THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spedial Offer! The New Werner Edition -OF THE- Encyclopoedia Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet of printed matter. (Each volumee is 11 in. long; 9 in. wide; about 2z in ches thick, and weighs about 351pounds.) Can it all go into your head? Not likely! Better have the workr itself to refer to when in dloubt. The entire set of Thirty Superb Octavo Volumes delivered upon pay- menut of $1.00. c IJrflAM R',(PA GO TO Stabler's Art Store Art Novelties and E ORFine Frame Mouldings., 217 S 4th Ave. Plon" 173. I WILL GIVE 20 per cent Reduction to all Students of the U. of M. on goods purchased at my store. Salisbury's Dru Store. JOS. W, KOLLAUF, _THE- TAJILOR, 204. East WashingetonSt., near 5th Ave ANN ARBOR. InterGOlIeooato Bureau 01flcaMDelIicGO~tM . GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBAoY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Als Class' Cases, Class Eats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Wres t agr., Haskell Msuseuma, Uiv. at Chiciago WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every rig in stir barn is being repaiiited aiid varnished for spring trade. H0LME3 LIVERY, TELI-PONE 106. 515 E. LIr.RY Canopy furinished for parties. LAMPS O STUDENTS. We tall attention ts our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "1The New Rochester," 10 The Tale,"" The Royal, ""The Berlin Studesit Lamp," "The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Lest Money come and see us Old Number: EA 44 S0. MAIN ST., DE N& O ANN ARBOR. MICH. 0 8 W. J. Bsos1, PRS. W. AsseLs, 516tice-pres J. V. SHsosAs, 2dXicec-ipre JOHN. C, WAL~z, Asst.tCshier SifliL SR1INGS BflNK University Booksellers, Co. will repeat for the Saturday On April 13, 14 and 15, the Ann AGENT . smatinee, that beautiful domsestic Arbor Railroad will sell round trip AGE TSdrama.,''A Wife's Houor," swhich tickets limilted to return April 25 to 3'20 Somrth State Street. was seens at the Opera House in students preseniting proper certificate Tuesday evening, this play is full of from Mr. Wade's office. 'These ST D rN' interest, the sentiment being beasti- tickets still be sold to St. Louis, Mo., STU DE N S fully distributed throughout, it also Quincy, Ill., Keokuk, Iowa, Peoria, PATRONIZE STUDENTS contains a certain amount of quaint Ill., Cairo, Ill., Louisville, Ky., Cin- 0 comedy that never fails -to please. ciinati, 0., Pittsburg, Pa., Buffalo, If You Do Not, Why Not? TPoniglht "The Dawn of Freedom." N. Y. and interiuediate poimts. Also Weec giveythye 1h ighest class sf work at S. C. AFeeting. to points oii the D. S. S. & A. B. R. ihe regular prices. Eiltser fiis.inteUprPisua New 'Phase, 441, 202 0. Stats St. Au especially attractive devotional inEheI S .erPe ilusula. gt Student's Laundry Alssociation, smeeting at the Students'CliristiamnP 5 ILOEAt fir. Voht, '99 Lit. Wm. R. Faa, '00 Law. Association, has been arranged for TIhe Business Men's Class will mceet Easter miorning. Dr. E. M. Musher at the Congregational Church, as A TRIAL ORDER. will speak 0on "Christ in Life, ini usual iiriiediately after themon Death, and in Resurrection." All in,'s service. A special programs thsat (is all I ask for students are especially invited. has beens arranged, which will be ily Laumsy Ag-eacy. annmounced from the pulpit. Every- P.C ,Lecture on Gas. omit cordially invited. P. C. EYER, Mr. H. Douglas of the Ann Arbor Tem. No. 079. 607 E. Willisa 5t. Gas Co., and a graduate of the Engi- Minstrel Men. neering Departmsent will give a A rehearsal of all minstrel memn iu- B O YS ! STOP ! lecture at 3 o'clock Saturday night cluding cliorns on Saturday in roomt AT THE in the Engineer~ig Building. H is24a4:0pi. 111 ~P~tflRT NI subject will be "rGas as a means of 24a _:0p n KIDE GA TM traasfer of energy." TIhe lecture Foot RENT-On reasonable terms a FOR A SAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS will be especially interesting to those pleasant, desirable, Front Suit of Hrtn 5t. EasfF. and M. Bank. studying gas engine practice. rooms. At INs. 1130 Washtenaw Foot SALE-A 550 violin, in ex-. 3 AN D LLcellent condition, at a very reason- Fop. RENT-507. E. Liberty, very able price. For information see L. desirable front suite, modern con- State Phone 144. Stampfler, Engineering shops. 39 veniences. 41 P~i-in~i~arDon't-Throw Your Transacts a general Banking Businiess. FIRST NATIONAL BANK acizgoou18$is Caspitai, 1100,000. Surplucs ad Profits, M,000s 'rrasatsoageneraiibankingehusiness. Foreign exchangehboughtasd soid. Fcurnish lettescof credit. Et. D. KINNE, Prec. lHARISO~N 5SOi.E S.0W.CLARdKSON, Cashier Car. Mait andsi scus P,~ck Capital,$50,000. Surpius, $30,000. Trncss n generaibanking bsiss. R,KExPFs,Prs. CC sE a N,T Vic- FatsD. H1 BoLa zCashier The fan1 R~rhor Savings Bank CapitliStock. $Es,00 hSpice,$5000f'. Recsourccsm1,10,000 Orgaized ander the General Bankitg Lao' ofithisateai. Receivsodeposits, byanticmlsells exchagonaihe principal citiesofi the United States. Drafts coohed sups" isomer idetifitcation Solely deposit boxsoOsrosst. Oo's'cots: Christian Mack. Pres.; W. D. Ioser sass Vice-Prsc.; Chos. E. HiecocK, Cashier; 57 J. FriIs AssistantCashier LAMB & SPENCER, ..THE .. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept ina first-class Grocery and B3akery. Cal) and tee us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of MV. Bar-ber Shoe and Baths Rooms. J. R. Taosxaowsu. Prop. 100 5. OStaey PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL ?ofState Strep' BARBER HOP Ifas Bu ts d eLire BARB R SH P Ifyou esire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State +t. ENOCH DIETERLE, Fuera Diector Coils attended Day as Night. Na. 161 N. Liberty Street. Residence 5Hi 6 FourtOhocv, Phase 105. rFRING MIL WARD a V111a1VKiL11 Engraving Company, DETROIT. MIOH. -, . - ;, : i _. :<< CT a ,tx .19 u i asses no matter how badly they are broken. We Awa will repair eye-glasses and waYectacles while you wait, or lend you another pair while yours are being fixed. Nothing hut the best materials, expert work. manship and honest prices. Eyes examined free of charge. STATE ST ag and Sinisr Make at 5tyls ae it Ealy Slecion Sprit Styles are in. Early Selection.