2 THE UNIVERSITY OF )ICHIGAN DAILY. 2I( affections efr of tepbi.H si fR a fmany talents, a -student,tT E author, lecturer, municipal reforuer, I YOU FA LTH Published Diliy (Suday excepted)etnring the soldier and statestuan. IIA~ Cottage yar, at The University is fortunate inlhav- ILANDU PRESS THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN itig itm for its .guest, if only for a ANNARBO few hours. Coting fromr Chicagoi To find it anywhereAN ARO 'ireroe: The Intand Fecs, Btolocniece, will arrivehIere inth ie ttorning at note Phone 1t14.ie 7:45 o'clock andt leave inth le tafter- else try us . . . . rnei~ ' MAAGINGEDI petsibe if thte Utiversity is to carry only oee ticket xiii e sold to a per lneits xork properly andi to hold the son. Besides those xwhichithtiedire lading position it eoxw has. Upoet tors have, tickets xiii e ott sa I Q 0h the iempressione gaitnetd by the legisa every norning of this week froem het xvh eedteft o1:5a alsteMt n ttp PuritaI? 8 I oe o tore xwhie hrewlldeedChORPetOR:1ATEale- nMan n tp ,of Utiversity appropriations. ITe pan Hals, and the Law Beilding. (NOPRTD mpressiuuee has gone abroad itt the Gov. Roosevelt deserves grea Mtate those wxho conee lere to study credit for this free xiii offering to~ spend theeir tieme in devisiteg deviltry the University. For whlen it is re- anee chtasittg shoxws out of town. The eembered that the usual adetissionW O E ' is apparenttbut it is o. fact that lecture seems practically free. While ARE ____________ O E' anany citizeets of the state do believe no official receptiont will be giveetot MAKING SHAPED iTh Iiat the legisattre at its hst him many o the students wil meetS H ELAT visit lure did not carry axay a;favor. him at the traien and escot himt froetmH E AT able ideet sf thle Utniversity studenets the depoL, His receptioee here sioetd was evideent at the titne. be enthusiastic tnd unepartisan. Gov. We xwislhetpress tpott the sttu- Roosevelt is tot a party politician, dent bcody the sericouseess of thec site- bet o soldier atd atoeal hero. N w s l id atiotn. The University is ne ine a The Nws l id 3 5 crisis iie this particeular ettter atnd Graduate School. $ . every studieett who has its best leter- President Angel requests that ol Fashions One Price est at huart shouldl reeeteber this, eembers of the Graduate School and be ready to aid the authorities teet in Roomr B, Utniversity Hal in their etertaineett of the legisa ont Friday, April 7, at 3:45 p. ieto Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March st. tLere. Every otee should bear itt eind atteted the nass neeting on tie oc the effect atey ieeproper denonstra. casioen of thec visit tof thec State Leg. 110 EAST HURON STREET. tiono wiil ave tpote our visitors In isiatere. J. E. CmUaoo, Js., tis there is tno intention to put a 42 Prestdent Graduate Chtb ___________________________________ damper the the enthuesiasme of any one. - Let all the enthusiasen possible be Hhuere xiii be a meetg of thee n Best Chain Wheel, - $35. manifested by the students for 'Good Hospital Circle of King's Datgters C RevlEeaedChE NeTS60 'old Micigan," but let it be of a Sotersdarll8. t23 . n i n proper andt coeteetendbieI sort. It is Hars _al There is no better xvhee eade at any pice. Ask Crescet riders to be hoped that this matter xiii be Hy-Jen is coeintg. I 3 if this is tet so. Make your selection now on a Crescent. taken seriously etougho so that no - -M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. blame cast attache to any stedett it 1 etWsigo tet the legislature fails to haev a good ATHENS THEATRE19WetW5hitseSre. opieneen of the UniversityI- Th eetig ist fGo Rut-FRIDAY NIGHT APRIL 7, GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. velt will be the greatest event of the CHAS. E. BLANEY'S $5.00 per Terns of 12 Weeks. collhege year. To see and eat such PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. ata asaopotntwhc noBIG SUCCESS, Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. sttudenet call afford to miss. Gov. f Roeetis a tational figure. As A7 HIRED jG IR L. So is e faonee tecream, hoe laeofthee greatest staei h h ifrnei httesde union, le is second in official dignity Funniest of Three Comedies. Uit**utnsd reow oreofou cean only to the president; whbile his part A COMPANY OF 25 PEOPLE. jrIflhllc old-1 MAC WHITE an the hat war added to his successes Pres2,50ai75 I mt 110 S. MAIN ST. gives bit eaily thee first pace in te Pries,_ 5,_5_ and75_Cnts. It___elPhoe,_16;__ate,194