THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG IN DAILY. Resolution. ~'F~?4 5J'14~jj WEREAS' We have been imdi- rIulise Dily (Sundays excepted) during th rectly informed that our action in College nomieating W. B. Hamilton for the office of delegate to the annual meet- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, iog of the Northern Oratoricali 'irnThe tntand Precss, Henning Block. League has been misconstrued, be it Both Phones 147. Roeslved, That we correct asiy M5ANAGING EDITOR. falsee impressions througho the U.of F. lsoosean, 0 ~, Mi. DAtLY with the slatemeint that 13USINESS MANAGER. in nomeinating it°r. Harrisonl for this 0. H. H~OO, ,0 L. office owe proceeded 11(101 the imIpres. EITORS. 0(011 that lie had previously been Acheci Edlee T It Weooo, ~L. nomsinated for the samne office by the 'P. W, lONet, '99, A. it. MeDOUeote, '01 E members of his class at their caucus, F. D. RoXAo, '55; c. H. LUND, -so0oM, anid with time express purpose of en- G .BreoessT.O101E. J. B. WOOD,.'0e. dorsiong his nomination as a law came-- dicdate. NORMAN SWEAT, Secretary Lit. Catucus. IF YOU FAIL THE + INLAND PRESS To find it anywhere ANN ARBOR else tryus... ~Printers, Binders, J. QaryBLANK-BOOK MAKERS Campun Drug Stare. INNICL K hThe u1s00iptinpice of teoDAILsis12.5a0sfor Trophiy Room Turned Down. the college yeas, with a regular delivery hefore noon such day. Notices, comunications, and At yesterday's moeetiing of the ,oshes sott Ie intended toe publiclatliaose haded in 1at t'e DILYfictle befose 8 p. so., or Setnior literary class the report of the ainiled to the editos before 3 p1. sofa the day coliliittee favoigatphrom s ,previous co that 00 which they ateexspected toOilg1trpy OI 0 ppear . a miemiorial was rejected and the altocs ittiostmttty 1beloll at the DAIL fic ttecm ite asnt'ltdto14 tp Meyers. as Stofilete itewstand, esrswith Businesscllateewsisrite olo i Maager. Suhscrihes will confes a tacos hy soome other miemnorial, the comnuittee septartingoptttly at ltis office any failure of caresto deliver papter.lhavinig alsrp te that the shin All ehtngesoia advcetteiong ate aoltbe inrpre cen the effico hy 4Op. tat. on te qay prevoustoIhat fotr a tear moemlorial wats not feasible. ona which they are toapptetr. ___ The reltort of the invitation coum- So taucoas oecy tose mittee seas accepted, the contract for A. H. McDOUGALL. the invitations beinig awarded to - Elliot & Co., oif Philaidelphtia. Every r COLLEGE STUDENTS THE jl OVE SMOKE Surlwua Oo ~ ruS-==tr Ill accoerdaitce with the Constitu- lieua of thie U. OF' M. DAILY, the atnnua~tl electioni of the board will be held en Stutrday, April 8, at 10 a. teittroottt C. All paid tti sub. scribers arcetntitled to vote. Proposed Removal oft Mining School Causing Trouble. 'Te scheme of certain setnators tto atbandton the School of Mineo at Hottghton, attach it to tlae Univer. uity of Michigan and use the build. iugs for (lie proposed upper penin- suite sormoal schottl, is mheeting witli cletcrtninedi oppossitiona, and matty be. lieve tat the legilature will take no actioni that otill disorganize the pres- setiigsli chlool. Oite of the sentators said: "W~e claim that students can be .edticated it this brantch ini one-qusar- ter tof the time at Houigliton than it ,oulttd take at (lie University. Stut- lesets hlave access ta the Calumnet & Ilecla planit. Timhere are fewsmnies in thle sworldl tsitig suchltexpenosive anad olabtoralte mallchlinery as thtio one. Slt.- odents at (lie Hotughtoit college enjoy the cadvatage of beiing near tlae iron 'district, makitmg stirveys of uindcer- wrotuud wo ik. Less thani half the :stuadents at (lieCotllege of Mutes are fromth te upper peniiistila. Thte ipper pseninsula furnishes 4 per cent - (lie sttudetits at the University aitd ;gays 11 per cesit of (lie tax. Prof. Henry C. Adams, head of the department tf political econotmy ino the Untiversity, said Thursday to a class that is stoidyinig(lie mtoitopoly qutestiona: I"A railroad mtantager is not :end canotot he, from (lie nattire of lia buosittess, ana honest tman. Pools aret atetmanaged by thte officers of (lie roiads ettering them cannot suc- ceed becatise railroad maeno ciii not trust each other. In forming trusts they virtually say to (lie trustee, 'We ,cannsot troist each other, but we wiii trust you.' I °C. F. Farrell, '98, who is teaching at Zealand, Much., is visiting in Ann Arbor while attending the School. master's Club. G. C. Bates '97 Dent., is practic- ing his profession at Durand. .seinior whto pays his class tax will receive eight itovitatisons. 1 Csjrano de Bergerac Coming. Cyrano de Bergerac, (lie fatuous play of this year, cwiii be presenated at the Athens Thteatre next Tuesday evening. The company interpretisig the work is hetaded by Mr. Willard Newell, a younig actot- of good repute. He is assisted by Mliss Vail de Ver- non, and a competeiit company of 35 people. ________ Fred Heffelbower, '97, whto se- cured thee scholarship frtom Columbia last year, is spenditeg a fecw days at lois home itt this city. ATHENS THEATRE Daly Stock Company EVERY EVENING Sti.tsrdny Matinee. Prte-s, 10, 20, 30 ets. TONIGHT- The Dawn of Freedom. SPECIAL REQUEST, Sattrday Matinee-"A Wiles Honor." A Periodicai of Surpassina Pictoriai and SA Liierary Value-THE Illustrated American Magazine toe Apsil. 'rhe Mascha issue at theItlus. isoted Asoerican Magaeine n-us exhausted withina a ten- days aftee puhlieation. The April numsoes istmose beautifuland inite- esting ineeryway. Afewaofitsfeatueso are:-A spelndid fsont page' hy A. iB. Wen- sell; totrnestsin acolas by Fsank IHop- kinsons,Ethel Johtnon, Archie Gtnn, antd Pennlyns taolaws.tithes heatttifsrl picto- sial teaturstare by ONeil Lethum, A. D~e F'ord Pitnesy. W. E. B. Starhwsathes,Geoo Fox cod ten others-16 pages in a non-and heautiulcolarscshemtet"The PHsast of Princeses Masie," a rosianee quite as good as Anthony Hope has eesrn-oilmen. "That Affair at Washington," ott illostrated stary at taste, in wshieh dietinatie tile to pus. frayed: 'When Massied Folks Agsee," "SuhLoetsoThi,"and etherexscellent shart storis. A tiqeeSociety Depart. ete., etc. Absolutely nothintg like the i. lustrated AmaesicansMagigone los Apsil eon he fband esen-hese. It is ahsolutsly tiesn-sot heautitful pubhiceation on the nen- satnds. Send 25 cents in statmpt or sle tes a eopy oat hit issue. Subhscsiptionaiee 13ass pes yeas. The pnhlishesass saw offering fos a lim-ited tin-s somoe heoutitul artist's proofs of a front page design hy A. B. Wvenzell, suitable tos tsamting. This picttuse coold ho put on yottr dsawn-g The Iliustrated Anmeisun Magazine, 1123 Bsoadn-ay, Nen- Yosk, City 2C RHOT CHOCOLATE, None like it elsewhsss. 00 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET, Tke largest assrtmenlt ot Cundis in the city, ade hously. Otysters tesved in any style. 0-, I Te Purita9 Ioe o (INCORPORATED) ARE WOMEN'S5 MAKING SHOES ON MEN'S SHAPED LASTS The Newest All Kinds $3 0 Fashions One Price 35 Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store-about March 1 st. a 110 EAST HURON STREET. IM TsBest Chain Wheel, - $35 CRESCEN SBevel Geared Chainless, $60. There is no better whteel made at any pt-ice. Ask Crescesnt riders if thmis is tiot so. Make youmr selection now ott a Crescent. M, STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. 119 West Wtashingtom Street. I -- i GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. $35.00 per Terns of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Prhvate Lessons by Appointment. Behli'Phone 2416. So o souaousttie Crean-, hot the diffesence is that ike colder it gets the torof etrnsceeamo you n-ant. It'sPrety Cod .MAO WHITE. 115. MAIN ST. Bell Phousnet ; State, i94.