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March 31, 1899 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-31

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T h N YO D M O S H W N ew O n sH E R E N Knox, Stetson.


MIGBIGRN GENTIJL Its Time toin1ca The Corner Candy Store, NO NEED
'The Niagara Folio Route." N orth of Quarry's Drug Store. To send to the moanufactarers wheci
Bicycle Tusin leoders a kiod incitation to ail wishing you cao obtain a genuine
CENTRAL STANDARD TID'IE fresh goods at reasonable prices. LunchesMadlno
Toking E fs5 . Aug. 04, 0000. Youscwill Find a1l 0he1Ledes - at all boors. Hot coffee ad sandwichesW a h u nGir
alcil asd Ex press................a as I'. AT. CollIIIII)icss, Lt.5111h1(is W. S. PARKERS, 3 t55., STATE. ,tgi eeinAnAbr
N. Y. & Rtacn Spcial........ 4 5 °_I seI1Qr n i r~a"
Past Eastern ..............sos3 " Stearns, W1a'.i 'Ireys, ALA-ttCLOCKS, $1.00 At.ic
Atlanitic Express............7 45 A. 5. HE RL MUIST E
Dtroit Night REccress.......5 as StG rliing s, UTO1. IN, 1)Cents.
GOccGaWS cs-esi n esc tcFieWntccictCRcpairing iaSpcs ilyNo.1 14 V. Lilssitv t
-Mail& Expres.. ..........8e4a . Ac.
ocstocc. N.Y. & Cccicgs..... i..9 L 1 "I
Icsc G.RWestern Exss..........8). . rkP0, St re U . , CA,
.Kcl, Rsxr ..........5045 206 I~S~npccvsocc in cStreOeMtMATt
isgtEx Opress .5.....943 " B'1,'M5'nu.,
Pacific Rxpses............ci 20 A. s. __________________________________
0.. T. Agc,c'iccags. A't AciccArbcci CALENDAR. Miss Mcclle Hilcvk, '9'r", wlic DIRECTOR
-- -I- - i s ics HM cceli 1l1 -Siiilccici achccles iIite ( cclii cti r High Eucbclniig a speciaty. No. 21O4) . 4t1.
S Ho1pc at Gracic r .Sciciccils i iiliciendicis herllcln Ave. Anicoicnce night coil icy. ties-
S e Moccday, April -.Mchiganitccc s. i~ich.dence 30)2 Fifth A.ve.
ToledociccLecge t itseg-ectsFieli. _
. i,...Ls ii r.U...A.co-cccGs (avs cc inies thlivStudentccto ticl- ;h 1AI 11 U1Vdd Coc
TIME TABLE'I icescics .Ap1rcI l'cilcccapan [cciiticicialcci icc'oviii l ic p rtyI'cliida
Taking crers, Nov. c20,1i.891 4:1cp.isll.-Dr. Pacc(idCrucscccceveccicngApril 4, loc ticsbelelil of 3 P
\Vict ccci cccii ~~ +andWithcer? a Dkrcn- tieCsomiccahcy 'A bocysic icll Cca. .ILIIWtl1 .dlI
OaTsc lasiii eu c citcc Siccad. cithei Oc'ccNtrcccii Des-. lDcccicngcfrvccic5:30 to 1o'clcck. tn fteHmnStl"Msc yCe aleo rhsr fLeading
SOUTH cc.T 51A-JwlrWVI--_ icceshclcyApril ii Nigid eigict ieccs. Iilcets r1.Jeer
c:4a P. Asc. 1c25 25A. M.. Off" Ic y Unciversity Comccecly Cilub at
cc6p.A. sac40e. a. Atic s 'eac tei. clile largest cccci cccst ccccplete The Only FuI)ll e of
_'Thucrsday', Apcril (d-Fcclty con- licco of Spriccg Siliccgs ccccd lcciticige Ln
*RtucccbetweenccAncn Arborccnd Tsledo cisly cert ct Frieze Hail.icc thcecity. 'Suits tic crcler,$1.1to Cooae
All trainssdai ly excepctSadayLowney's Cooae
E. Go. TeOcRE, Agest. Saturday, April8.-Sosca'sBaccd $41); Pacnlotitosrder, $3.75 tis X10;
WC. Ii. BcRNE5TT. 0. P. A. cinUciversity hail. Macrkicntoslhes tcc order, $3 to $15. In the City, Just Received by
-Mocnday, Apiril 10-IT.isf M. Mici- Onlby to lie found ct GLEN, t1cc L
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN ARE- strels at tico Athens Tlheatrce. tailor, nor. State and Washincgtocn.
BO ALA.Thucrsday, Apsril 13-1Cyraco do 338 So. Slate Street.
BO ALA. Bergerac" by Mrs. Baker. Oice feels like buycig Mcandclincs
Caslae -Friday, April 14-(Evencing) Eaister and Guitcars swheticer Ice ceecds onceicr OUR PHOTOS
CaslaeAnn Arbor for Ypsilanti Recess begins. cot whienice caccncob titeicscat sicli
and Detroit erery half hor beginning Saticrdlay, Apiril 29-JunIciccr('lass unheard oif lust prices if lice Alii . ARE..
at 7a3ti. U, of it. car leaves City Social. Arbor Mcusic Coc PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH
Itall, Detroit, every night after 'Theater...

Special U. of M. cars for all extra occa-
sions. Baggage, express and Students'
supplies received cind delirered. Wait-
ing rooms, corner of Ann and Main
streets, Ann A rbor, 11I1 Griswold street,
Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited.
Magnificent new fast trains via the
Wahash, with free reclining chair carol
Wagner sleeping cars, palace coacheo,
and fanmous dinisg care,
Going east this train leaves Detroit at
8:25 p. m. arrires New York 3ci30 p. mo.
Going west, this train leaves Milan at
8:07 a. m., arilIves Chicago 2:40 p. in., St.
Louis 6:52 p. in. Kansas City 7:15 a. m.
The Wabash is a good road. One
trial will convince you. If you contem-
plate making a trip to New Yorkc, or to
California, or ho any point in Missouri,
Kansas, Texas, or (olorado, and will
write to tics undersigned, we will he
glad to give yocu any information.
F. A. PAcaccc, A. G P. A., Chicago.
C. Rt. CRANE, (G. P. & T. A., St. Louio, Mo.
K. S. Gassasvoon. M. P. A., Chicago.
Ohio CentraTlLines
Bowlig Greeni, Mar-ietta,
Findlsay, Atliens,
Colsousbuls, Middleport, and
Chsarleston, W. Va.
Columcbuo trains use Lake Shore Union
Station at Toledo.
Through traino with Sleeping and
Drawing Room cars from Detroit
and Ticiedic.
MOULTON BfOUK, Gseesi Passenger Agt.


lfRcutschiet, tbe llpbotogiapber.


Be rryman Studio
1 12 West Huron St.
Statee Phone 119,


60 ARTISTS 60-STARS 60 New _ GOO.
Biget Agrgain f tuens (ve otten. Officialotfitters to atl she leading colleges
Bi--a ggregaino tuet vs scihsols and athletic clucbs iof the country.
The Spalding :Bicyclr, riddeni by she
Together on Onte Stage. Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. Chamcpisns. and
all tics lcadcng college riders. Every Requi-
site cor Hose Ball, Fosot Ball.,tiolf, Tennis,
Funnsay Jokes, Funany Songs, Local Hits, AthletccsGymsiumaa.
Spalding's Official League Ball
MaiVelo1Ss Feats, Clever Dancing and Burlesqiue. Is the Official sel ofthe Natinal League
Ilascctoecce Cataloguce sf AthccsSports
Fres tsosnyaddres.
SI Spaldccgs Official Base Ball Guie far 1seas
U N O F larctc 3. 10 Cens.
III, IN A. G. SPALDING & BROS.. New York, Chicago
U. O Ni.MINSBEL The Hocking Valley Ry.
Athens Theatre, Monday Even'g, April 10. Only Jine Hasving Union aDepots in
Parquaet aad 1st Row Dress Circle---------------------------.....75c'(OTASES OAYPI''
Dress Circle-----------------------------------------------.......50( t II~IE. OAYPST
Gallery...................................... . 51c Houor Trainss Betweena
Tickets on Sale Tuesday, April 4, at Hangsterf'er's, 3 Above Cities. 3
State Street, and Walsr's, Downs Towns. Rates always the lowest and aceom-
modationo thce best.
B EN.E FI TU. OF MV. BAND-BENEFIT For particulars call on local agents, or
address L. W. LANDMAN,
Gentl Tray. AgL., 17 Wsoodward ave.,
Detroit, Mich.


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