U "JIMMIE" BAIRD TO COACH after the lecture. The majority of TODAY'S GAME.
the class stayed to the election. A
Important Meeting of Athletic Asso- temporary chairman and also a seere- Michigan Will Line-Up Against M.
ciation Last Night. tary were elected and a member A. C. This Afternoon.
"Jimmie" Baird, Michigan's star arose to nominate a candidate for The 'Varsity will meet the eleven
quarterback and captain of the fai- president. At the conclusion of his from the Michigan Agricultural Col-
FINE FALL SUITINGS. H ous '95 eleven, has been secured to speech, however, a hubbub arose, leg this afternoon at 4:10 o'clock.
ca 'cries of unfair tactics were heard and A good game is expected as the M.
E E fall. This was the report made at a scene of general disorder ensued. ev an excel-
last night's Athletic Board meeting. A motion to adjourn for one wee lent game this year. Last Saturday
He will be here a week preceding the was then made and quickly ce it defeated the Normal eleven by a
TT This will give thus for the various
WE CARRY THE LARGEST alumni's game and will play quarter- score of 11 to 6. Judging from this
back for the "old grads." He will aspirants for office to plan their cam- Michigan will have a good deal more
STOCK remain three weeks during the month paigos and lay their wires. grk to defeat v. A. C. than she
of November, and it is during this It has been announced that a ca d in the Normal game. The two
month that coaching will be most cus of Michigan ien will he held i elevens will line-up ais follows:
needed. The student body will hear a day or two. he cotest for pres-AN. M. A. .
this news with pleasure, as "Jim- dent will prohahly narrow down to a Brown, Smith......c...... ..McClouth
my's" value as a player and a coacih fight between the Michigan and out- Bennett, France.....r. g,.. .anderstolpe
0 is well known. "Pa" Henninger will side of Michigan factions, as has been Caley, Kramer, iSe.
1lo E.eWAfH eGTaN re.d.gthe usual case in preceding years. Allen............
10 WAS T aiso h erefrten days precedig Steckle, Mconald.r. t. Parks
the alumni game, to coach the line Wood, Day-....1. t...........Curtis
men. There seems, however, to be a Losing Interest in Classics. Snow, Hicks.......r. e...........Dietz
scarcity of men for some unaccount- There is undeniably a solid foun. Tetel Iichardson.l. e .... Baker
ablcarcily u eevnsweefutalcPsottaah ... ...M~ns
bhis reason. Four elevens were out dation of fact for the declaration of Whitcomb, Vernonr. h............Wolf
last week, while scarcely more than some observers of college affairs that Widman, Mohr....1. h.........Russell
-..-.-- two have appeared on the field this uu ess smtigi oet hc h Keena, Weeks.- ........... Lundy
week' decline of interest in classics that The 'Varsity's practice yesterday
YoU May Have + The all-freshman team is now an branch of the curriculum will cease afternoon showed considerable im
: Forgotten + assured fact, although it will not to be much more than an incidental provement over that of Monday. The
vo~n TOOh s +enter in the inter-class games. An and "special'' feature of college line is still poor on the defensive and
+ YOUR BLACKING BRUS H nt-of-town schedule vii he made 1p study, was unable to hold the Scrubs who
+ a.- voU wRnsus-sinnoon +for the team, and this assures many Mr. Alfred Z. Reed, in the Har broke through fur gains repeatedly.
+Ocandidatesfor positions o it. The card Graduates' Magazine, gives The Scrubs had possession of the ball
* The one you hae may be worn nt, assistant football manager will have some figures which will be not a little during the greater part of the prac-
and yaoun aywaantt.rpiaen it. nw $ charge of the team, and ''Ikey alarming to devotees of classical cul- tice and tried no end plays but sent
+ nan iaS in e-i, ; +y Cl-Irk of Chicago, will (o the coach- ture. He presents a table of statis- the acks through the line in every
* om.ing. Tlls formation of an ai-freshl- tics showing that although but 59 play to give the 'Varsity's line
+ WILDER'S PHARMACY + man team is a happy idea, and much per cent of the Harvard class of 1897 practice. The 'Varsity was unable
3s. south state street. good 'Varsity timber will no doubt were interested in classics in their to hold the Scrubs for downs a single
+ + + + be obtained through it. freshman year, only 6 per cent con- time. Weeks and Vernon were
---Each iemer of the Athlietic nued the work in their senior year. pushed through the line repeatedly
DON'T FORGET Board has donated three dollars In answer to the question, "What for gains.
Housthe ot and ABLE towlrds hiyig fiiture for thi courses do you regret having clhosen?" Below is given the practice line-
at all hours. Chocolates and lIe trophy room. Twenty-one chairs, 20 out of 28 stmdeits vhso ansered up:
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and one for each member of the board, "regretted" classics. In the senior vARsITYs. scmrls.
Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- will be purchased. In addition to class of 244, moreover, only 14 chose Smith..............c..............Brown
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. this a table and desk have been or- classics, whereas 123 selected history Bennett...........-r.g.............Allen
3_So.StateStreet._____dered for the managers and secre- and government, 122 preferredpil ce. . . Kramer
-- - it ... t..taries. The trophy room with troph- osophy, 114 economics, 52 French, Wood. .. . 1. t..........Day
HISTOLOGY, ses wic be furiised before the 44 chemistry and 32 German. Out Snow..........r.e.......t..anshaw
alumni game. All future sittings of of 144 freshmen who chose classics Hicks.............. e..........Chase
BACT E R IOLOGY, the Athletic Board will take place in Onl14 stuck to the studyasseniors.Barabe. q.... Moh, Weeks
this roo.i t su a Whitman..........Ir..........Vernon
- Mr. Reed finds that himitig the esti- Widman. 1. hi. Baldwin
PATHOLOGY. Glifford Niles, '99, and Walter mate to only those earnest students Keena..............annon, Weeks
Gae,1, were elected to fill vacan- who were graduated with distinction
Complete outfits even to ies on the Athletic Board. An- th sm conclusion must be inferred. Repairs in the Shops.
Knives and Scissors. other vacancy was caused by the only 10 out of 64 "distinguised'' During the past vacation a part of
resignation of George Siis, '00- graduates stuck to classics throughout the building operations carried on
Our Price is Bottom. Roger Morris resigned his football the course. about the campus was devoted to the
' managership, and H. B. Potter was As Harvard is reputed to be a Engineering Shops. The Foundry
(1 . f (]P (1RMA y elcte t fil "he accy " " home of classical culture, and as its room has had its size doubled by the
ARIA Potters election ates a vacancy ii courses are elective, the meaning of building of an addition to its southern
the track managership. these figures cannot be mistaken. end. Te whole interior has been
All athletic directors and reporters They show the nature of the change painted and a new dirt floor has been
will hereafter wear badges inside of which has come upon colleges since put in. In this new part proper ac-
thi side lines. All others must re- the time when classical study was comodations have been made for an-
ENmain outside of the ropes. the very foundation stone of college other cupola, which however, willi
- education and Greek was "the crown not be put in immediately.
Nipped in the Bud. of a gentleman and a scholar." Several sheds for storage have also
Just at this time we want every st - A little scheme, formulated by Doubtless classics will never be com- been built. New toilet rooms have
dent to visit our Bookstores, whether
up town or down town, we want to several members of the fresh law pletely eliminated from college been provided in the basement and
gtuacquainted witho yaard ilste class to secure the various offices for courses, but doubtless, also the inter- the space occupied by the old ones
yea to make tan stass yusrndes.,
vs. We nreeoksnllers Ilbs themselves was neatly frustrated by est in this branch is declining at a has been used in providing more
UNIVESITY, and anoffenrspiiil
low prices on second-hand boons for the remainder of the class yesterday rapid rate. Not only do fewer stu- lockers and a small work-room for
ninyousranndast.w a pia afternoon. A certain clique fixed dents choose classical courses, but the superintendant of shops.
anteed. Au kinds of Second-and up a plan to have an early election those who do are more frequently
books bought and sold. and put through their ticket before dropping them in the later college Another lot of Athletic Associa-
AC5 the remainder of the class could get years. This very fact also must have tion buttons will be in today.
together an organize an opposition its effect in discouraging interest in
TWO STORES ticket. Accordingly it was announced classics, since young men, in particu- Varsity vs. M. A. C,,this
Up Town Down Down at the 2 o'clock lecture yesterday lar, are apt to follow the majority afternoon at 4: 10, at Re-
State St. Opp. Court house afternoon that an election of officers and look askance upon a course
ran Street would take place at 3, immediately known to be unpopular. gents Field.