THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY {fl1l jn SOCIETYROSTER. -7 Su its and ADELPII SOCIETY. L~ Pabiohed Daly l(Sundays c'tcepted) duitng thc Coleege year, at Adlelphti Society will mteet toatr- THEUNIERITYOF ICIGA. ott'°ight intAdeph i Hall T.Coats TEUIESTOFMHIA. llowittg is thte pogramt: Music; % " 't;r he ilad Pre"a Hating Block. l"Rcent moratEvents;" dd -" ~t hn. 4 _MNAGINaGLEDITOR. r. Bates; iustic; deatte, ".Reslved - - - Thee is a certant air F. tata tsatt, 01 L. "ba an uldSttsoittc ccia td t)le abott ''ourekitd''of IIUSINESS MWOAG.AUfishjol the IPot aSviig's iak ;," cloibtg tt -at ndtaoget aty- u,(1.II. that.,L'tO tf.itmt'iittieMesrs. Evttts andu Bet- wthere else. rEIIITOJSS. scote n egative. Mesrs. Tuppet'allt ] Atitie Edito,'.0It. Wooaaiata 05 i. oiuoaAMr iya;The taost of te fit in a suit lo Sae M. I.Mirat, orfttt ~eaa;ciisr-a i clothes is ithie coat, atid F. D. EAsN o0. C . . ss aOM, ortnAJ.Btzb;cicsre (.D.Iltteasrc. 'at . J.1.B. Wc,'s. tact, C1, tutrey the tmost of a fit in the coat i I itALPHtASoat;ya.I eaett . ,,~tie collar atd laels. Tatt' Ap-t ola v-stttt lett hr-where 'oatr kitdshowtas ttat it Tih iee itit icte cfatte DAttLY as t:oe rgtittIt ollowst sit c; The We iii1ul1i' clotheis t inilre 14i' is the best tmae. tooe eattego ices, ccciii a n a icai-e t icad Da }1 c C ateb ate" the pes ett: Ave ca't:i'fli 'ttn roic stock.Q otietitittic itetatec oe pblicatiotimotie i.reminittscences, "Fools That I ltttee Suits and overcoats. $7.50 to $20. hatnded at siitoDALOIT eoretictiptctm.,titr rald tic:Ico editocibef o t . *at. o h aty1 e tit ic t hutvicettpr us int lattutes previ 'tothat wi c hiii.ctheyat e tu e ttsecto. s laaa tl i ci Itt Pu atpeacr'. aetcFoocititet coontctheiscore-it atitti Itticitice Liti Botiice, ato bicitIti50lc cite.It P M ac icgt c cc'n o i cet tet c"w iator ic nici aie,\s iar'tc i at tt ttat e 'ior citotico nrtcy at cc th it ocacycfilteofit'hiattditeittaafehtelatt" - e'sao. aa c a . < ou it ticet c ttctis mttertttee.i ljlt~d C r i ' tg tv ICis a - thi m~c 0 tia" c iat toney, [lete tatsurert; Sybil,1 T. U ~ttartcc eaedtoadthettidevil ; -- -c-- randc fialeliemarhtaI.IEary- S- -T u r 1a ~ ~ 'P'Tattoutlok farthit'opeuning of 11e'atteciosittvita-tit z _____ .Q 7'7 2 basebattllctseansettmsacertaitly ru- aaaatST~tt SOCaiE's . IMPOacRES Ascott iccrce c tNO'tc~c catutagitug. While this late itt te e lftlowitg is 1tcce 1rigt'itt for (11El ICAL and PIYSI('AL APPAIIATUS. se asai it ft''aetcetly cth~appens tiat the the AWebter sotciety totight:iMuttic MICRiOSCOPIC FINDlINGS. I1l('trtylI for lii tll Ltihtti't- blttl teamcctias liha oppoacrtntity for ciuretitopttic', W. .1. Mlieay ; try Supplies severtal days ef ocit looar prtactice tiis siaeel, C. I,.Duttcat; imtplrotuats, Ziii . MatnS tt. AtttcAoor, aict. yetr atill robabtlly Octetaacte for W'. C. Geake, C. I. Crtties, attd E. --11 t' firtschedulaled gatme Itrriva' atith- IIassey; cratioti, L. t.Ehrlib; IhThi1,lttlttt tasaccaataoatcctttatii ihtiilli§Itiltf'I tillitlztW oiut a Situg~l s pr' acltie outside aebtte, tcResolvcc, That theutause ftegmt caPfc i ok sne n mrve i ahneyi i, Iithe fitttttt Lamlie it hosrs adeantaou tte wrtuntactuiass ; auit Tledollaaan1hua'e' to be cahled affirtmative, J. .E. Ecgtttte. cid-I 1 2 ?Q o0 cal'. I itslte of this smaewahat tis- wards, aadhFred Rss; tnegatie, tp (INCORPORATED) curagitag outlok, howtaever, the re- W. 1B. Rhodda, A. Snoaw, atucW. G. (a sat 1may'he tat beftre the chose of McCutte; eading, C. M. Bustalt the seasonth iis sethutcka Say be more critics report, Mr. Eagatn. Ant eec t thuat adutue gaod, if the utfortattate tiata of officera folatws thus reguliatlAII1II LI9 teamtota the seiousntess of the sitaua- JEFSIttSONItAN SOCIETY. W ~ W ~ U ON MENS titnand mott ure thati all if it has thte .effersaniaat Society atill presentat ARE SHPE etfect of arousitg itt the stadett body the followitg program at its mteeting MAKING platter ettlittcti atiad a determiniaa- toih: Current topics, Al. Day;SH ELAT to t give the tems the attpaort ttuictMiss Avet; adeclamaton,SLAT desrvesewtn claintg actualttlyle- Rydalch; oration, L. Zitattertitati gitus. There cata be nto doabt that mtuasic; biography, Datdridge; ao- the situationtijutsttanws seriotus atd proanptut discatssioti; geteral debate, p it behooves all Ito ahhreciate this sea- "JulanT ha cct the CUited States The Newest All Kinds $ 3 fl5 0 onutess sach act stat rdittgly. soltd annex the Philippitne hl ands$ 3 rE Ol-od sa - on the satme general conditons that Fashions One Price "JU OdolasaCollege Color. aweaitexed the Hawnaiitansatds Oil gold is a populthar color ataontg affirtmaative, WaX. B. Rassel ad W'.C. Aiat-llattyAleg t i cinegerooG. ;nI. av . od adStock will be in our Ann Arbor Stor-about March st - withueyco eghenyItisColtabed lose g .M aive..cltdla Franaklitn College, Franklin,'Md., 110-I~ EAST HURON STREET. Trianity College, Hlartford, Coatt., Is Not a Candidate. anal the Utited States Military hIewsh to state that it wil Ie ian-~~iR Acadetti. The Uaniversity of Mis passble foarame to accept the atniaa- --- - satai, Parduae aniversity, V'aadea- toatot pesdeat of the Oratorical Best Chain Wheel. - $35. ilt Univesity, Des Moines College Asacaatimasa dtte 'Wednaesay at the aand thte Unaiversity of Wooster, at lteray caucus. I was anot prse tJE*. Bevel Geared Chainless, $60. 'Wooster, ., cattbiae the old goldotewswulhaedcidten wihblcKnxCllgKassI wsh to thank laly friends for the There i no better awhechlaade at any price. Ask Crescent rider 'Weoleyanan ad UntioaaChristan Cl favor bat or several reasoas cannotiftsisnto.MkyurelconownaCecn. lege, Mertai, uta., tdisplay old gtold possably hbe a candicdate. M, STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. beside purple, awhule the Uaniversity M. H. CARODYoa. 117 West 'Wasig~ton Street of Trexas tanfars old gotdat anb ite. ChttffiatUaniversity, Orangeburg, S. C.atd SimapsoanCtllege uphold ohy golad and rcd,awhile the Uaniaersity ATHENS THEATRE GRANGER'3 S H ~ F D N I G ouf Minnaesota calls it red tuarootn anal U $5.00 per 'rerun of 13 weeks. Wihitatette cals it cardinal. Gold Daly Stock Co pn PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. s also used to a considerable extentCmpn Private Lessons by Appohntment. Bell 'Phone 246. being displayed sigly by Belot Col EVERY EVENING ________________ _____ lege, and conabiatetdwithaothea colors Satiirdaay Matinee. gItidekoseeofet by anot less thtan fifteen other colleges Prcs a0 0,3 t. [Q Vt I'3 ~ii' ti the art le of f e let aaia tanverilie. tetics aots stat ta esaec eet.~ ~with footwear. Conae iaa anal Miss Berths Barney, '97, at pres- TONIGHT- see howc aellawe kaoaotr eat holtlhaga position as teacher of A Married Bachelor. iIu r Iiusiness. bsiness--hotw taelae lpac history inth Detroit sholts has tice it. benvisiting Ithis aeek at Itac Kappa AFacit1as1d.9iaWaahingtona St. Kapb Gaeaentse sscu Altsc-tr sti.' jPRPftLL StHO[STORE., AniArbr.