I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I ) h a w - This Weel's Facultyj Concert:. 2 f '* Lm ,*Mr. Renwick has prepared tha fol- nbtrntaaat IDaily (Sundays excepted) daring the lowing progratm for his Organ Recital College year. at in University Hall on Thursday even- ing, April 6, st 8 o'clock, (the ~1E NIVESIT OF IOHIAN. second of thte second semester regular The inland Pres., Henning Stock. faculty series): Both Phones t4t. __________________________Fantaeia and Fugue in G itainor..Bach IMANAGING EDITOR. (a) LeCygne (the swan).... ............... ...aint-Saens-Guilmnant F+.ENEaLrAaaDo01'0, (bt)IBenediction Napliate... Hollins 'BUSINESS OMANAGERI. (a) Gavotte ................ .Rondo) a. 11. HtAS, 100 L. (ti) Berceusa. . . Nenville EDIT~ORS. Sonate No. 3 in U9 minor...Guilmant AinciaOie, .f. octte 01 Prelude, Adagio Motto, Fuga. ilecEdior T R WODRW,'WL. (ea) Song withont Words....:Lemmens '0. v>Joas 5, A.II Mlaaaaa. ~~ (b) Serenade..........Widor _. r5. faxAN, 'so. c. H. Leao, '00 M. Fantasia in C minor.....Sjogren +tG. h). OgoNace. 'at E. J. Bt.W'Daa, '00. (a) Rhapsodie No. 1...Saint-Saens (b) Andantno in D flat ......hauvet Three Movementa from the Fourth CMW MOrgan Symphony........Widor a A5 da0tar(a) Contabile, Adagio, Finale. TVheaeuhsceiptiopieefatthe DAIL I 2.e o ()Adagio from the Symphony Can 'Wa coliege yeae, wth a eeguar detiveryybhore tt:Aan......Gimn f co. each day. Natices, ecoaaunications, and tt:Asn.........Gimn n rt, atter intended foer)tuhtication moat he (b) Pastoral. taatinit at te~~thehIY fieetefore 8 p. in., ar Marche taontificale........Tomhelle a0itEa taote editor tetaro 3Cpt. of atthe tay' ciee: to that ontwthieth they ace expec ted ta LLwEL t . tRENWICKja. uPbcitior.f ,tay' te loft at the nDALY offiee, ~M toe, tteOteteta ewatattd, or with inessatY.eM.C. A. Banquet. anoager. Sahseriheertieattnfra favoitehy eateet tatttya tirtte n ttr t 'le University M.J* t"'.A. will ieetedetiver paptec. Attlchaget itn advertising" oatter muteic in Itold ito third Atnnual Banquttet ont lttitiicecbh 4Op. ta. an the (lay previaus to thatIruy ,.po iitttea- ott awhich they ace to appear. Fidyeventing, A trl1 ntepr -= - --- - lrs oif the Baptist chturch. Several 'ie Uttivrsity auttterities regret taetmters of the faculty atnd lrotti- thttt t~hey are uttnaleli to invite the tnettbhutittess frott Ann Arhot' will "cttizetts if Ati Arbor to attetnd the he present and responid to toasto. Al-. %ecepttiiiti 'f the legislatttre in Uno- so thte state secretary atii the chair- sci-rity Hatll on Friday text. There man of the state executive cotnmittee, I' areiv risomtinitthte hall for the hoth of D)etroit trill speak. Mr. Jtts. 'a ties aidthi fle students. It is A. Evatts will act as totasttnaster. .tb ra _fore ituposoible to tnake ptpvis. Covers will he laid for 141). tMtORTEtRS AND OtAtNUFACTOUttROFo CHEMICAL ~ad PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for att Labsora- tory Supplies tt2 5. Main Street. Ana Artor, Mich, itit for the citizetis to attetnd. Interscholastic Meet. lie third attunal meet of the Michigan Itnter-IHight Schosol Athaletic Aeaazsciatista will heeIteld etn Regents' field, May 26 atnd 27, under the atanagetettt of the Athletic Asso- rttatioat. The preset taetniers of the associtatin are Detroit, Lansing, cJackson, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, .A.u Artor, Adrian, Pontiac, Benton Harhbsr, Bay' City and Orchard Lake. At first tite tteets wrere told with the differettttetmbers of the associa- r.aorn, at Jtacksottitt 1895, at Lantsing tn 1896, atid at Ann Arhor in 1897. At. thaeteeeting itt 1897, thte Atitletic S.ssciatittt of the University of fMiehigan ad ite proptositionts, which tinere accepted bty a comttittee op. Lpinted by the Inter-Higlt School A1si'riatiat. u ;oluanbian'Organ Recital. Th'e anoxt of the facutlty concert cries will he a recittal ott the Colutm. ',hiattotrgatt ittUttiversity fll, ont Thuiartty tof thtis tweek, April 6, hy r. Llewsellyna L. Renwick of the faculty oif thte School of Mtusic. Mr. Renwick has prepsared a programt of attractive variety, thtat will show the 'resources oif the great organ. This recital is a uttiqute feature of the faca.tity concert series, attd will he of spial interest for that reasotn as wvell as because of tite rare oppotrtunity Abe public has of htearitng thte Colutm- .iattl orgatt. A Nety Medical Societyj. A "Local acatdemy of nmedicitte tas literary atid sticial hettefit. cThte first Aeps itt organtiztttiott were taken a fewvnights agot at Dr. Darling's --nffices. A cotmmittee consisting of .hrs. Spitzley, Breakey and Blair was then appointed ttt take the necessary teasures for taskitng the society per- mnaent. It is proposed to htave fort- aIngbtly tmeetings, at which papers by 'other professional men may he lis- tened to, or addresses by outside med. ical) aen, and papers by members of thae society. An Alumnus Wounded at Manila. It is reported thtat itt a recent etn- gagemtent First Lieut. Jantes P. Cots- grove, of Contpatty D., of thte First Nebraska was slightly wouttded in the abdottetn. Cosgrove graduated in the Law Department of the Uni- versity tharee or fotar yearn ago. He was quite a boxer anti was well- known in athaletic circles. Spring Football Practice, Sprintg fototball practice haas been delayed ont account of thte weather, but now the weather is favorable, thte ground is begintning to dry, atad it is desirable thtat all taen get outt wrho are able to dososi. This is a general invitation. We tave a stilt schedule next fall anad it neeilsman and a lot of thtem, so all tatrna out and give us the benefit of your strength. A. C. STECKLE, Capt. Spring Vacation Railroad Rates. On April 13, 14 and 15, thte Ann Arbor Railroad will sell round trip tickets limited to return April 25 to students presetnting protper certificate froat Mr. Wade's office. Thaese tickets twill be sold to St. Louis, Mo., Quintcy, Ill., Keokulk, Iowa, Peoria, Ill., Cairto, Ill., Louisville, Ky., Cin- cintnati, 0., Pittsburg, Pa., Btuffalo,I N. Y. ad intermediate points. Also to points ontthle' D. S. S. & A. B. R. itn the Upper Pentinsula. E. S. GILMORE, Agt. Tepuritag t oe %. (INCORPORATED) ARE WOMEN' ON MEN'S MAKING SHAPED SHOES LASTS The Newest All Kinds $ f Fashions One Price "~I Stock wilt be in our Ann Arbor Storey'about March 1 at. 110 EAST HURON STREET. « N s Best Chain Wheel, - $35. C RESCE T Bevel Geared Chainless, $60. There is no better whteel mnade at anoy price. Ask Crescett riders if this is not so. Make yottr selection now on a Crescent. M, STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. i ~119 West Watshingtonl Street. -i ATHJENS THJEATRE FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 7', CHAS. E. BLANEY'S BIG SUCCESS, A HIRED GIRL. Fuunnaiest oft'Thr ee Coamedies. A COMPANY OF 25 PEOPLE. Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Cemts. GRANGE~R'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. $5.00 per Term of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Leasons by Appointment.- Bell 'Phone 246. lIt is the knowlege of feet Footography atnd the art of fitting theta with footwear. Cotme itt and " see hoer well are know our Our Bcsi ness. business--hoaw well we prac- RFIPILL'S SHiOE STORE, Ann.A ,orgto St