4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Specia Offer The New Werner Edition --OF TITE- Enevcle d JOS. W. KOLLAUF, _THE- ALPINE HAT SALE. 214 Eas W~inigo t, Warss5th A v4 - All Shades for 1899 Now En.- Call and see themss. 3 eats for .52. ArN AIIAORJ. The f{S1 wid( Cs'isi -~i ~D. A. TINKE OT& S_-. _W. J.15stiTraPRESr. I Intercoll¢e Uic Buireau 01 l I niG Co tU c Vw em,idtiaapaaa SAVIN ' !l!++1 ,y 4A GOTRcELL & LEONARID, Bp;N ALesNY,,..R Bes Rfernc Liray fr heCaps, (towns, and Hoods maide to order and rented. Also (lass Transacts a genseral Hom1e. the Office, the Library. Can es, Clas hats and taps, Class College lists. Address Ilaiting Itnaistess. W. C. KEEtN,Wresterns l1agr., _____ IfHakell Mulseums, Univ. of Chicago - ----- --- -- FIRST NATIUNAL 1ofAAnNK ho ralrly six feet sof 1)ihuedi mtatter. WE KE EP U P 1T DATE. CptoOsoo. epasal Fe d ,1451 ACitl 1hue is 11 an, iolng; 9 Ill. Cse.rgI a at sbtg e~ll~l t~ irlle aiota toC0.Srpls ta n .Prfso-asos ttltsott. 2j.- incitfes tfltick, tndfs r 'tt Irta.TasactstaotgttterattHaulinut I satatl a eins £lialh abtotti 5ptouslls. ) cedts. HO'kd+L E' LIVERY', 1K. I.KINNr., Pres. IIt)ISO l II', Xi >111tl 5 ata alIe likely !Flitter hlvtte awsork itself' tol refer. toi stuntitlltoubt. TE.L E.I-ONE 106. 5315 F. LiIIF Canollpy Ifurnisedelfor parties. 'cF~ re'. 5.. . CLARSIO IN, Cattiar. 'ite ettaire set ostf 1111 Casperb OcttavotVoultis felliseredtpnl a-P~ 1115011 f I'll sit allsi We call attentiont to our complete line of Center D~raft Nickel P lated Lamps, rangiiig in price fronm 75c to $2.50 each. Tltese Lamps are of the latest and 1 0most improved patterns antdistakes. Including "ThaeapNew fRohester "he 0 " Yale," slabs Royal," -rh llerlin Student Lamp,"aa e Ferfections Student _____tLalmp" It yout want thte best Lamop foar ttte Least Jlottey come anld see us 010 Numbers QL~ M ~l 44 50. MAIN ST., Co.ra 4z 1 1-1-14A r R1 !1 ---ANN ARBOR, MICH. D *JUU1LL1I/11® ~LV University Booksellers, AGENTS. 3 tO South Statte Street. Athletic Association Election. Minstrel Notice. OnSo atlmrsdly, Ap~ril S, at 1 p. in., All entditenl andsp ~ecialty 11101 inUieriyHail there still he a fpleaseC Imeet tonlighlt isPII. at, Cavinlgs iieetiig sof tile Athletic Associatiosn Bank s it~ildilng at 7 p. a. for. the f-otaiona of,,,, C ,laa tl stfieels: Presdent, svicc-president, Jeaasie CSmithl, U E'97, rsf Ponitiatc, is ST Ij ' [\ f; recordinlg secretalry, t1resurer, finl)- isack visitinlg the unliversity land I a secrItary, fiv e directsors fromll the friensds ill town. PATRONIZE STUDENTS Literarly IDspatmeet, tsws directors Senior Class Meeting. ? fro11111m te Law Lelltrtllellt, 0110 si- Itr tl Ie1 letlg of thle '99 IfYou Do Not, Why Not? rector froll tlhc Medlicl Departmenlt, Ter literaryeilclatsba Friday, m arcngofh 31, at Wean ie tnsaaoall ianlara laas o ora t ndsa 11(1 ite sirectssr froslli te Denltal . eulrp ices lathra fiish, 4: 1 0 ,i., ts dilscusso h usino New 'Phosne, 2441, 202 S. Stale St. Detpartmlentt. nma.L . VP tIe l res. Student's Laundry (-ssociatior0, 11. I. yA EINSTEIN, Fres. ____--____ om. Veught, '99 Lit, SWs. R. Fee,'15 Low. - -'rickets for Coulsa's bandi contcert Oia May it), Princetoln ansICosrnell wl eo aeo n fe 'lc still for the first tinlie moeet Ili 11si ll be )1 a Al ~llfisatE.Eo'Clk A TRIAL ORDER. track mleet. at~dY pi is tE .Cl Ikills on Ctate st., ansi H. J. Brosen, 't'iatiis aflltIask heorfMiss Harriet Wslclai, '98, 1now5tofsalt ain st., at tinte andslllaces Oseats oily 1 lyA" -eC. tte Tectlllell IighiSchbool's corps intly Iso reserved. Persons are of teachlers is v'isitinlg frienlds ill town.la trtsedl agaisilt pulrchlasing of ansy P. C. IVIEYE R . Franuk C. Siilos198 antdl'0ft law,othter persos, a sothsesaarethte silly TrI. No. 179. 607 E5. wiie,,, St. whlo ws called 1111m1 several seceks authtorizesd places. Prices are .50, agot by thse sickn~ess of his fathser ex T75c. alnd $1.00. B c'YS ! STO p Iects tss retturn to college after the --________ B !AT THES5 P U Easter vacaltiont.j Notice, Seniors! Fox iRENT-Onl reasonable termls a 1teCap sod GsstnsCommlittee wl ,1IND RG "TEN llaatdsrbeFotSi ffo e5i oRomp nFiIrdy iyfo aal stil b il Roin , Inivrsiy allh FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS Av.3 1, oacmoaetoew hv Haron St. East of F. and M. Bank. Av.9 delayed giving thteir orders. Thsose -- FOotR RNT-5.07 E1. Liberty, very soshostiheir caps and gowrns in NDA L1 desirable front suite, modern coil- tim~e for the swsingout multst take venlieuces, youll may collect at above advantage of this opportunity. State Phone 144. address. 41 P. WV. JOESs, Chairmanl. C rt l t f T r r 7 I Capital, 050,0500. Surp lu000. Tranact;-a grla in u~es RS~Es-Prs. C. E. Gstsa... T iarra FRED.as,110 Iat5Caaaier. The Rin fRrbor a ran ~Bani Capilt aal Sc. 50,00. Surpllus, 511500. Resaources,.$1,100,00. Oransizedalunadaeatee a~raltlanklin Law of Itaisa. Reeaivsadepo5st, bus andels exhnge I th5e icipa1iesofathe 1 stllca Staes. Droasaasedaupon Iproperaidetiifaaior, Saafety depoal sitxs tInt.a Oa-reFSasCheristianeackl. Prs.;W.uD.llarr sass, Vice-Pres.; Chos. E. Iliaesrai, Cahier;tat J.Fitz AsstanCashier. THE Fancy rocers We keep everything ususasily kept isnl first-class Grocery end Jiekery, tati and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of 11l. Barbe)r Shaop ,iiid BathIBooins. J. R. TRsOJAsOWSI, Pras.132 5. Stats- a PATRONZ WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street as D rru& sv BARBER SHOP I y1slyou deire first-clss work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. Slate St. nEbalmerand ENOCH IILIIEt Funeral eDirectsr Cello ettended Dey as Nicks. i-o, its E. Liberty Street. IResidence 13:1 S Feurths Ave, Ptoness125. SPRFING MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST Sprinig and OSuner Make an L S~tyles are in. Early Selection. f -_Z -}r=_L = - - -S-r r T- -T=1-S^ -r''-'r-tT -T=-y-T .=1 : :u ;7! f FUFIRUBhDY( LOOKS for thse Easter Neckwear, J~vVLIII..s/a.JLI andswe lhave made preparations for you all tbat Dnash lall be disappointed by not being able to procure suitable Laster Neckwear. Our efforts have not been in vain, for we have congregated the most beau- tiful colorings and designs tbe maker has ever produced. Thse price, 50c, pays for the beet of themn. WAGN ER & 0O0, BEE OUR WINDOW. 123 S. MAIN ST. it" I I L= I i ' . _ -