o o
VOL. IX, No. 136.
WXill ann15ounc that we have inow
received onur Spring and Summner
Woolens. 15 Or tock for the iIIcomI-
tug season is the largest wve have ever
show;), is exclive 1a(1 confinedi
liotti foreigiiand1doestoic o sl, 1and
isoposed of the best fahrics 1,1
every linear lt canlhe olbtainledt. We
carry the largest line of Woolen,5 in
rho city. We invcite you to cni Itand
instpect the same.
6. H. WILD CO.,
108 E. -Vnshingtoze St,
Aie have jusat received a
tile tine of High (Grade
Rtazors andt Knives, futly
warrantedt, and we sell themn
right too. Se onr windlo.
0Oin Ddad ONiglit.
)00110 1110restothe 110 olle soyearwe
wtilli serve 1iluches at oalihours, day o
sight. Foul11in1 of Pipesoi,('gars, and
Tac.R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
Ie Cameras
IWhen oe pot thooe
new cameras in the windowc
* witth a card that read like thio
* heading, we were not otfering
* bargains, hot one lady wanted
to boy oae for 99 cents. Two
men thought hetter and paid
us $19.20 eaeh. The new feat-
ores make thesecaameras very.
desirabte and the prices are
Calkins' Pharmacy
Your Namne
Enraedo Copper lat le, $1.5
withi10lststyifleirsofo 5
1(0 cards,.engraved fioiurosiwn 0p11lifefor
The Best Stocki,
The Latest Styles.
Ask to see our sew Statiosnery.
Up rown Down Town
State St. Opp. Court Hoseo
Plain St
Saris lHe Did Not Trq To Get a Ganme'Ycsterday thPe3junior(flatdsenior Museum Gets a Collection of In-
With Wisconsin. classes of ttie Lawi Departmieiit met struments Used to Discipline
John (G. Coultei a Chicagoalinl- and mimled t ttc caniiidiattes iof ttie Slaces.
fnes, was in thle city Wednesday core- (tetiirtiiieit for ftie offices ofithte Mrs. Lainra I.. flax elm, an olot
(errig with Prof. Pattengiti coil- Oaoia soito.Acmitersdn f(rn ~pd hspe
cerning the Athletic associatioin. ot the juior class waitedon (iitil eaitedollt'eUiversity Miiseoio with
According to Mr. Coultfer, who fri mi liisri tei titaii ilpterestieg coltectioiiofit 11410
a fair-minded anid earliest advocate accoirdling to custaitie juoters were inemis thatifwsre isd to discipliiie
of cleanl college sport, condulocted in1(1 have tie presideit, treasuorer and1i1 corrnsiPie lives hefore the civil
the iiiterest of athletics anid not eii- delegate to the Norttiern Oratorical wa11. [he collectioiicoiisists of soic
tirely for the gate receilpts, the senti- Letague, and the fresthiieii the vice- 1leairo101 hanidcuffIs aniileslars and1(
ascnt is the same at cacti college. lrsieit ecear n tesepiit5012stranige ilidtrililients thtere
Tim students desire to see athletic re. vice-piresidenit of tihe leaigue. Ttie 1used1to stitfein the kiiees of the
latioiis resiiiied, hot it is a delicate comlmittee 11100 inforiiedl thieiiitt. slaves. Ooc of the troii collairs-c
matter for the reasoni that the facultv the julniors had niiilited miiein for sefle-.ttose seenl by Iarriet
wronuldnot like 1o appear in the ligh't ti hreohcsctomcPtiio Beecher Stowed' 111is ctled Uncle
of going over the heads of the man-l foltows: 1. J. Jacksoni, (If Chicago, Tom's (Coilar." Atccoiilaii ing the
logers. A conlferen~ce (of riohers ofio peidn X. _.XXit,(i tcolle(tionl Icis a tiiioik wt ichl
the faculty lot ealcthcollege Nrotitd, 0(011, r fr eler, tli I M Hit- ieliiihtuis writteniini description cit
accordiing to Mr. Coulter's idea, re-gillley,'o- ilgut.tile variouis instrumenI'lts (If thlis ufature
suit in reconil~iationi, bhoie10thinks The freoshmen then noiniaiitedi fsr iltlwe1ri' isiedhurn ig slsveri-.
the first move musit necessarily he vc-rsdn, .Atnyio
ioiit hyMi~lil~l, 15it t-s tisEvanisville Ill. for secretaryM.
University thlat hronght ahout the G. Spaliding, of F'reeport, .., and ond lb okn ad
4 for secoiid vice-piresideint oif tile Thie Conmedluht is wosrking Parch
coimhination against Cicago. Northiern Oratorical League, X.Btoi puit tie finlisthiig touicihes oil"A
Stagg noew claimos that when he' en-LegW.B
terd ito leotltiois ilhl iscn-Haririson, of Iiiiay City. The u11 Nigtht Oif''' 'hey are hiavinig 'ego-
seeint tegoasitios isthnksivng derstanding is that the casndidates tar practice ev-cry evening in Alpha
day gt asenht lferIalerenystiingt nominated hy these tiwo classes are to Nil Hall taiii explect ho have a futll
darageade, oiuthe odmerr trith oesuipported hy all mlemblhers of the dressirehiealrsalat the Athens theater
th agrs lsvesuu i htLawr Depairtment. tomoilrriow. Seals trill he pli n11 sale
Baird wras too hasty in approaching Mr. W. B. Harrison, to iwsas to- atSe hseiiirorioiiigaV
Wicosi, s yt ra te nitoiall lay inominated hy the freshmnan lairs o'clock. 'ilhe manager has decided
theonin timetasMiheinthiaikl for secoind vice-presidlent of the toi reserve tile gallery seats as his
giv igdayladontmtianThavoiildleague, had hefore heen nomlinated heen the hpractice in foriiir years.
givig dy an onters tht wuldfor delegate without his knowledge. An especially fiue souveir program
he acceptable to Baird. As the delegate imust he a lair, 110he h eing prepar ed which it is said will
Lit Caucus This Afternoon. lits preferriing Mr. Harrison to aiiy oushinie any of thle prevliosses.
A caucus of thie Literary Dcpart- other lair, nomilnated hin for that S.LA.ilHaeMnlLft
.ineiittrill he held thils afteriiooii at positionm, hot without Isis having aiiy S.LA.WlHaeMng ei.
4:15 to select a iman to 1111 the vs. knowledge of the fact. Tlime Students Lectumre Associationi
cancy caused by the resignation of wilt have left honttse treasury at the
M. H. Carmody. Several candidates Minstrel Men. end of tis lectore season a little over
are0 in viewv for the place, Put it is A rehearsal of all minstrel men ini-$0.Thisis the first time i the
thought that a frateroity man trill eluding chorus on Saturday in roo history of the association n recent
he selected for the position. 24 at 4:30 p. ni. years that the hooks at the eiid of
______________- - the year have shown any halance.
Maud Pound, '96, who is leaching R. B. Dean, '98, who is no'w teach- The association has not yet decided
in Port Huron is in the city. hng;ii Pontiac is in the city. ,'chat it trill do with the halance.