4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The New' Werneo r Editioni -OF lION- ALPINE HAT SALE. All Shades for 1899 Now In. (all and 000 them!$ Hats for . D. A.lNKE-R & SOiN. B riann ca.InterGolIG~watO Bureau of iflonu~mGOostm e. COTRELL & LEONARD. ALoBA, N. Y. The eotRefeenc LiraryforfheCaps, (towns, and IFoodo made ts order and rented. Also Claso Home; the Office, the Library. Canes, ('lass Hats and Cops, Class College Pins. Address W1. (C. KERN, Western 'Melgr., Hlaskell mluseum, tniv. of Clacago Nearly six feet of prrinted1wnatter, WE KEEP UP TO DATE. (Each roleuae ais11in.r longrin. EvRery rig in our barnr is-breirrgrepaintedrarnrlvrsrohedi wide; rhorut 21,-irrches thrr(krrrdfospigtae weighs arirti lriS«l5. ) rr M rirrLItrErle Garlr it ni tgoisnrto yorrhierart? Nrs-.ofL VE likely ! Better rave tire wrork itself GTELE.PFIONtE 106. 010 E. LIlHFRTY. tsr ele' ts in rrirr orrrt. rrrssiy furnrishred for parrties. F.'ire errtire set of 'iihirty Srrperb Octavo \'slrrriressde liveresdrrrrru p rrpy- rrrerrt of $1x.00, We call atterrtion to our complete line ranging in price from 75c to $+2.50 eact most improved patterns and makes.I Yale," "The Royal," "The Berlin Str Lanmp." If your want tire best Lamp Old Numboer: 44 NO. MAIN NT., ANN ARBOR. MICH. University Booksellers, n e ot eTie <1go try is goirrg tire erorids AGENTS, of tire Phracry1Deparmrerrt. It 32 Sut1iStteStee.sr'errrs that sarrell krnown'rrurrder-. 3~ ot tteSo . irstrrrctorirr phrrrracy whos ias marrdseIirmself rrthrrosbrroxiosrrrbiy ~ST U D EN S iis oiverberarirrg arrdlirrprrrtnrt rrrrrr- PAT ONIEtHrs, braslirrgiy stnrtedithrat ra rrran PT OIE STUDENTS swiroacouldirnt, idertify powrdrered If You Do Not, V.Th Not? bkrax sholstinort be allowred to grad- We an re ou he i~ estclaw rrSri tratefrorrrtire deparrtrrernt. A rrenr- Silhs Sacli.~. 1or er of tire sernior rcras, irearirrg tire New 'Prone, 44i, 22S tt St. rerrark, ater presenried halrr urrnsr- Student's Laundry flsonniatior, lahelledi sarrmple of tlre salt, whchel orlm Vaaght,599 it 'W.5. Fex, '00 Law. tire porrmipos truterrrrhesitatirngly frro- rrrrtrrcerl to be sodriumrr bicrbhorate. A TRI AL OR DER. The whole departrmernt is erjoyirrg tire jokerrndi lie trute rmaintairrs ardis- 'I brat is rll I rask dna irirriitteri hut rdefianrt silerree. miy LrtII1(11y Agency. P. 0. MEYER, Spring Vocation Railroad Rate,. Tel. No. I r.,. 007 1.. WiIniaiviSt. Onr April 13, 14 arrnd 15, tire Arnr Arbor Railroadrlwill sell rourrrd trilp BOYS ! STOP IP tickets limnited trr retrnuApril 25 to Ar THE students preserrtirng proiper certificate frorm Mr. Wades office., These lIDERf'.flTl 1 tickets will he sol to St. Louis, Mo., Qirincy, Ill., Keokurk, Iowa, Peoria, FORIAGAME FIPOO OR ILLIARD Ill., Cairo, Ill., Louisville, Ky., Cin- HreSt5. Bast of F. and M. Bank. cinrrrti, OPtsug aBfao -- - N. Y. anrd irterrrediate poirrts. Also AN DA L to points orr the D. S. S. & A. R. R. in tire Upper Pernirrsula. RState Phone 144. 1 E. S. GILMOuRE, A gt. of " enter Draft 'Nrckel Plated ILamps, ;h These Lamps are of the latest and Including "The New Rlochrester," "The udenrt Lamp, ""The P'erfectionr Student for tire Least Monrey come arrd s eeno Du'E A N_& C 0O. Oratorical, Election. 'rire Oratorrical. Assoiahtiorr sill hrold its ranrnrrrl election, Trresday, Aprril 4, at 4 p. rir, irn room C, Marirr burildirng, at swhichr tirme tire forllorw- ig oficeras will he elected: Presi-. dernt, vice-prresidernt, secretary, treas- rrurrerand 2rnd vie-presienrt of tire Northrerrr Oratorical Leagure. F. 11. BOWERS, Presidlerrt of Associatiorr. Glee Club Noticel Thiere wvill he arr irrportarrt meet- iig of the Glee Club in Roorm 24, at 7 o'clock tonight. Rt. H. Su'rr'rrg, Leader. As threre several vacares orr the DArrM Boardi, carsdidates for posi- tiorrns ontire Board are invited to arp- ply tortire marragirrg editor say evernirrg from 7:30 to 8. FOR SALE-A $30 violin, irs ex- cellent corrditionr, at a very reasonr- able price. For inforrnatiorr see L. Starmpfler, Eogirreering "shops. 39 FunRNNT-On reasonable terrrs a pleasant, desirable, Front Suit. of roonrs. At No. 1130 Washtenawv Ave. _______ 39 FOreRaoN-507 IE. Liberty, very dlesirable frrort suite, mrodern eon- venirences. 41 JOS, . KOLLAUF, -T HE- TAII.OR, 21a4 atI Wrsingonr St., sar .")l Ae ANN ARBOR. W. ArissrrD, 1sr ic-roe e JoIsN CWLors, As.Casir ,, Transacts a general iarrkrrng Iisiress. FIRST NATIONAL ANK O r 5 1~ Cpial, Xrs,0.r plu salnd as ofe,, raise' Tranrsacs agncoall'ankigssoisc- . rohge bogt ad old~. Forih S. W..ONe 'LAc,. rr a ,rrltrrSn ~trms'm&Irhttniri'd n Capira, 1r)o00. Supls, $r0,0ow.'rani 5 geeal ahri ire ese Fer: , HOenoLr Csir T[he fAn AJrbor 8aiug IEanh CapitalOsoc. $50,000. sorls, srso00cc Oganizedn nder ie 55GenelwBrsig. Lne of this Sae. Recisisderisei Iiuy, a.tcll exchage onthre rwrrrerrnaciisofr thc Unied Srta. Drtscasherr pon proiersc icifc.'sco, Sfety dposit ases to ree. OeFIERSr: Cristarn Mrck, P(-:.; W. 1). 11ari c alur, Vice-Pres.;Cas. E. ricocs, Calier:71 J FritzrAsirartrCasher.r .THE Fancy Grocers We keep everyhiingousraly kept in r firt-clss Grocery and Bakery. Call and ee u. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M.1 Barber Slop arodtBatho Itoos J. tR. TrROAOWSI, Porp. 300 . St'c; PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LIE. SATISFACTION GUARATEED. THE MODEL rot State Street BARBER SHOP tf yorr desire i u&dsr frst-class work and courteous tretment try George and IHarry at 332 S. Sate fit ENOC DIEERLE Finbalmer and ENOC DIEERLE FunralDi eaor Calatended Day or Nght. No. n6r E. LiertyOSree. eidence n3a S Fsurh Ae, Phoos 129. SPRING MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST [Spring and Suamomer' Make an stye are n. Early Selection. T=."'___ F _Z"1____. =ZT= _ I - T FElE I RB DV LOOKS for the Easter Neckewear, I~VL~~i..J J1JI anrdire have made preparations for you all that none shall he disappointed by not hoing ablr' to procure suitable Easter Neckwear. Our efforts have not been in vain, for we have congregated the most beau- tifrrl colorings and designs tire maker has ever produced. The price, 50c, pays for tins best of them. W AGN ER & 00.3 ~ SEE OUR WINDOW. 123 S.- MAIN ST. I ii 7r =- = =_1 1_ AKAN:'