~. cy~~ Kramer; reading, W. C. Geak. F~ 2Ii srandndeseves i-irloy- -'lhe folowvingis the prograum fos- Durin therest r th cortge yar weunde the uspies ofthe omans Leaue. he remiti topics, 1).ret t1ics, J. L mJo somi;: ium. wi evelnhs ai au me.rsdyor ndsrvshearty suppomt.Tie entertainimmemtswhichm wiiilhefirmishedlMiss Ober t; ueclam atiom, MAl.'. Tnoba rFlolie inis, Ccars, and is almmist toosel kmownmitoo be commented lupon.I ti eld S 's an Keiley; speech, Dan'mneubiuug; oua- R. E. JOLLY & 00., has no equal. It is aliiost true o say it is ami aggragatiomi of soloists. tion, F. ID. Hunt; speech, J.19_. 308 So. State Street. Commspiuoumoamnmg them are Mr. Arthur Pryor, tie famious tromonme Baree; vocl slo, Miss bert; im- _______________._ vrtimososwhio has aiways been identified with Sousa's comers, Mr. Herbert hrompuois, Messrs. Powell and Mml- L. Clark, cornet virtuoso, FramziHlle, fleugel horn, tamd others of coqumml holamd; debate, "Resleii 'That m, * repiutiom. Miss Dorothy Hoyle, wvlho his apeared imi the Sousa coicerts omi protective tariff should mit e leiesl New Cam eras previous tours, wiii also be present. Rihnauo __ _ any manner that will benefit for'99 AhielcRrogrameme for the Legis- Parallel bars-Diersomn, Beymer, amd Harboug; megative, Messsn When we put those The programn for the eitertaim- Relay races--lO00, Elbe, Hatch, of officers foloxs the progran.. ith amerscard hewthat mrreadr like" athiscmpmiieNeutr tonight1 isHayeaboutha consphtietedlke NeuferhicoWood;er 1901 r 1Lairig HayesSets, hesding, we were not offering Mumir by tie glee cub will be inter- Witoh etr -eme;10 i aeolSaa bargains, hut one lady wanted spersed with the athletic events. Lai, Westphal, 'honmpson, Teetel, Owimig to tie great demiamndhfeso ho uy one for 99 cents. Two Nobody wiii be admitted without a Harzburg; 1902, Barret, Gardnmer, tickets for the umistrel sowv all men thought better and paid ticket. 'These tickets caml be secured Utley, 'islegh. tm et m hsSaesre hr u$16.20 each. The new feat-_____ _tesetohSaetet__rte- res make theoe cameras very at the steward's office by application Medmcal Societij Meeting. cept a fewr scattereul ones ihae beemz desirable and the prices are imn person. 'fle program and entries: sold Accordingly thue chart at Cakn'Pharmacy ® burg, Neufer, Westphal, Gardner, Medical society held their regular b roguanaefrs at mnooufoa _________________Holbrook, Whitcomb, Barrett, Ryanmntl neemg.'fleIneigSantie comveience of University tu- Breitenback.' taken uip with reports of iwork whichidns lme o odsasac Your Namre Horizomtal bar-Richardlsomn, Bey. has been done by the under graduate deiusoldAnmimbertgoobst mireo gsraved ospper Paie, mer, Diersson. tudents iu the Medical Dpartment. quickly today. The managemmemmt h& witihlsiiim1uircr.,5r o Wrestling-Loud'h reedn MscGeLocudvs. Wheeler. Tefollowing subjectsweeds noabet nsoneasrrsm MuicGeecimcussed: "'The Relatiomn betweemmh owal us0 cards, engravedfroms yiur on plate, for Dole aulttheamprogram.Kee Apspecialnd uermimouerAhaia PlvamtAasDveKeSyhlsan"PriiAnma, just beemn secured which will prove 90 CENTS. ua, Runnells. Miss Affeld; '"The Early Diagnosis T~m Bet toc, I'oty~d. iudle-'feielHarz-of Pilmmonary Tuberculosis," P D very popular. The company in m TTeeLatest Styles. br, FishurmdAesel, artzmm-eor fy cs 0eamsing daily and is giving amie brFslihAeg orRu.Bourland; 'Rpprrformamuce.o The isaoussrst ismi esr.. e hoseRihadsn, Myxcedemai," Mr. Mortensen; "R-;peoac erbrCpcse Askto eeournewsttioery Sde ors-Rch rdSDDierssomi Port of a case Adreual Strum," Cacy adeotberftb all.omeckwleo, A ) ~ Bye.J. L. Martin; 'Somse Observation onCaeanotrfobllmnwloc ASI Dsenfetants" . H-. Morley. cpy lne ofthe boxes and the othe High jump-Tryon, Armstrong, _______________ will be resedrved for the press. A. A. Aarrett, Flournoy, Adams, Both Ciharts for Minstrel Show ANN ARBOR Bjork. now at Hangterfer's, State St. Charles N. Roach, of Paw Paw, U1P row. Down'own Musi-"Carpe Diem," Mr. Rot- sonie good seats remain in right ex '01, has been given a position on smte S. Opp. Cotnose ter and glee club, half of honse. the mail run from Chicago to Detroit.